≡ We debunk the main myths about fish and seafood: the opinion of the nutritionist》 heral beauty

Fish and seafood occupy an important place in human nutrition. However, there are many myths around these products.

Fish and seafood occupy an important place in human nutrition. However, there are many myths around these products, so some people are afraid to eat an extra piece, fearing radioactive infection and cholesterol. Is there even a share of truth in this?

1. There are many heavy metals in fish

There is an opinion that sea fish is a dangerous source of mercury. However, in reality, the high concentration of this substance is characteristic only for individual species, such as a shark, for example. The fish that is sold in stores contains a minimum amount of harmful substances that, with moderate consumption, do not harm health.

2. Fish and seafood contain a lot of phosphorus and are useful for bones

Bones consist of calcium phosphate, which means that in addition to calcium, our body needs phosphorus, which, as you know, is rich in fish. However, modern studies show that an excess of phosphorus in the diet, especially with a lack of calcium, weakens the bones and increases the risk of age -related osteoporosis. That is why doctors are seriously concerned about the fact that people massively and without restrictions consume carbonated drinks containing a large number of phosphates.

3. Fish cannot be eaten pregnant

It is believed that due to the ability to accumulate harmful substances, the fish is contraindicated in pregnant women. However, such popular species as salmon, mackerel, tuna, which have undergone heat treatment, are absolutely safe for the health of future mothers. Therefore, there is no need to limit their use.

4. Fish and seafood contain a lot of cholesterol

Indeed, fish and seafood contain cholesterol, but its presence in itself does not mean anything. A significant role is played by what other fats are present in the product. Unlike fatty meat and sausages, the gifts of the sea contain little saturated fats. Therefore, they are not able to influence the level of cholesterol in the human blood.

5. There are no beneficial substances in frozen fish

The assertion that in frozen fish and seafood there are practically no vitamins, minerals and other valuable nutrients does not correspond to reality. With proper freezing, fresh fish retains all the beneficial properties. Shock freezing ensures the safety of the product at the cellular level, which prevents the loss of nutrients. It is much worse if the fish is stored for a long time without freezing or subjected to re -freezing - this significantly reduces its value and worsens the taste.

6. Most omega-3 fatty acids in expensive varieties of red fish

Omega-3 is indispensable fatty acids that are vital for health. Unlike many other fats, the body cannot produce them in sufficient quantities, so they should come with food. Salmon is often called the best source of omega-3. One portion of cooked fish contains about 1800 mg of these acids. However, herring and mackerel are richer than omega-3 and at the same time are more affordable products.

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