Dana kopi tidak hanya digunakan untuk memprediksi masa depan

Dari anti -selulit hingga pupuk, inilah cara menggunakannya yang terbaik

If the coffee funds are really useful to predict the future we cannot ensure it. What we can tell you, however, is that they are really useful and effective in many other circumstances: you can use them as an anti -cellulite remedy or as fertilizer for your plants or, again, as an energizing scrub for your skin. The uses you can do are really many (and very different!) And we explain them to you all below!

Flame the cakes

It might seem useless, because the cakes are already good in themselves, but if you are thinking of preparing an exquisite chocolate cake and you want to give it an even tastier touch, you can add a coffee bottom to its dough. So, with each bite, you will have a very pleasant aroma of coffee that will make it unique!

From the kitchen to the garden

Probably, reusing coffee funds as fertilizer for the plants of the garden and garden is one of the best known and most practiced solutions. You can take two roads: with the first you can mix the coffee funds in a container full of water with which to water the plants; With the second solution you can crumble part of the coffee grounds directly on the ground, a few centimeters from the stem of the plant, and then water with plenty of water.


Always staying in the garden area, you can use coffee funds as an effective and ecological remedy against snails. On the market there are many much more expensive and at all natural solutions that often kill snails, also bringing damage to the environment. Just as it happens for ash, sprinkling the perimeter of your vegetable garden or garden with the coffee funds you will have an excellent natural remedy against snails, which will prefer to keep away from your salad.

Against ants

The same goes for ants. If they have identified something interesting at home, you will probably find yourself with that small and dark procession of ant almost impossible to disperse. Also in this case, coffee funds are an excellent natural solution. It does not pollute, it is not harmful to the ants, but it will remove them from your home.

Neutralize the smells

More than a perfume, we can say that coffee funds are a truly effective remedy to eliminate bad smells in domestic environments. Take some coffee backgrounds and put it in a bowl, add a few fragrant drops of the natural extract that you find more pleasant (such as lavender or vanilla) and place it in the corner from the house where you perceive the smell to be neutralized. It is also incredible to remove that unbearable moist smell from the cellars. Seeing is believing.

Eliminate bad smells from the fridge

Sometimes it happens to forget something in the fridge or fresh a dish with a particularly strong smell that impregnates all the appliance and that makes itself felt every time we open it. Just crumble a couple of coffee funds in a bowl to be kept in the fridge. Change the coffee once a week and you will never hear more bad smells from your fridge.


Let's move on to personal care. Coffee funds are an excellent exfoliating. The ground coffee powder remained in the mocha, it can be used as an exfoliating that has almost miraculous. In a small container, put a coffee bottom and a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil and mix well. Use the mixture to make small circular massages on your face and leave everything on for a few minutes. Rinse the skin with plenty of warm water and repeat the operation once a week. You will eliminate all the dead skin and all kinds of impurities, bringing to light a truly regenerated skin.

Reflective for hair

Did you know that coffee funds can also be used as a reflective mask for the hair? Leave to melt some bottom in the hot water and then filter it. Use the liquid to make compresses and leave to act for a few minutes on the hair before rinsing them. You will see your revitalized hair and with many color reflections ... coffee.

Anti selulit

That caffeine helps to fight cellulite is known. If then to the coffee we add a beneficial herb like sage, the well -being doubles. The sage shreds and add the coffee grounds, a few tablespoons of coconut oil and apply it on the areas of your body most interested. Try first on a small area to test the sensitivity of your skin and then proceed with the beauty treatment. Apply the mixture with circular massages and leave to act for at least ten minutes before removing everything with plenty of warm water.

Wellness for the feet

Tidak ada produk di dunia yang meregenerasi kaki Anda seperti rekaman kopi. Setelah melunakkannya dengan air rasa air, biarkan diri Anda pijatan yang bagus dengan bubuk dana untuk merangsang sirkulasi mikro dan menghilangkan semua lapisan permukaan yang membuatnya kasar dan tidak sedap dipandang.

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