26 celebrities you did not know were scientologists
These actors, musicians and even new anchors got up behind the controversial religion.

Wrapped in the secret,The Church of Scientology, which was founded in 1953 by the American authorL. Ron Hubbard, is one of the most controversial religions in the world. Over the decades since its creation, the church fell on fire for its position onpsychiatryIts high costs, its alleged mistracts of members and, the most fundamentally, its legitimacy as a religionat all. But if there is one thing, the public knows it about it is that there is a lot of scientologists of celebrities.
We all know Scientologists of Francs Celebrities such asJohn Travolta andTom Cruise. But many other actors, singers and public figures belong to religion and some even attribute their success to this one. So continue to read for the famous Scientologists practicing that you have never known - as well as what they said about the mysterious religion in the past. And for more stars surprises, here is here15 nicknames of secret celebrities that their friends use.
1 Elisabeth Moss

Unlike the celebrities who chose the religion later in life,The tale of the hand of the hand StarElisabeth Mosswas raised as a Scientologist. Although she has kept her relationship with fairly private practice, she defended it on Instagram. A fanCOMPARED SCIENTOLOGY to the government controllingThe tale of the hand of the handAnd Moss responded with a long explanation contesting the idea.
"It's not right at all about Scientology," she wrote. "Freedom of religion and tolerance and understanding of truth and equal rights of each race, religion and creed are extremely important for me." Nevertheless, many criticized the actor of his continued participation in religion.
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2 Jenna Elfman

Recently known for his role of June inFear the dead-living (and before like Dharma inDharma and Greg),Jenna Elfman has been a Scientologist for almost three decades. In an interview of August 2018 withPeople,ELFMAN has opened its doors on its relationship with practice. She says that religion has had a positive effect on her marriage and the balance of her family life with Hollywood. "I use it every day of my life and it keeps me energized and perennial and happy," said the actor.
3 Laura prepon

Orange is the new black andThat "70s show StarLaura prepon Faced with reactions after defending his relationship with Scientology. In an interview with merger,Prepon stated that Scientology does not discriminate against members of the LGBTQIA + community after the fans wondered how she had the impression of playing the role of the prisoner Lesbian Alex Voss onOITNB. It has been alleged by several sources thatHomophobia rampant in Scientology.
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4 Danny Masterson

PreponderateThat "70s show CostarDanny Mastersonis also an active member of the Scientology Church, after being elevated. "It's just the study of the spirit and cut in two parts: the analytical spirit and the reactive spirit," he saysPaperIn 2005, "", one is the one we use and that the other is the one that uses us and that we do things and that we look like, why do I do that? "Or 'why I think this thing? Hubbard has found a way to get rid of the reactive spirit so that does not affect you and it does not take on your life."
In June 2020,Masterson was accused of three chefs of rape For the aggression that would have occurred in the early 00s, as deadlines. Through a statement by his lawyer, the actor maintained his innocence. It has not been tried yet.
5 Lisa Marie Presley

Although the girl and the musician of ElvisLisa Marie Presleywas once a devoteignologist - with his mother Priscilla - she talked about the reason she ends upleaving the church In 2012United States todaymaintenance.
"I had a bad advice. I was isolated without adhesion on reality," she said. "They took my soul, my money, my whole."
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6 Nancy cartwright

Known for his voice role like Bart Simpson,Nancy cartwright is aFarm believer in Scientology, as well as a major donor. According to ScientologyImpac Magazine, in 2007, Cartwright received the boss's laureate status for a total of $ 10 million in donations to the International Scienceologists Association.
7 Juliette Lewis

Juliette Lewis, Nominee Academy for his role inScared cloak,was raised as a scientologist by his father, actorGeoffrey Lewis. It spoke against pharmaceutical companies (including those distributing antidepressants and ADHD drugs) in the press, as well as Tom Cruise, claiming that they control traditional media. "The thing aboutScientology is that it is antidrogal In what you are looking for relationships or communication tools - simple ways on how to live better, "said Lewis at the daily beast.
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8 Giovanni Ribisi

Giovanni Ribisi Stars in the seriesSlyand also had recurring roles inMy name is EARL andFriends. He was scientologist all his life and hasdefended religion on theJim and Sam Show. He is also citedWhat is Scientology By saying, "Scientology gave me the certainty of myself. I have the ability to communicate comfortably with anyone in any situation and be sure of my own goals."
9 Hayes Isaac

LateHayes Isaacwas introduced to Scientology in 1993 and appeared on the coverage of ScientologyCelebrity Magazine twice. He demonstrated Chef Chief onPark But left the show after an episode that mocked reinsignused Scientology. We do not know if he chose to leave the show or if high ups in religionforced him to stop smoking.
10 Erika Christensen

Erika Christensen, to whom you can know aboutParenthood,Traffic,WhereTen days in the valley, was also raised as a Scientologist. In an episode of his podcastExpert armchair, Christensen talked to the brother on the screenDax Shephard In regards toHis relationship with Scientology. "I can justify things from all kinds of different ways, but essentially, like a scientologist," she said. "And I certainly can not talk for each Scientologist on anything because everyone has his own beliefs and comes from even other religions and all kinds of things."
11 Doug E. Fresh

The human beating box itself,Doug E. Fresh, has been linked to Scientology since the 1980s. His old girlfriend, radio personalityMademoiselle Jones, had worked with a celebrity scientistHayes Isaac-And that's how controversial religion also found the controversial religion.
In an interview withEssence magazine In 2009, the rapper "La di Di di" said he found the "fascinating" scientology of the appearance. "I learned to look at things and not judging them, but to respect them," he said. "Scientology is not written with lack of respect for God. It does not adore something that is bad. It's scientist, mathematics and spiritual. The black community must check and see what there is. I Do not say it's for everyone, but you have to take a look. You can be amazed at what you get. "
12 Sony Bono

