≡ Why do some women naturally have curves while others are slimmer? 》 Her Beauty
Have you ever wondered why some women have curves and others be slender? Understand here.

Beauty standards change as time goes on; What was once most valued by the fashion industry and society today can be the subject of criticism and discrimination. When it comes to the form of the female body, this is no different: it has always been the target of discussions in various areas.
Do you know why, according to science, some women have a naturally more curved body while others have longer, slender members? Here are some theories that can explain these natural differences between women.
Endomorph, ectomorph, mesomorph
In the 1940s, psychologist William H. Sheldon has created the most used concept to this day of different body types, which may explain why some women have naturally curves, while others are slimmer. According to this classification, there are three natural body types:

1. Endomorph: People who are easier to store fat, create muscle and gain weight. Endomorphic people are not always overweight, but they often have shorter limbs and more rounded bodies. Here comes the most curvilinear women, and some examples of famous women with this type of body are Jennifer Lopez and Marilyn Monroe.
2. Ectomorfo: Women considered slender that tend to be thinner usually have ectomorph body type. People with this type of body usually have narrower hips and shoulders, less body fat and muscle mass, and usually have difficulty gaining weight. Traditional models of catwalks are examples of this body.
3. Mesomorph: As the name suggests, the mesomorph is the intermediate body type. Mesomorphic women are usually naturally strong and are easier to gain or lose weight. This body tends to be more athletic, but mesomorph women can be overweight if they are very sedentary. Volleyball players and swimmer, for example, usually have this body.

Other factors that determine the shape of the body
Science has already proven that there are several other factors that determine the shape of the body of short person, whether man or female. Genetics is one of the most important factors: if your parents' family has women with slimmer than curvilinear, you tend to be a naturally slender person, for example.

In addition, your diet and level of physical activity can also influence your body type. If you are an ectomorphic person who wants to have more curves, it is possible to achieve this through diet and a bodybuilding exercise routine. However, there is a limit to what can be achieved, as the body type plays a very large role in its physical form.

How to feel comfortable with your body image
Regardless of the body type you naturally have, whether it is more curvilinear or slender, you may not feel very comfortable with it. This is completely normal, after all, we are bombarded daily with “ideal” bodies, for example in advertising ads or on social networks.

However, what really matters is our health. If you want more curves or think about losing weight, ask yourself if this is the healthiest choice.
According to the National American Association of Eating Disorders, you can exercise some thoughts and mantras to feel more comfortable with your body image, such as:
- Write yourself from positive people.
- Think about what only your body can do for you.
- Wear comfortable clothes that make you confident.
- Browse social networks with a critical look.
- Remember that there is no beauty of the skin inside.

These tips are important, but if they don't work and you suspect this discomfort is something more serious, seek help. Body image problems can lead to eating disorders and other psychological issues.