This is what tiger scratches really mean
These beautiful models are more than decoration.

We all heard the phrase "a tiger can not change scratches", but what few people realize these majestic predators, so exactly they have so unique markings in the first place. So, what is the goal behind their models?
While distinctive schemes of tigers and generally bright orange and black fur can be very identifiable for humans, it is actually a very specific purpose, although unexpected in the animal world: camouflage.
In their native environments throughout the Asian continent, tigers scratches help them blend into their environment. Despite their luminous color, because the tigers tend to hunt at night, their stripes help break the silhouette of their body in the weak light, which made it more difficult to identify them while they are preparing to attack . In fact, research by theLinnean Society of London reveals that spatial frequencies in tiger models closely impending their surroundings - especially the tall grass in which they track their prey. Fortunately, while tigers can be well served by their habitat, their model and their nocturnal feed schedule, they are always very effective at sniffing a meal, thanks to their clear vision in the weak light - a line virtually all cats , No matter, size, tend to share.
However, while traditional orange and black tigers have an advantage when it comes to disguising, all big cats are not so lucky.
Bengal's white tigers, which represent about 1 out of 10,000 births of tiger in nature, are not as easily camouflaged because of their single fur - a characteristic generally acquired by the consanguinity. However, while the white tigers are born more frequently in captivity, relatively few survives - the conditions necessary for the ironing of a white tiger have also tend to result in deformations among small-tigers, which causes a juvenile mortality rate. particularly high. And while the white and black striped tigers are rare as you are, it's not the most unique big cats. This honor goes to Tiger if this appeal, an abnormal animal that there is only 200 in the world, the most recent was born in Qingdao, China in 2015.
And while the tiger fur can be its most distinctive physical attribute, it is hardly its only remarkable aesthetic characteristic. In fact, if you had to take a look under a tiger fur, you reveal the skin with the same pattern. This is true: the tigers are scratched up to their skin. And for more amazing information on the animal kingdom, see these50 amazing animal facts!
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