In the 1970s, Pop Star-Tour-PoliticianSonny Bonobecame a devoted scientologist with his first wife,Dear. He had been a member for nearly two decades but tried to leave religion in 1991. In an interview with 1999 withGeorge magazine (via thePost of New York), his widow, his former American representativeMary Bono, noted, "Sonny tried to break At one point, and they made it very difficult for him. Extremely difficult. I was resentful of that. I did not like the fact that he said, "Hey, I'm done with that. I am not a Scientologist. ... and they said, "Hey, you can not do that." "Marie has also said that church leaders have tried to take the funeral of Sonny, although it ended up being a Catholic service.
13 Beck

Beck Hansen, known professionally by just his name, said in the past that he is both Jewish and Scientologist. But after his divorce of his second-generation scientologist colleagues (and Giovanni Sister Sister)Marissa Ribisi, Beck said in 2019 that he was not a member of the church and had never really been. "I think there is a misconception thatI am a Scientologist, "Said BeckThe Sydney Morning Herald, throughThe Hollywood journalist."I'm not a scientologist. I have no connection or affiliation with that."
14 Nichols de Marisol

Nichols de Marisol is now well known for its role as Hermione Lodge on the Smash-Hit CW seriesRiverdale. She is married to the cinematographTARON LEXTON, the son ofMary Shuttleworth, which founded the youth of Scientology Front Group for human rights. According toDaily herald, Marisol fought with a substance disorder at a young age andCredits the Church of Scientology To help him become clean.
15 Michael Peña

You saw the actorMichael Peña everywhereNarcosandThe ant ManToThe Martian,and more. In addition to being an actor on demand, he is also Scientologist, having joined in 2000. In an interview with 2016 withThe Guardianhe said that hisInvolvement with the church improved his work. "For me, it's not a religion like a belief; it's practical things you do," said Peña. He also confessed that he avoids reading a critical coverage "tabloid" of Scientology.
16 Greta Van Susteren

News AnchorGreta Van Susteren And her husband is two members of the Church of Scientology. By CBS News, she saidPeopleMagazine in 1995 that she is "A strong defender of their ethics. "
17 Alanna Masterson

Otherwise known as Tara onThe dead who walk,Alanna Mastersonwas raised as Scientologist (his half-sister of Danny Masterson). His father,Joe Reiche, left the church, that he said souls from the family. He asserted in aDaily mailinterview he wassaid "a suppressive person" By Scientology, and his children were "washed in the brain" to cut off their lives.
18 Kirstie Alley

OldCheersStarKirstie AlleyHas been a scientologist since 1979 and claims that she has helped her with a substance disorder. She talked about several times over the years of defense of religion, but was criticized for spreading a misinformation aboutpsychiatric drugs-A favorite topic of Scientology.
19 Catherine Bell

In addition toPOINT,Military women, andThe good witch movies,Catherine Bell Also played in a video promoting Scientology. The actor also regularlyAttends church events and has been on thecover of his magazine.
20 Eddie Deezen

You probably remember him as Eugene, the mandatory geek inFat,so it's logical thatEddie Deezen was introduced for the first time to Scientology by former CastMateJohn Travolta. "Now, I'm not going to tell you everything, it's something you should try from you and see if it works for you," he said in a year 2012Interview with vice. "I'm never the kind of placing my beliefs on someone else. Everyone has his own way to happiness."
21 Jason Dohring

Veronica MarsStarJason Dohringis a second generation scientologist, thanks to his multi-millionaire father,Doug Dohring. In an interview with 2008, Jason said: "False ideas that occur with people who have never read aBook on [Scientology]Or do not know what it's about. They simply take the false opinion of someone else from what it is. The young dohring, who also said that Scientology is the secret of its acting success, continues to be intimately involved inPromote religion.
22 Milton Katlas

Coach producer and actorMilton Katlas was known for introducing his students and his colleagues from the Church of Scientology. In a 2007 profile inThe New York Times,It is stated that some actors have left his classes "because of the tacit pressure they felt to join". Katlas, died in 2008, often credited with Scientology for its success.
23 Anne Archer

Anne archer, who was named for an Oscar for his role inFatal attraction, has become part of religion during his first marriage. "Scientology has been very significant In my life, "she saysThe Guardian In 2014. "It taught me a lot of good information. Many mental. It's a lot on responsibility and it's very intelligent things that helped me in my life ..."
24 Michelle Stafford

In 2019, SOAP opera actorMichelle Stafford gone to watch overGeneral hospitalappear againYoung people and agitated (A show she had left years before), and there are claims that Scientology is the reason. Although the official word be "renegotiation under contract", ShowBIZ411 reports the rumor thatScientologist Stafford was not happy with aGeneral hospitalStoryline on a fictitious worship that shared certain characteristics with its belief system.
25 Jeff Conaway

LateJeffContaminatedwas also brought to Scientology by Travolta, hisFatCostar. In a 2008Inside the editionInterview (by HuffPost), the actor said thatPractice religion helped it with the problems of using the substance. "John and I stayed friends but he could not look down the tubes," Conaway said. "He gave me a whole library of Scientology books and he gave me an auditor who comes almost every day."
26 Ethan sughee

My name is EARLandNippleactorEthan sughee is a scientist practitioner with his wife,Brandy Lewis, Juliette's sister. While Costar de SgleeJason Leewas part of this inner circle at some point he announced in 2016 that he hadleaving the church.

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