Apa yang terjadi pada tubuh Anda ketika Anda makan apel sehari?

Apel adalah buah-buahan yang sangat bergizi yang menawarkan banyak manfaat kesehatan.

Apples are incredibly nutritious fruits that offer multiple health benefits. Rich in fiber and antioxidants, they help reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease and diabetes. In addition, they can contribute to healthy weight loss, as well as improve the general state of the intestine and the health of the brain.

Nutritionists recommend eating them (one per day to keep the doctor away, as the whole proverb says, not peeled. An apple juice has indeed a smaller amount of nutrients compared to the entire fruit, just like the compote.

On the basis of exchanges with experts and specialists, we have drawn a list of the benefits of regular consumption of apples.

Good hydration of the body

A medium-sized apple is composed of about 86% water, which is an advantage because it usually decreases the caloric density of food. According to several scientific studies, a medium-sized apple contains only 95 calories, but a lot of water and fiber. This food promotes satiety, the reduction of caloric intake and weight loss.

High concentration of fiber

A medium-sized apple contains 4 g of fiber, which represents 16% of the daily fiber intake for women and 11% for men. Overall, it is a very high rate, especially if it takes into account its low calorie content. Therefore, apples are an excellent food for anyone who seeks to reach the recommended fiber intake. Maintaining such fiber intake not only maintains a healthy body weight, but also reduce the risk of obesity.

In addition, fibers are universally recognized for their ability to slow down the digestion of food and give a feeling of satiety, all with fewer calories. Fiber can also improve your digestive health and feed the good bacteria in your gut, which further promotes metabolic health and weight control.

Highly satisfied

The combination of water and fiber in apples makes them incredibly satisfied. The entire apples are much more nourishing than apple compote or apple juice, especially when they are consumed before the meal. In addition, it takes a lot more time to eat an apple than a food containing no fiber, knowing that the duration of meals also contributes to the feeling of satiety. For example, a juice could be consumed up to 11 times faster than an entire apple, hence the necessity felt to consume more. Taking the time to eat an apple can reduce the appetite, then resulting in weight loss.

Benefits of losing weight

As we have already mentioned, apples have significant benefits in terms of weight loss. The researchers indicated that the inclusion of apples in a healthy and balanced diet promotes weight loss. In studies of overweight women who follow a hypocaloric or slimming diet, apple consumption was associated with easy and consistent weight loss. In one of the studies, women had to eat apples regularly, pears or oat cookies, that is to say foods with fiber and similar calorie levels. After 12 weeks, the members of the fruit group lost 1.2 kg, while the oat cookies group had shown no significant weight loss. Another 4-year prolonged study, conducted with 124,086 adults, has shown that increased consumption of fiber and fruit rich in antioxidants, such as apples, was associated with weight loss. Those who ate apples had lost an average of 0.56 kg.

Not only do apples seem to promote weight loss in adults, but they can also improve the overall quality of food and reduce the risk of obesity in children. As a result, many food guides and nutritionists warmly recommend the apple as a healthy food to consume at least once a day, including children.

A healthier intestine

Fiber intake not only facilitates your digestion and prevents constipation, but also promotes a healthier microbiome (ie the good bacteria of your intestine). With 5 g on average by fruit, only one apple eliminates 20% of your daily goal of 25 g less.

Reduced risk of diabetes

Since diabetes is a blood glucose disorder and that fruits naturally contain a certain sugar concentration, it may seem odd to include them in the food list helping to prevent diabetes. However, high levels of fiber and antioxidants have a considerable effect on maintaining blood sugar at a normal level, which has a positive effect on reducing the risk of diabetes.

Reduces inflammation

Peradangan sistemik adalah faktor yang menyebabkan kerumunan penyakit kronis, seperti diabetes dan kanker. Dengan demikian, sangat penting untuk mengobati masalah ini sebanyak dan secepat mungkin. Makan apel setiap hari bisa sangat membantu karena kekayaan mereka di antioksidan yang disebut quercetin. Bukti ilmiah menunjukkan bahwa elemen ini mengurangi peradangan dalam tubuh. Selain itu, antioksidan lain seperti katekin dan vitamin C dapat bergabung dengan pertempuran untuk mengurangi kerusakan oksidatif pada sel Anda.

Bagaimana menurutmu ? Pernahkah Anda meyakinkan tentang makan apel sehari? Kami tidak sabar untuk membaca komentar Anda.

Categories: Gaya hidup
Tags: nutrisi / / kesehatan
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