#Symmetrybreftfast: from FoastPorn Instagram to a transaction

Everyone can enjoy a perfectly symmetrical picture and many of us are guilty of being obsessed with porn food. This Instagram account combines both. It's true - it's a symmetrical diet.

There are few things in life as satisfactory as symmetry or food. Everyone can enjoy a perfectly symmetrical picture and many of us are guilty of being obsessed with porn food. I mean, if you have never looked or posted pictures of food on Instagram, you are a bit of a monster of nature. However, what you want to see is so much better. This Instagram account combines both. It's true - it's a symmetrical diet. So, if you are in that, you'd better followSymmetry breakfast.

It all started with Michael Zee, a British man, making breakfast for his boyfriend. The couple moved together and since Michael is naturally an early upholster, he decided to prepare breakfast for him and his partner. First of all, he had just prepared breakfast and, from time to time, he would snap a photo, but one morning he aligned all symmetrical, took a picture and posted him to Instagram. He met a lot of tastes and comments from his friends, renting his work.
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Finally, Michael realized the potential of his symmetrical breakfast photos and stopped posting them on his personal Instagram. Instead, he created a separate account just for breakfast and called the IT symmetry breakfast. He would post pictures every morning and his follower account started growing up. Soon, he had thousands of disciples and he spends hundreds of books a week to buy ingredients for his breakfasts, making sure to cook something new and exciting every day. He woke up very early if he wanted to do something elaborate, have enough time to cook him and take a picture before 8 am.

You would think that Michael would earn money from this hobby, but it turns out that for the first 2 years, he did not have any soux of his fame Instagram. He continued to work as a leader of education in a museum and he continued to prepare breakfast for his boyfriend, out of love.
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Now, the symmetrical breakfast has more than half a million disciples and Michael has a book business that allowed him to leave his job and focus on his passion. He admits that this agreement of this book made things a little easier for him. It does not worry about using the same ingredient twice a week, it does not emphasize the awakening very early to have time to cook and post 8 hours. Nowadays, he just prepares things the evening before, or allows him to post closer pictures of noon. But he always publishes on Instagram every day, without failure, because he makes his breakfasts and his boyfriend every morning.

His cookbook #cookloveshare will be released on August 11, 2016. He will have 80 recipes. Some of them will be completely new, created specifically for the book, others are the ones you could have seen on the symmetry breakfast before. Michael says that the writing of a cookbook is excellent, but it took him a lot of time because he never used to measure the ingredients before, and now he must - for the book. He had to redo a little time and write everything every time. His book will be available in bookstores or you can order it onAmazon.

Who would have thought that you could make a career on the publication of food photos on Instagram, right? Well, there is a lesson to learn. If you really like to do something, keep doing it, and one day you could turn it into a career.
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