Tag: breakup
How to leave a gap graciously
No matter how much a relationship takes place at the start, sometimes there is a time when it is time to end things. This is not what we look forward to, but the unhappy truth is that relationships can take a tour for the worst. And when this happens, you must know how to rotate and make the best decision for you.
People to avoid just after a break
When crossing a break, it is natural to feel impulsive and confused. There are some people you should avoid calling to protect you and your fragile emotional state during this difficult period.
6 reasons to stay friends after a break
With regard to breaks - there are two types of people. Some treat their exès as enemies or claim that they do not exist, while others choose to stay friends and continue to be civilians with them. There are several reasons for both choices. Sometimes the break is disordered and horrible and you never want to see this person again, sometimes the reason for breaking is just unforgivable, sometimes you are really hurt and it makes sense that you would like to avoid this person now.
12 ways to cure a break faster
Living a break is never easy - sometimes, we feel like this sorrow of love will never end. Although the weather is the best healer of all, there are some hacks to make you feel better and start you on the way to continue.
How to overcome a fast break
Here are some precious tips on how to heal your heart broken a little faster.