Tag: age

10 things that a woman should do up to 50 years

Time runs unnoticed. You will not have time to look back, as you already knock on 50. These things need to be done to do before the anniversary, then life will not seem to be past.

10 things that a woman should do up to 50 years
80s Summer Spouses with Taiwan became the most fashionable pair of instagram

Fashionable pensioners with Taiwan conquered instagram, posing in things forgotten in their laundry customers. About an unusual married couple already wrote Vogue Taiwan, CNN and New York Times.

80s Summer Spouses with Taiwan became the most fashionable pair of instagram
In 50 life just begins: 7 cool Fashion bloggers aged

Most recently, the word "grandmother" was associated with us exclusively with knitting, pies and queue in Sovbes. We found seven wonderful women aged 60, which with a crash refute this stereotype. Meet: the coolest and stylish insta-grandmothers!

In 50 life just begins: 7 cool Fashion bloggers aged