Top 10 Countries with Most Unique Wedding Traditions, There Prohibited Smile!

Have you ever imagined stepping on humans while holding a wedding? Or shouldn't smile at all?

Have you ever imagined stepping on humans while holding a wedding? Or shouldn't smile at all? Maybe you were shocked to hear our question, because it was very unique and unusual. But those things become one of the traditions in some countries, you know! Well, this time we will distribute 10 countries with the most unique wedding traditions. Anyone? Then just check the first list below.

1. Bowl toilet in France

Who would have thought the French city that was famous for delicious food and the Eiffel Tower apparently had a unique and unusual wedding tradition! What is the tradition? During the wedding procession, there is one toilet-shaped bowl that will be filled with leftovers, alcohol, and whatever the guests want. Duh, just imagining it is rather nauseous huh. The mixed food in the toilet bowl will be eaten by the bridal couple to strongly face the first night.

2. Groom's legs are beaten in South Korea

If France has a tradition of toilet bowls, then in South Korea has a tradition of hitting groom's feet! Wow, how come it's more like torture? Eits, calm down first, this tradition is not done seriously. Usually the bride's legs are beaten using dry fish, so it's not so sick. Again, this tradition is intended so that the brides, especially the groom, strongly face the first night.

3. Smile banned in Congo

Usually marriages aim for the happiness of both brides falling in love. But it seems different in Congo. The problem is, the local population of Congo conducts marriage to 'trade'. Yes, you are not wrong. Marriage in Congo aims to get daily necessities, with the condition of exchanging it with one bride. So the term barter is like that. Well, in the process of marriage there is a tradition forbidden a smile. If there is one guest or a smile family, then they don't take the wedding seriously. Wow, the tradition is really unique.

4. Flush water comber in Scotland

Is it disgusted with toilet bowl food in France? Means you must know the fourth list from Viking, Scotland. Well, there is a unique tradition where the bridal couple, usually the bride and groom, is watered by a type of Comber, which is a mixture of all the remaining items in the kitchen such as sauce, fish, meat, flour, oil, and others. Because it looks like a water comerry, we just call water combine traditions. After being watered, usually the bride and groom did not immediately take a shower, but instead played overnight with his friends. Of course there is a brilliant goal behind this tradition, namely the bride and groom must be ready to face the entire ganjing wedding life.

5. Married trees in India

In India there are some unique traditions that we will soon discuss. The first is to marry a tree. Wow, seriously? Yep, really seriously. You will find some Indian women who are intimate hugs with trees. But not all women can do it, only womenMangalik.Just those who can do it, and this mangalik woman is prohibited from marrying a man because it is believed to be able to bring havoc.Mangalik or Manglik is a person born in the influence of Planet Mars and Saturn according to Hindu astrology. The phenomenon is also calledMangala Dosha or Mars effect.

Another unique tradition is painting the bride's body with ink named Henna. Besides that there is also a tradition of grabbing bridegroom shoes. Wow, many unique wedding traditions are yes in India. Have you ever watched these traditions?

6. Crying a month in China

The Chinese bamboo curtain country also has many unique traditions, one of the most interesting is the Bridegroom must cry at least a day for one hour for 1 month before the wedding. Not only the bride of the woman, all members of the female berendang family must be prepared to cry if it's time. The purpose of this tradition so that the wedding event arrives, the bride will get very big happiness.

7. Spit in Kenya

Kenya the situation is almost similar to the Congo, which is the process of marriage is not to unite two hearts that love each other, but rather as a forced marriage. In Kenya, the wedding is usually performed as a matchmaking event, two members met to marry her, so it does not matter whether the couple love each other or not, as long as they were married. Well, one of the unique tradition in Kenya when the wedding is the bride will be spat upon by his father to bring good fortune.

8. Hit the dishes in Germany

Who ever vacation to Germany? If not, I hope one day you could be there and witness the unique wedding traditions that tread plate! No, this is not a whistle barefoot, but it is done safely using the shoes. This tradition is usually done a day or a week before the wedding. So all my friends get together and solve bride plate porcelain material on the floor. Once completed, the bride and groom hand in hand to clean all the dirt, as they would do after marriage. Romantic too!

9. Hit Man in French Polynesia

French Polynesia is an archipelago that is famous for its natural attractions and its capital of Tahiti. Similar but different tread plate in German tradition, it was the tradition of marriage in the state Marquesas Islands French Polynesia over the bars, the couple bride trample their family!

On the island, there is a tradition where the bride's family who are still healthy and fit will lie on the floor and their bodies will be skipped bride and groom! Wow, such as carpet, yes. So it seems to have become an unwritten rule that the bride had to diet before performing this tradition.

10. Remove Restraining Air in Indonesia

In the last list there is our beloved country, Indonesia. It turned out that in Indonesia there are so many unique wedding traditions, ranging from the groom gives the bride a dowry according strata, kidnapped the bride, to hold pee! Unique-unique, right?

Well, we'll discuss the last-mentioned tradition, namely urinary incontinence. The tradition was carried out by residents Tidung in Borneo. Typically, this tradition was carried out for 3 days in a row and the bridal couple allowed to urinate and large. They even ate and drank very little. If breached, they believe it will have a terrible misfortune!

Well, that's 10 countries with the most unique wedding traditions. In your opinion, which country is the most unique? Tell us in the comments column!

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