Melewati langkah ini di kamar mandi meningkatkan risiko demensia Anda

Termasuk kebiasaan sederhana dalam rutinitas harian Anda dapat membantu menurunkan risiko penurunan kognitif.

According to the World Health Organization, 55 million people worldwide live with a form of dementia, and each year there are almost 10 million new cases. Though there is no cure, we understand the disease more now, from how to pinpoint early signs to the myriad ways to potentially lower your risk. Kegiatanlike meditation, enjoying a daily cup of tea, and even something that you could be doing in the bathroom can help. Read on to find out what you should be sure to include in your daily routine to lower your risk of cognitive decline.

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Oral health affects our total wellness.

Zarina Lukash/iStock

"One thing is clear," says Greg Grillo, DDS, of Express Dentist. "Oral wellness affects us from head to toe and through all stages of life." Studies have shown that poor oral health is linked to chronic diseases sepertipenyakit jantung and diabetes, according to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP), and "in pregnant women, poor oral health has also been associated with premature births and low birth weight." Not to mention, the health of the mouth and throat: Poor oral health can lead to diseases such as gum disease and oral and pharyngeal cancers.

Making good oral health part of your routine includes brushing your teeth and making regular visits to the dentist (although the ODPHP reports that only about 44.5 percent of people over two years old have had a dental visit over the last year). Another key component of oral health, one that has been shown to decrease your risk of dementia if practiced regularly, is to routinely floss your teeth.

How can healthy oral habits affect our brain health?


When it comes to the ramifications of poor oral hygiene, it makes sense that failing to brush and floss could be one of the causes of bad breath, as well as cavities and gum disease. But neglecting your teeth can also affect the brain, and flossing is an important part of good oral health. "With an established link between gum disease and other systemic conditions like diabetes and stroke, it's not surprising that we continue to discover more complex interactions involving the mouth," says Grillo.

"The bacteria that cause gingivitis also may be connected to Alzheimer's disease," according to Harvard Health. Previously, it was known that gum disease (gingivitis) was also a risk factor for heart disease. But a study showed that the kind of bacteria that leads to gingivitis, Porphyromonas gingivalis, can actually travel from the mouth, where it originates as a result of plaque buildup, to the brain. "Once in the brain, the bacteria release enzymes called gingipains that can destroy nerve cells, which in turn can lead to memory loss and eventually Alzheimer's." Scientists found significant levels of gingipain in the brains of deceased Alzheimer's patients—as well as evidence that "the amount of gingipain tended to rise over time, which suggests there may be a tipping point when dementia symptoms first begin."ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

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Flossing is a vital part of good oral health.

Moyo Studio/iStock

"Anything we can do to help reduce the risk of cognitive decline deserves attention," says Grillo, who notes that "about one in six adults aged 65 or older have lost all of their teeth, and Alzheimer's cases continue to rise in the U.S."

Flossing removes plaque—importantly, plaque that can't be reached or reduced by brushing alone. Plaque is a film that forms in your mouth when oral bacteria combines with "starchy or sugary foods and drinks," according to Healthline. "These bacteria release acids that break down carbohydrates. If you don't brush your teeth, the bacteria, acids, and carbohydrates can mix together to form a film of plaque on and around your teeth and gumline." The bacteria in plaque can cause cavities, tooth decay, gum disease, and infection. And, as we now know, that bacteria can travel to the brain, with potentially debilitating effects.

"Penyikatanonly removes plaque from the front and back surfaces of your teeth," states Healthline, noting that flossing can remove plaque from both your teeth and beneath the gums. "These hard-to-reach spots are where the most destructive microbes live."

Make the most of your daily oral health routine.


Flossing gigi Anda tidak akan bermanfaat jika Anda tidak melakukannya dengan cara yang benar untuk memaksimalkan manfaatnya. Perlu diingat bahwa "memetik makanan dari gigimu" tidak sama dengan flossing dengan alat flossing yang sebenarnya. American Dental Association melaporkan bahwabarang-barang non-benang Orang Amerika menggunakan untuk menghilangkan makanan dari gigi mereka termasuk pin keselamatan, peralatan makan, dan metode kuku mereka sendiri yang pada akhirnya tidak efektif dan berpotensi berbahaya.

Menggunakan yang direkomendasikan18 inci benang, dengan lembut pergi di antara gigi untuk mengusir makanan dari sekitar gusi; Jangan jepret benang di antara gigi Anda, karena ini bisa menghasilkan nyeri mulut. Dan jangan lupa cenderung ke belakang mulut Anda, meskipun gigi dan gusi mungkin lebih sulit dijangkau.

Anda inginFloss First. dan sikat setelah; Setelah Anda membersihkan gigi dan menghapus dan memindahkan partikel makanan, Anda akan dapat menyelesaikan proses dengan menyingkirkan partikel yang tersisa. Ingat, ADA merekomendasikan flossing sekali sehari - setidaknya - sebagai bagian dari kebiasaan kesehatan mulut yang baik.

TERKAIT:Jika Anda berusia di atas 60 tahun, ini meningkatkan risiko demensia Anda sebesar 55 persen

Categories: Kesehatan
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