Lihat "Supermodel pertama di dunia" Janice Dickinson sekarang di 67

Ikon mode dan Reality TV Star telah menjalani kehidupan rollercoaster.

Notoriously brash supermodel Janice Dickinson rose to fame in the 1970s after being discovered by photographer Jacques Silberstein and his girlfriend at the time, actor Lorraine Bracco. Dickinson was, for a time, one of the busiest and most highly paid women inthe fashion industry.

Today, the star is more famous for her career in reality TV, owing mostly to her stint as a judge on the early seasons of America's Next Top Model. But even after leaving that show under a cloud of controversy in 2008, she has hardly vanished from the public eye. Keep reading to learn what Dickinson has been doing since her heyday as "the world's first supermodel."

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She lived the glamorous life of a supermodel.

Janice Dickinson in 1994
Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images

During the '70s and '80s, Dickinson was one of the most in-demand models in the business, appearing in ads and on countless magazine covers. That success was hard-earned, berdasarkanL'Officiel, because the aspiring star didn't fit in with the blond-haired, blue-eyed look popular at the time. However, after she was taken on as a client by famed agent Wilhelmina Cooper, she began working steadily, earning as much as $2,000 per day and working with the likes of Versace, Valentino, Oscar de la Renta, and Calvin Klein.

She later referred to herself "the world's first supermodel," though the veracity of that claim is disputed (with citations) in a lengthy section of her Wikipedia page.

She's struggled with addiction.

Janice Dickinson in 2018
Tibrina Hobson/Getty Images

Dickinson's glamorous public life hid struggles no camera lens ever captured. She partied hard and regularly used drugs, she told the Evening Standard in 2012, and lived a "hedonistic lifestyle," sleeping with, by her estimate, more than 1,000 people. While under the influence during a show, she once fell off a runway into the lap of actress Sophia Loren.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB.

Her addictions also included a plastic surgery habit. "Everything about me is fake, and I'm perfect," she said in a 2007 interview with Glenn Beck. "Fake breasts, fake teeth, fake nails, fake hair. I'm perfect. Restylane, Botox, you name it. I'm the first to sign up for it."

Dickinson was married and divorced three times between 1977 and 1996 and gave birth to two children. AnaknyaNathan (with her second husband, TV producer Simon Fields) was born in 1987, and her daughter Savannah in 1994. At the time of Savannah's conception, Dickinson was having an affair with actor Sylvester Stallone and named him as the father, though a paternity test eventually revealed he was not, as reported by Rakyat.

Eventually realizing her drug use was impacting her career, in July of 2000, Dickinson decided to get sober. She swore off drugs and alcohol and began penning her first memoir.No Lifeguard on Duty: The Accidental Life of the World's First Supermodel was published in 2002 and provides a no-holds-barred account of her tumultuous time in the modeling business and a harrowing account of the abuse she says she experienced growing up at the hands of her father. The memoir was well-received by critics, who praised her candor; a review in Publisher's Weekly noted she seemed willing to grapple with her past mistakes, making it "easy to relate to her positive message…[the book] should inspire readers searching for solutions to career and personal conflicts."

A second memoir, Mohon diperiksa! Dating, Mating, and Extricating, was published in 2006.

She was fired from America's Next Top Model.

Janice Dickinson in 2019

The positive reception to the book caught the attention of supermodel Tyra Banks, who was in the process of creating the reality series America's Next Top Model. Dickinson was brought on as one of the judges who would offer critiques to aspiring models hoping to break into the industry. The job put her back in the spotlight and introduced herself to a younger generation of viewers.

"When I was hired to do America's Next Top Model, Tyra hired me to be like a female Simon Cowell, to be feeding, in a negative fashion, things about the girls," Dickinson told Oprah's Dimana mereka sekarang?in 2015.

After four "cycles" of the show, however, Dickinson was fired from the series in 2008. She claimed at the time that she was being punished for being too honest with the contestants about the rejection they would face in the real world of modeling, which conflicted with the narrative the TV series was trying to sell.

Selama bertahun-tahun sesudahnya, Dickinson dan bank berada dalam sesuatu dari perselisihan publik, saling meningatkan satu sama lain di pers. Dickinson menuduh bank-bank pengobatan yang buruk dan dikritikTop Model sebagai "dicurangi," sebagaidilaporkan olehHiburan mingguan. Namun, mereka akhirnya memperbaiki pagar pada tahun 2014.

