Este riesgo para la salud del cerebro de los teléfonos celulares puede haber sido probado en un nuevo estudio.

Los datos muestran que la comunicación mejorada podría ser perjudicial para su salud.

Celulares have become a daily necessity for most of us, from a luxury item to something we can't live without. Whether you use your phone to stay in touch with loved ones, to stay connected on social media, or for your job, these devices have become an integral part of life. That's why you may be reluctant to learn about a recent study that just linked cell phones to a scary and all-too-common cognitive disorder. Read on to find out how your iPhone or Android could be putting your brain health at risk.

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This isn't the first time the danger of cell phones has been questioned.

Man talking on cell phone

Considering the rapid changes in communication over the past several decades—particularly through the introduction of wireless cell phones—ample research has been aimed at understanding whether these devices could be harmful to our health, particularly when it comes to brain cancer. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), both cell phones and cordless phones emit radiofrequency radiation (RF), but experts are unsure whether this will cause health problems years down the line. For the time being, RG has been classified as a "possible human carcinogen" by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

Now, a study has investigated cell phone use and another prevalent brain condition, suggesting these devices could potentially do more harm than good.

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A new study linked cell phones to a neurodegenerative disease.

A senior man holding his ear suffering from hearing impairment or loss

Those of us who are tied to our phones may not be happy to learn about this new data, which suggests that cell phone use could be tied to the development of Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia. As reported by NeoScope, the February study was published in Current Alzheimer Risk, asserting that Comunicación inalámbrica, in general, might be a point of concern.

This is tied back to calcium buildup in the brain.

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Scientists and researchers have long suspected that calcium buildup can lead to changes in the brain, according to a press release outlining the study. And when it comes to Alzheimer's disease, researchers are concerned that "excessive intracellular calcium" is a root cause of the condition.

The recent study suggests that pulsed electronically generated electromagnetic fields (EMFs), which are used for wireless communication, could be leading to this calcium buildup. EMFs emit electric and magnetic forces that activate something called voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in our bodies, negatively affecting the brain by causing this quick buildup.

According to the study's author, Martin L. Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus of biochemistry and basic medical science at Washington State University, these changes to intracellular calcium levels by EMFs have been observed in animal models.

"EMFs act via peak electric and time-varying magnetic forces at a nanosecond time scale," Pall said in the press release. "Such peaks are vastly increased with each increase in pulse modulation produced by smarter cell phones, smart meters, smart cities, and radar in self-driving vehicles. Any of these may produce the ultimate nightmare—extremely early-onset Alzheimer's disease."

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Pall pointed to other studies he says support his findings.

The girl uses a new cell phone with a triple camera.

According to the press release outlining Pall's research, previous studies have linked increased VGCC activity with increased incidents of Alzheimer's disease, and 12 additional studies have shown those with occupational EMF exposures also have a higher incidence of Alzheimer's. While the condition normally has a latency period—the time between developing the disease and showing symptoms—of 25 years, EMFs have been found to shorten this.

Pall also noted that over the past 20 years, the age of onset for Alzheimer's has decreased, which he believe coincides with increases in wireless communication EMF exposures. He expressed particular concern about "digital dementia," which he says could affect young people exposed to cell phone or Wi-Fi radiation for extended periods each day. To support this, Pall pointed to studies from 2008, 2013, and 2016 that found "massive neurodegeneration" when exposing young rats to EMF pulses.

Additional research is needed to confirm this health risk of cell phones.

man on cell phone with telecommunication tower in the background
foto500 / Shutterstock

Antes de jurar su teléfono inteligente para siempre, tenga en cuenta que se requiere más investigación para comprender completamente cómo la comunicación inalámbrica afecta a nuestros cerebros. Ni los CDC ni la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos de los Estados Unidos (FDA) recomiendan actualmentedescontinuar el uso del teléfono celular.

Pall ha pedido investigaciones adicionales, investigando específicamente las resonancias magnéticas de jóvenes que exhiben signos de demencia digital, evaluaciones de la exposición al EMF para personas con Alzheimer de inicio temprano (entre las edades de 30 y 40) e investigación sobre signos de Alzheimer para aquellos que han vivido cerca de antenas de células pequeñas durante más de un año.

"Los resultados de cada uno de estos estudios deben compartirse con el público en general para que todos puedan tomar las medidas necesarias para reducir la incidencia de la enfermedad de Alzheimer de inicio temprano", dijo Pall en el comunicado de prensa.

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