Tag: Covid19
Rihanna gives $ 5 million to fight Covid 19
In the global pandemic, even celebrities are worried and doing their best to help the only way they can - giving their time or money.
Reasons why coronavirus is not a joke, even if you are young
Recently, the information came to light that young people are also at risk if they contract the disease - this epidemic is not a joke, and here are the main reasons why.
9 tips on how to work from someone who does it every day
As Covid-19 slowly starts to affect all, many people around the world find themselves going from office life to work at home. While doing conferences on your tracksuit can be fun, it's easy to procrastinate when you're at home - especially when we are all anxious and insisted on the state of the world around us. In addition, it can be difficult to define professional life and the limits of personal life to achieve this perfect balance. Here are some tips from the pros who do it every day for a moment.
Quarantine on YouTube. Selection of channels for the pause to be productive
In order for the #YOMEQUEDEENSASASA, we do not become a nightmare, we recommend entertaining as much as possible. Less television and more YouTube - So you can keep rhythm, play sports, learn new things, make plans, make new dishes. If the good thing about the enclosure is that there is more free time!