Moscow's artist creates adorable woolen velvet friends

Textile artist Nastasya Shuljak de Moscow creates feltis friends who seem to come directly from a magic wood forest.

The feline needle has gained a lot of traction in recent years - popular crafts involves a lot of fluffy stuff called feline wool, which is perforated with a needle in various forms. Many people make personalities from the animals of this wool because it is easy to create a fur appearance.

CornSTOWAWAY TOYSDo not make figurines - they are fantastic creations of pure joy. These small animals are made of cozy wool and we are obsessed with them. The creatures are in a time needed in the world when pandemic stress is at a height of all time.

Textile artist Nastasya Shuljak de Moscow creates feltis friends who seem to come directly from a magic wood forest. Textile artists have been cute creations to the needle-toe for a while, but Nastasya's sweet delightful community takes the cake.

Remember to smile miniature trees and rose root croups with leaves coming out of the root. The artist refers to them as "little pieces of joy" and we think it's a perfectly fit name for them. Some of the creatures are recognizable, while others seem to be hybrids or even figures of the artist's imagination.

With the feline of the needle, you can create your own fuzzy friends at home, but it will take a lot of practice before reaching the level of expertise that Shuljak has reached. Do not worry - Every story begins somewhere. Nastasya started when she had endowed with a woolen package by a friend.

Apart from that, she made a hare and a bear, before her creativity took the creations to new heights. After these creations are complete, she could not put wool and needle! Today, Nastasya welcomes workshops on how to create these amazing toys. It's all the motivation we need!

They make wonderful gifts that are much more unique (and cheaper) than all the toys felt that you could find in a toy shop or craft market. Whether you prefer the germs or one of the animals invented by the artist's brain, these make cute pieces of window art for adults and children.

The most endearing thing about all these animals is their small inquisitive smile and curious eyes. They want to get to know us and we want to get to know them. Nastasya says she does not claim his works to be works of art (although we are neigning) and it's not their goal. Their goal is to bring us happiness, that they do 100%.

She does not sell too many pieces, with more creatures presented on her IG than selling on the Etsy site. Send recent glances We like to include a felt donkey side by side with a deer, a "epicéon cone" and a sweet wolf and sitting.

Many of his creations are sold in seconds and with the slower messaging service than ever, we will stick to the search for our joy of the images of Nastasya, even if the holding of one of his small cuties of our hands we would make ecstatic.

Even the critics of his buyers' articles make a smile about our faces. Several users say they were "nicely facts" and "a work of art" with amazing craftsmanship. A buyer notes that he "adds a touch of fantasy a lot needed to my house".

Sometimes the artist will understand images of herself so that we can see the master behind the work. It seems that it prefers moments of silent and introspective reflection. Maybe she has just thought about new creatures to join her enchanted kingdom!

These wool animals are mainly made in neutral colors and can be combined to create a scene with each other, or stay alone. You could get them as a gift for your kids to play, but you will end up playing with them! This is another objective of the artist - she believes that her toys bring out the child's inner adults and we could all do with part of this childhood magic that we have lost years ago.

To create your own felt structures, you need a woolen package, a needle and a stabbing technique to create a solid shape out of plush. You can add wool seals and stab to merge them, may add a thread for more stability. Buy multiple colors of wool wool, needles, a handle and scissors - ideally, they will come to a kit.

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