Tag: China

Like dolls, this is the 8 most beautiful modern Chinese artist!

These are 8 modern Chinese artists who are very beautiful like dolls! Anyone anyone?

Like dolls, this is the 8 most beautiful modern Chinese artist!
Top 10 Countries with Most Unique Wedding Traditions, There Prohibited Smile!

Have you ever imagined stepping on humans while holding a wedding? Or shouldn't smile at all?

Top 10 Countries with Most Unique Wedding Traditions, There Prohibited Smile!
Divorce rates in China soared because of quarantine

Quarantine could be a rather new development in Europe and the US, but China has been struggling with this since last year and the people there have been trapped at home for a while. Many think this will produce a blast of birth rates for the country, because if you can't leave home, you might be busy, or spend free time to make a number of babies. But the reality seems far from optimistic words.

Divorce rates in China soared because of quarantine
The number of divorces in China goes up due to quarantine

It will be that quarantine is a quite recent question both in Europe and in the United States but in China, who has to do so since last year, people have been stuck at home for quite a while. Many thought that a baby-boom would have occurred for the country since, not being able to leave the house, you could get to do using your free time to make children. But reality seems to be much less optimistic.

The number of divorces in China goes up due to quarantine