Der 8 beste Flughafen hackt jeden Expertenreisenden

Diese Tipps und Tricks können Ihnen dabei helfen, einen Flughafen wie ein Profi zu bringen.

When it comes to travel, few places give folks more anxiety than the airport. Wieso den? From flight delays to long security lines, there are a lot of hurdles to cross on the way to a destination. But airports don't have to be scary or anxiety-inducing. When it comes to air travel,there are some go-to hacks you can use to make the most of your time… because, yes, you've earned this vacation!

As a travel writer, I can personally attest to these tips. Airports used to give me so much anxiety. Now, I love heading to even the busiest of airports because I know everything is going to be okay. Here are the best airport hacks from experts that you should commit to memory for your next trip.

VERBUNDEN:Never Forget to Do This Before Boarding, Flight Attendant Says.

Sign up for TSA PreCheck

TSA PreCheck Banner at the Airport
David Tran Photo/Shutterstock

Every day, between one and two million travelers are using TSA PreCheck, according to TSA. That means roughly 10 to 20 percent of all PreCheck users are utilizing their status daily since the program hit10 million members back in 2020. Even if the waits are a little bit longer than they used to be, TSA still reports that wait times are one-third of those in regular security lines. When you don't have to take your shoes off, unpack electronics, or remove liquids from your bag, PreCheck changes the whole experience of getting through security.

Plusmany credit cards offer reimbursement for the application fee, so signing up doesn't have many downsides.

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Get through customs faster with Global Entry

Global Entry Card Inside A U.S. Passport
Arne Beruldsen/Shutterstock

In signing up for TSA PreCheck, you also have the option to register for Global Entry. Like PreCheck, many credit cards also reimburse the Global Entry fee as well. This handy feature allows you to bypass the often lengthy re-entry lines coming back to the United States. I can personally say I have never waited in a single line coming back to the States through customs since getting Global Entry—whereas my travel companions have waited upwards of 45 minutes to an hour at times.

Check security line wait times

Busy Security Line at Airport
Jim Lambert/Shutterstock

While several airports (like O'Hare) have their own security wait time estimates listed on their websites, TSA has its own system. Mit demMyTSA app, you can check wait times, what items are allowed through security, and even get help from agents. Knowing how long the security line might take will alleviate the stress of knowing how soon to arrive before your flight.

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Reserve parking ahead of time

Reserved Parking Space
Verity Snaps Photography/Shutterstock

As is the case with most aspects of travel, last-minute choices often mean higher price points. Although not specifically about airport parking, INRIX data found that Americans overpay for parking to the tune of $20 billion a year.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

Waiting until you get to the airport to reserve parking might also mean the lot you wanted to park in could be full. Save yourself the hassle and a few dollars by booking your parking spot before you're ready to fly.

Download airport maps—especially for layovers

Person Holding Phone Open to Airport Terminals

Running through the terminal to catch a short layover flight is stressful enough, let alone in an airport you may be unfamiliar with. Having an airport map downloaded for quick reference ensures that you'll know where you're going. Having the map saved to your phone can give you peace of mind (without worrying about having decent cellphone coverage).

Yes, technology in or around airports is still a tricky scenario. Case in point: AT&T announced in Jan. 2022 that their 5G rollout near airports was being delayed.

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Easy parking memory tricks

Full Airport Parking Lot

Not remembering where your car is is the worst part of parking in a big lot. And if you've been there, you're not alone: A 2020 study by the University of York suggests that there's no middle ground in site-specific memory. You either remember… or you don't.

Luckily, there are several ways to ensure you aren't pressing the car alarm button frantically, hoping to hear a familiar chirp. Taking a photo of where your car is, as well as its section information, can be a helpful trick. Another option is to drop a pin on the car's location using your phone's map feature. There are even phone apps dedicated to this purpose: Find My Car undGPS Vehicle Tracker are two good options.

Make your luggage stand out

Three Brightly Colored Suitcases

Ab Januar 2022 ist dasVerkehrsministerium Berichten, dass weniger als 1% der geprüften Taschen misshandelt wurden (d. H. Verloren, verzögert, beschädigt oder geplündert) in diesem Monat. Obwohl es nicht viel gibt, können Sie tun, wenn und wann eine FluggesellschaftVerliert dein GepäckWenn Sie einige Tricks halten, können Sie Zeit beim Gepäckkarussell sparen.

WannGepäck kaufen., Kaufen Sie Teile, die hell gefärbt oder strukturiert sind.Wenn Sie einen Koffer haben Versuchen Sie bereits, ein Farbband darauf zu binden oder eine spürbare Abdeckung darüber zu setzen. Wenn es ein Meer von schwarzen oder einfarbigem Koffer gibt, ist Ihr von der Masse leicht auszuwählen. Außerdem, wenn es nicht mit den anderen stimmt, wird Ihre Tasche weniger wahrscheinlich von jemandem von jemandem genommen, der denkt, dass es ihr ist.

Online einchecken

Phone Open to a Flight Check In Screen
Rido / Shutterstock

Online einchecken Für einen Flug ermöglicht es Ihnen, den Check-In-Desk zu umgehen und den Kopf direkt in die Sicherheit zu verabschieden. Das allein ist ein großer Zeitsparer für viele Passagiere, vor allem, wenn Sie während der Feiertage oder der Frühlingsferien in einer besonders anstrengenden Zeit reisen. In der Tat ist der offizielle Fluggesellschaft deutet darauf hin, dass die Passagiere sich an diese Art von Technologie und Biometrie gewöhnen, die die Zukunft der Flugreise ist.

Es gibt noch mehr Vorteile, um frühzeitig für einen Flug zu überprüfen. Viele Fluggesellschaften ermöglichen es Ihnen, Sitze für wenig oder keine zusätzliche Gebühr zu wechseln, die 24 Stunden vor der Abreise beginnen. Sie können auch sehen, wie voll Ihr Flug ist und sogar die Warteliste in vielen Fällen überprüft. Wenn Sie etwas Glück lang sind, werden Sie vielleicht sogar in eine bessere Kabine stoßen!

VERBUNDEN:Amerikaner schneidet Flüge von diesen 4 großen Städten, ab dem 1. Mai.

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