'Satu penyesalan yang saya miliki adalah Badmouthing Miss Tyra Banks ketika saya tidak berbicara dengan pola pikir yang bijaksana,'dia bilangAS mingguan tahun itu. "Aku sangat menyesal atas segala hal antagonis yang pernah kukatakan tentang dia di masa lalu. Itu hanya karena aku terluka dari dipecat dari pertunjukan."

Dia memeluk Stardom TV Reality.

Janice Dickinson in 2019
Kevin Musim Dingin / Getty Gambar

Selama dan setelah pergiTop Model, Dickinson Dove Headfirst menjadi reality TV, muncul pada satu seri demi satu dalam suksesi cepat.

Dia debutBadan Pemodelan Janice Dickinson, seri yang pergi ke belakang layar bisnisnya bekerja dengan model-model bercita-cita tinggi, pada oksigen pada tahun 2006. Dia adalah seorang pemilik rumahKehidupan surealis. Pada tahun yang sama, bimbingan mantanTop Model kontestan pada.Janice and Abbey. Pada 2007, muncul di edisi U.K. dan A.S. dariSaya seorang selebriti ... Keluarkan saya dari sini! Pada 2007 dan 2009, dan pergi keRehabilitasi Selebriti dengan Dr. Drew pada tahun 2010.

Pada 2014, dia munculBocot!, Serial di mana orang memiliki operasi plastik terbalik dan dikoreksi. Dia menandatangani untuk memperbaiki pembesaran payudara yang telah dia lakukan 30 tahun sebelumnya. (Dia kemudian mengklaim Bedah korektif ini juga dilakukan dengan benar.)

Pada 2015, dia munculTerapi Pasangan. danCelebrity Big Brother., dan pada tahun 2020, pada musim 24 dariBujangan.

Dia berurusan dengan masalah keuangan dan bersaksi menentang Bill Cosby.

Janice Dickinson in 2019
Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images

Di tengah penampilannya di TV, Dickinson mengalami masalah keuangan, mengajukan kebangkrutan pada 2013.MenurutLos Angeles kali, Dia memiliki $ 1 juta kepada kreditor termasuk IRS dan beberapa ahli bedah plastik. Dia juga menghadapi gugatan penggusuran karena gagal membayar sewa $ 5.900 sebulan untuk rumah Los Angeles-nya,berdasarkanPotongan itu.

"Aku punya masalah, jadi ya, itu benar,"Dia memberi tahu Radar pada 2013. "Aku kesal dan mengambil setiap langkah untuk membayar semua orang dan aku merasa tidak enak tentang hal itu."

Pada 2013, Dickinson, yang mengklaim dia diserang olehBill Cosby.Di tahun 80-an, menjadi salah satu dari banyak penuduh untuk berbicara di depan umum tentang pengalamannya. Dia juga bersaksi di persidangan Cosby (melibatkan penuduh lain) pada tahun 2018.

Dickinson memberi tahuHiburan malam ini Pada tahun 2014 ia mencoba memasukkan kejadian itu di memoarnya tahun 2002 tetapi ditekan agar tidak oleh pengacara Cosby. Dia nantimenggugat komedian itu untuk pencemaran nama baik dan menetap dengan perusahaan asuransi-nya. Dia berbicara tentang ituLiburan dari keyakinannya pada proses teknis dan rilis selanjutnya dari penjara di film dokumenter 2022,Cosby: berjalan bebas.

Sekarang, dia akan kembali ke kenyataan.

Janice Dickinson in 2020
Lilly Lawrence / Getty Images for Art 4 Peace

Pada usia 67, Dickinson saat ini dalam produksi pada seri realitas baru,Pengadilan Model dengan Janice Dickinson, dan masih mengeluarkan kritik dari generasi supermodels berikutnya.

Dia memanggil saudara-saudari terkenalGigi. danBella Hadid. "Model Instagram" (bukan supermodels) pada episode 2021 dariDi belakang tali siniar, seperti dilansir olehHalaman enam.. "Mereka memilikinya, mereka tidak benar-benar mendiversifikasi gerakan mereka," katanya. "Mereka hanya berdiri di sana. Dan dibayar jutaan dolar. Mereka bukan pejalan kaki yang ganas."

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Categories: Budaya
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