Goldie Hawn Swears by This Grocery Store Product for Perfect Skin at 76

The secret to her skincare routine is easier than you'd think.

Legendary screen queen Goldie Hawn always looks gorgeous and glowing, whether she's spending time with her family or advocating for children with her nonprofit, The Goldie Hawn Foundation. Hawn, who first shot to fame in the 1960s with the NBC sketch comedy Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In, went on to star in classics like Jatuh ke Laut,Death Becomes Her,The First Wives Club, danThe Banger Sisters. And today, the iconic actor is also still modeling, sometimes even with her daughterKate Hudson. (Previously, they had even posed together for an Almay campaign, cementing their places as beauty influencers.) Despite her extremely busy schedule, she still manages to focus on herbeauty routine and has some secrets she swears by, including one product you probably already have in your pantry. Read on to discover what beauty secret Hawn swears by at 76 years old.

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This grocery store product is how Hawn keeps her natural glow.

goldie hawn at premiere

You might be thinking that Hawn uses an expensive moisturizer or gold-flaked eye cream to look forever young but her go-to is far more accessible: All you need to do is visit your local grocery store's salad dressing aisle.

"There are great creams out there. Creams with this and creams with that, but I ingest oil," she told PopSugar, "The skin is our biggest organ, and as you get older, you get drier." Instead of opting for expensive face creams, she swears by olive oil. "I ingest two tablespoons of olive oil before bed and massage my face."

MenurutWall Street Journal, she's also tried putting coconut oil directly on her face, which is a natural beauty secret she passed down to her daughter. So, there's no need to pay an expensive visit to Sephora because you more than likely already have a little olive oil in your cupboard.

Facial massages are the way to go.

Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell presenting Best Director at the 1989 Oscars

Perhaps you've heard about the newest trend of facial massages, courtesy of tools like face rollers. Hawn's technique is even simpler and doesn't require any accessories. Hawn told the Australian publication Rescu that after washing her face every night, "I massage it for about three minutes and then I put creams on my face and I go to sleep." In the morning, she wakes up and massages her face once again.

Consider adding a facial massage to your daily routine after washing your face, and if you're up to it you can even implement that trendy face roller to improve the "overall texture and color of skin," according to dermatolog Shilpi Khetarpal, MD. Use clean hands, and if you want a little more inspiration from Hawn, add a drop or two of coconut oil.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

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She's known for her signature scents.

goldie hawn and kate hudson

Hawn doesn't just love oil of the olive variety. She also uses hair oil, too, and searches for specific scents so she has a signature smell. And much like olive oil, her choices are easy to find at a health food store. "My choices of oils and colognes usually have very dark notes and high notes on top," Hawn told Daya tarik. "I love jasmine and orange blossom and amber."

"Scent evokes a sense of memory and belonging to the people that you love," she added. "The scents we wear are the scents our children will remember us by." Her daughter, Hudson, agreed: "When you have certain things you love and wear them and your children create a connection through scent, I think it's such an amazing thing."

If you have a signature scent, people will immediately think of you when they recognize it.

She keeps her blonde hair all-natural.

Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn in 1990
Sonia Moskowitz/IMAGES/Getty Images

Hawn is known for her golden locks, which she swears are all-natural. The comedic actor told Daya tarik, "I know it sounds strange, but I've never colored my hair. I just put a regular rinse on it because I don't have any chemicals on it." It's what gives her hair a more natural look and feel. And she's definitely onto something by opting for oil. If your natural hair happens to go gray, oils "target the inflammation, flakiness, and scalp sensitivity" that accompany it according to Andrew Rothaus, co-founder of clean haircare brand Mounia Haircare.

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