Si vous le voyez sur votre étiquette de supplément, arrêtez-le maintenant, FDA avertit

L'Agence avertit que les produits contiennent des ingrédients cachés potentiellement dangereux.

Thanks to their self-purported benefits, taking a daily supplement can feel like an easy way to help you stay on top of your health. But whether you're looking for an immune system boost or a way to keep your heart in good shape, there's a chance you may not be getting what you're paying for at best—or putting your health at risk at worst. Now, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is warning that customers should stop taking any supplement with specific words on their label. Read on to see which products could be putting you in harm's way.

EN RELATION:If You're Taking This Popular Supplement, It Could Be Causing Nightmares.

Supplements are not always guaranteed to be effective or safe.

Assorted dietary supplement pills in a person's palm

It can be easy to assume that the dietary supplement bottles you see on shelves and advertised online contain a trustworthy product based on the industry's sheer size alone. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 57.6 percent of adults aged 20 and over reported taking one within the past 30 days in 2017-2018. But despite their wide use, research has shown that the quality of the allegedly beneficial pills can be wildly inconsistent: One study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine in 2017 found that out of 31 melatonin supplements tested, 71 percent of them differed from their advertised amounts, ranging from 478 percent more to 83 percent less than their label claims.

This may be because the process by which dietary supplements eventually end up on the market is also quite different from the path that prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines have to take. Unlike approved drugs, the FDA only tests supplements for safety after they're released and is "not authorized to review dietary supplement products for safety and effectiveness before they are marketed."

Fortunately, there are some simple ways to tell when a specific supplement has been verified, including a seal of approval from the United States Pharmacopeial Convention posted on a product's label. The small green and yellow "USP Verified" seal indicates that the item has been independently vetted and determined to be free of harmful levels of contaminants or ingredients and "has been made according to FDA current Good Manufacturing Practices using sanitary and well-controlled procedures."

The FDA is warning to stop taking supplements from one company that uses these two words on their label.

mature asian woman taking supplements
Dean Drobot / Shutterstock

Now, it appears there are still some products on the market that could potentially create health risks. On April 20, the FDA released a warning that any dietary supplements using variations of the words "Artri" or "Ortiga" in their names printed on labels should not be purchased or used.

The products, which are marketed to treat arthritis, muscle pain, osteoporosis, bone cancer, and other conditions, are sold on websites including Amazon and certain retail stores in the U.S.

EN RELATION:For more up-to-date information, sign up for our daily newsletter.

The supplements could contain dangerous unlisted ingredients that pose a serious health risk.


According to the warning, lab testing conducted by the FDA has found the supplements contain active drug ingredients not listed on their labels. The list includes dexamethasone, a corticosteroid that can cause changes in blood pressure, psychiatric problems, and damage to bones, especially when long-term use is suddenly stopped; methocarbamol, a muscle relaxant that can cause low blood pressure, dizziness, and sedation; and diclofenac sodium, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that the agency warns can "cause increased risk of cardiovascular events, such as heart attack and stroke, as well as serious gastrointestinal damage, including bleeding, ulceration, and fatal perforation of the stomach and intestines."ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

Besides the risks presented by the undeclared drugs themselves, they also pose a serious risk of interaction with other medications or OTC drugs that could have significant health consequences. The agency specifies the list of products that were found to contain the unlisted ingredients during testing so far includes Artri Ajo King, Artri King, Ortiga Mas Ajo Rey, and Ortiga Mas Ajo Rey Extra Forte. However, this likely means that other items produced by the company could also be contaminated.

"Les produits commercialisés comme des compléments alimentaires présentant des ingrédients de drogue cachés ne se conforment généralement pas à la plupart des bonnes pratiques de fabrication actuelles conçues pour assurer la qualité et la sécurité des produits", la FDA met en garde. "Par conséquent, les consommateurs devraient s'attendre à ce que les processus de fabrication des produits Artri et Ortiga ne soient pas fiables pour fournir des quantités cohérentes d'ingrédients actifs ou empêcher l'introduction de produits chimiques inconnus ou d'autres impuretés."

Voici ce que vous devriez faire si vous avez acheté ou avez pris les suppléments.

A senior woman speaking with a doctor about what she's forgetting due to dementia or Alzheimer's disease

Malheureusement, la FDA dit qu'il a reçu des rapports d'effets néfastes sur la santé potentiellement liés à l'utilisation des suppléments - y compris la toxicité du foie et la mort, car elled'abord publié un avertissement A propos d'un produit de la Société le 5 janvier 2022. L'agence a déclaré que son enquête sur la distribution du produit est en cours, affirmant que cela a prévenu certaines entreprises contre la vente des suppléments et qu'elle "peut prendre des mesures d'exécution supplémentaires pouvant inclure des lettres d'avertissement. , saisie, injonction ou accusations criminelles "contre le producteur.

L'Agence conseille que toute personne susceptible d'avoir des effets néfastes sur la santé résultant de la prise de suppléments devrait le signaler immédiatement à leur fournisseur de soins de santé ou à leur médecin. Ils devraient également le signaler aux informations sur les informations de sécurité MedWatch et à l'événement indésirable de la FDA en complétant etSoumettre un formulaire en ligne. Les formulaires de rapport peuvent également être téléchargés, complétés à la main et soumis par fax au 1-800-FDA-0178.

EN RELATION:Prendre trop de ce supplément fait monter votre risque de cancer, l'étude dit.

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