10 things that a woman should do up to 50 years
Time runs unnoticed. You will not have time to look back, as you already knock on 50. These things need to be done to do before the anniversary, then life will not seem to be past.

Time runs unnoticed. You will not have time to look back, as you already knock on 50. These things need to be done to do before the anniversary, then life will not seem to be past.
Sorry to yourself mistakes
Each of us makes mistakes. Many people teach them and constantly rolling themselves. Others, on the contrary, ignore them, pretending that nothing happened. The wise option is, of course, accept and forgive yourself a mistake. Such a strategy will help you in the future to avoid many troubles. After all, learning on their mistakes is normal.
Travel alone
Traveling in the company of friends and family is good! However, try to expand your experience. Try to go on vacation your dream alone. Just imagine you do, all you want and when you want. For some time you absolutely do not depend on other people's desires.

Learn to apologize
Call with your pride with age heavier. But learn how to restrain your emotions. If you hurt someone, tell him at the right moment the necessary words. Supreme pilotat - bring our apologies to those who have been offended by a long time.
Examine a new language
Of course, it is better for children. But everything is not so hopeless, as it seems. Such a hobby will enrich you with new knowledge. And also beneficially will reflect on the work of your brain and the quality of cognitive abilities. Of course, knowledge of another language will help you make new friends.

Learn to give
Learn to share with the environment with your emotions, feelings and material wealth - it is beautiful. Perhaps this lies the meaning of our life. It is not necessary to sacrifice large sums into charitable funds. You can help your loved ones or join volunteer groups.
Go to healthy food
Invest in your health, not too late. Refuse harmful fast food and snacks. It is important to realize that your state of health is much more important than making money. What is the meaning of the years to save wealth, if in the future you simply will not be able to use them?

Love sports
Sport must be present in your life - and the point! Forget about all sorts of ridiculous excuses that you are not created for him or something else in this way. Just decide that you bring the greatest satisfaction. It is not necessary to reduce yourself with workouts in the gym. Maybe you like yoga classes? Or long walking hiking?

Learn to be happy alone
Feel to self-sufficient and feel happy alone - for many difficult tasks. It is important to distance themselves from public pressure and stereotypes. Realize that you can love yourself and be happy. This knowledge gives women incredible internal freedom.
Learn to say "no"
This will in no case mean that you are selfish and ungrateful. Manage your life yourself and do not be a slave anyone's desires and circumstances.

Write a letter to yourself
Write yourself a letter with a detailed description of what would you like to achieve in 10 years? Share your most intimate desires and do not open a letter for 10 years. Such a simple trick will make you determine the goals and priorities in life.

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