This is the safest way to keep your laptop overheating

Keep yourself and your computer cool with this cooling trick for laptop.

You are sitting on your sofa, perfectly passing the time on your computer, when you suddenly notice that your laptop has become uncomfortable. Hope you manage to notice before you can escape your legs, which causes erythema Apa, also called "Grilled skin syndrome"or even more embarrassing as" granny tartan ". This hyperpigmentation of the skin resulting from a long-term exposure to heat that has always been associated with a bottle of hot water, working in front of an open fire, or a stove Coal. Now, thanks to the technology, you can add Binging Netflix on your turn to this list. Funny as it seems that your laptop cook your legs long enough, they could be red and stained for a few days. According to a published study. inOnline newspaper of dermatology, repeated exposure could result in permanent hyperpigmentation of your skin.

Even if your laptop overheats do not harm your legs, it could be damaging. This is because the heat can damage the components inside your computer, shorten their service life or even damage them permanently. In short, if you want to avoid data loss, these deeply troubling blue screens, or a burned motherboard, you have to take measure to prevent your laptop from overheating. Fortunately, the steps to prevent your laptop from becoming too hot, it's quite simple that even the slightest tech savvy among us can follow them.

To begin, check the vents on the bottom (and possibly the sides) of your laptop for dust. If the vents are blocked, the heat can not escape. Use a compressed air box to eliminate dust. To provide your winds with an additional place to breathe, consider buying a support to elevate it and give it the space it deserves.

An old battery could also be to blame. A deteriorated battery and a hot laptop are not two discreet computer problems. If you have noticed that the battery life of your computer becomes shorter and your laptop becomes warmer, it's time for a new battery. All you need is the model numbers of your computer and your battery and a willingness to do online shopping, and your problem is solved.

These steps are not only palliative. They can also be preventive. Keep your free and clear vents and your healthy battery (do not drain 0% and do not hold it to 100%), and you may be able to avoid any overheating problems. Your laptop (and your legs) will thank you. And when you want to better equip your workspace, add these9 home office essentials to your indispensable list.

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Categories: Smarter Living
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