Rambut rontok setelah pulih dari covid? Ini cara meghahnya!

560 Dari 1.700 Tumugon Mengalami Rambut Rontok Pasca Pulih Dari Covid-19. Mengapa Kondisi Itu Terjadi? Paano maiiwasan?

Based on a survey conducted Survivor Corps, the group consisting of Covid-19 survivors, around 560 of 1,700 respondents experienced hair lossPost. Recover from Covid-19. The phenomenon occurs for several months and can last up to a full year.

Through Tiktok's social media, one of the Covid-19 survivors, Rebecca also recounts how much conditions are when exposed to the Covid-19 virus omicron variant. He also claimed to have to continue to struggle to deal with hair loss even though he had recovered from Covid-19.

Ano ang dahilanHair lossAfterMabawi mula saCovid19?

According to the International Medical Institute of the American Academy of Dermatology Association, hair loss experienced by Covid-19 survivors occurred because of the number of hair grower gland bags (Follicle) which decreases significantly due to the break or phaseLockdown done by the body.

Dermatologist at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, United States, Dr. Susan Massick also gave a statement similar to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, "When there is an attack on the immune system, the body will do lockdown. The body is only focused on carrying out important functions. The regeneration process (growth) of the hair does not enter priority, so the hair falls out. "

However, Dermatologist from Manhattan Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery, United States, Dendy Engelman said that until now there has been no evidence if Covid-19 infection causes hair loss. But he also agreed with Dr. Susan that the cause of hair loss is actually physical and emotional stress. Then how do you prevent hair lossPost. Covid19? Check the first list below!

1.MengSet the sleep schedule

How to prevent and recovery hair lossPost.Recovering Covid-19 is the easiest thing to set a sleep schedule. This can help the body in producing melatonin relating to health and hair growth, including the condition of hair loss and thin. Then, how do you set a good and correct sleep schedule?

Actually the sleep schedule can be arranged according to the activities you do everyday, but according to Dr. Meva Nareza in general adults aged 26-64 years requires a duration of sleep between 7 to 9 hours. So if your sleep time starts at 9pm, you can wake up between 4 to 6 in the morning.

2. Protein and vitamin consumption

After recovering from Covid-19, then you must consume protein and vitamins to prevent side effects such as hair loss. Protein is one of the important nutritional intake to help the recovery process. Foods containing high protein are chickens, eggs, beef, fish, grains, and nuts.

In addition, the body also requires intake of vitamins and minerals so that organs in the body and metabolism can work optimally. The types of vitamins and minerals needed by the body include vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin D, vitamin E, iron, selenium, calcium, and magnesium. You can get vitamins and minerals through various foods, such as fruit and vegetables.

While specifically for vitamin D, it will be produced naturally by the body when exposed to the sun. So you can sunbathe for 10-15 minutes around 7 to 10 in the morning. Don't forget to use sunscreen so the skin doesn't burn it!

3. Don't miss breakfast

After completing nutrients with protein intake, vitamins, and minerals, then the next step is to skip breakfast. With breakfast, the nutrients that the body get into more and comprehensive than not breakfast. Lalo naPost. Recover from Covid-19, the body requires more protein and vitamin intake, so that the body's metabolic system and immunity back to normal.

In addition, breakfast can also protect the body from various diseases such as diabetes and heart. This is due to bad cholesterol levels (LDL) in people who do not have breakfast tend to be higher than those who have had breakfast. Then, what menu is right for breakfast? Healthy breakfast menu should include whole grains, proteins (from chicken, fish, or eggs), low-fat milk, and fruit and vegetables.

4. Avoid stress

Pada penjelasan kami di atas, Dr. Susan Massick dan Dendy Engelman menyatakan bahwa stres menjadi penyebab utama rambut rontok. Dokter kulit asal Amerika Serikat, Dr. Alexis Young juga mengatakan hal yang serupa, bahwa rambut rontok terjadi karena stres. Kondisi ini mirip seperti pasien yang telah melakukan operasi besar. Sehingga pasien harus dapat mengelola stres untuk mencegah rambut rontok. Lalu bagaimana cara mengelola stres yang tepat?

Cara Ampuh Untuk Menghindari Dan Mengelola Stres Adalah Dengan Melakukan Kegiatan Yang Kita Sukai, Baik Itu Bermain Musik, Menonton Film, Atau Bahkan Wisata Ke Luar Kota. Olahraga juga menjadi cara yang ampuh untuk meredakan stres karena akan mendorong pelepasan hormon endorfin. Selain itu, menhabiskan waktu bersama keluarga juga menjadi cara terblaik melepas stres.

5.Tapikinaga kohatan kulit rambut.

Selanjutnya, ata wajib merawat rambut untuk mencegah kerontokan pasca pulih dari covid-19. Lalu bagaimana cara merawat rambut yang benar? Kuncinya Adalah Dengan Menjaga Kulit Kepala Anda Agar Tetap Sehat.

R. Sanusi Umar, Direktur Medis Dan Dokter Kulit di Dr. U Hair & Skin Clinic, Indikasi Kulit Kepala Sehat Adalah Tidak Berwarna Merah, Bebas Dari Jerawat, Dan Rasa Gatal. Bagaimana cara menjagianya?

Tidak susah kok, yaitu dengan menggunakan sampo yang lembut dan bernutrisi lengkap, menggunakan masker rambut, serta melakukan beberaces perawatan setelah keramas, septi tidak menyisir atu menggosok rambut yang masih basah, serta terlalu sering memakaiHair dryer..

6. Berhenti Merokok.

Menurut Dokter Kulit Di Wexner Medical Center, Ohio State University AS, Dr. Susan Massick, Cara Ampuh Mengatasi Dan Mensgah Rambut Rontok Setelah Sembuh Covid-19 Adalah Dengan Berhenti Merokok. Ini dikarenakan zat kimia dalam rokok dapat menhambat asupan nutrisiada kulit kepala. Ini membuat rambut menjadi rusak, kering, kusam, dan rapuh.

Selain itu, merokok juga mendatangkan berbagai penyakit serius lainnya septi penyakit jantung, paru-paru, kesuburan, hingga stroke. Bahkan menurut Dr. Kevin Adrian, lebih Dari 230.000 orang meninggal akibat merokok setiap tahunnya. Mengerikan ya?

Itulah penjelasan mengapa rambut rontok setelah pulih dari covid dan cara mencegahnya. Jika Rambut Masih Saja Rontok, Segera Konsultasikan Ke Dokter Ya! Jika Anda Memiliki Mga Tip Upang Mensgah Rambut Rontoklainnya, Jangan Ragu Berbagi Dengan Kami Di Kolom Komentar Ya.

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