Tag: models

≡ Linda Evangelistas ex-husband Gérald Marie is said to have misused》 Her Beauty
The life of the models that run on the catwalk or stand for the advertising of famous companies in front of the camera looks so perfect from the outside. But is that also the reality?

≡ "I almost died and I lost my two legs because of a stamp, but I survived like a successful model"》 its beauty
After the painful experience, Lauren Wasser gave herself her mission to warn young girls and women as possible and side effects of the use of stamps.

Dress to impress: two friends show that the style shines on each body
These ladies consist in promoting bodily positivity and allowing women to love their bodies, whatever the shape or size they are. And let's be honest, they make things easy and so fashionable!

Only older models over 50 years and have come to this track UFW and it was glorious
Fashion is not just for young people. Everyone deserves to have look stylish and fashionable. People of all ages should be able to find something to their liking in the world of fashion and the runway show should represent both in manufactured garments and models that show. This should include all ages and all styles.

7 facts on Ines Joseph, a renowned ballerina and superior model
Who is she and what should you know?

20 facts about La'Tecia Thomas you probably did not know
Here are all the facts you need to know about this Australian beauty.

11 transgender models that change the industry
The fashion industry is nowhere where it must be with regard to equality and representation, but these models are proof that one day we can hope to get there.

11 positive models of the body to follow
When many people think about the word "model", they think of Skinny Zeros waist, but in 2021, this definition has increased expanded beyond this stereotype.