Tag: hair

Capillary Understanding Understanding Step-by-Step Benefits

Know the capillary asset, simple treatment that can be done at home and that is effective for moisturizing, strengthening and sparkling your hair.

Capillary Understanding Understanding Step-by-Step Benefits
Summer and Hair - 7 Things You Need to Know

The most awaited season of the year comes there, and as much as she is wonderful and promises a lot of beach, pool, sun and sea, it is in it that we need to be more careful with our skin and with our hair.

Summer and Hair - 7 Things You Need to Know
Tips to end the fall of your wires

Does your hair fall a lot? See these tips to help stop already with the loss.

Tips to end the fall of your wires
What is dermaplaning and you should do this?

Dermaplaning is a new trend in the market of cosmetic beauty procedures. Many beauty salons offer dermaplaning along with their facial treatments, promising great results and improvements both in appearance and sensation in the skin. This procedure is praised as the easiest and quickest way to rejuvenate the face without using chemicals or invasive cosmetic procedures. But is it as good as it looks?

What is dermaplaning and you should do this?
10 best homemade exfoliators for scalp

Exfoliating the scalp can clear pores and promote healthy growth of your wires. Keep your hair bright as ever and within the budget with our favorite exfoliators for the scalp.

10 best homemade exfoliators for scalp