≡ Eating egg every day is good? See what this habit causes in your body》 Her Beauty

Do you know if eating egg every day is good? See what happens to your body.

As time goes on, new scientific discoveries point out more benefits of egg consumption, which were formerly considered the villains in food due to cholesterol. Nowadays, it is already known that this food is actually quite advantageous for the body. But should you eat egg every day? Next, understand how eggs can be part of a healthy diet.

Can I eat eggs every day?

In general, yes. According to the American Heart Association, most people can eat at least one or two eggs a day as a source of quality protein. In addition to bringing several benefits to the body, which will be listed below, eggs are one of the most accessible protein sources today.

Generally, eggs are cheaper than ox or chicken meat, proportionally, and can still be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, and therefore often spoil as meat. Eggs are also quite versatile, and can be prepared in numerous forms, whether alone or as part of some recipe. Thus, exchanging a source of egg protein every day can help you save money and avoid waste.

What happens to your body: benefits of eating eggs

Now that you know yes, you can eat at least one egg every day (unless there is any kind of medical restriction or allergy), you must be wondering what would happen to your body if you started ingesting this food daily .

First, you may feel satiated for a longer time, which, consequently, may end up resulting in weight loss. This put eggs are a great source of protein, and can help you feel full longer, eating less throughout the day.

Also, as they are sources of various types of vitamin B, such as B2, B5 and B12, important for various functions in our body, egg consumption can result in healthier skin and hair. This is further strengthened by the amino acids present in the food, which can be used by your body to keep your skin lush and stronger nails.

Vitamin D is also present in eggs - only 1 egg already provides us with 6% of our daily needs of vitamin D. This means that by eating an egg every day, we are helping our bones to become healthier, since Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption in the stomach.

Carotenoids present in egg yolk help our vision, while hill micronutrient is important to regulate our mood, assist in memory and other nervous system functions such as muscle control.

But what about cholesterol in eggs?

You may have heard that eggs have a lot of cholesterol and that they can cause heart disease. Although this myth has been perpetuated for years by associations and health and nutrition professionals, it has already been denied. Eggs rather have a higher level of cholesterol than other foods, but studies have already shown that eating between 6 and 12 eggs per week does not negatively affect blood cholesterol levels.

What can increase cholesterol levels is excessive egg consumption combined with other foods with high cholesterol levels, such as butter, yogurt, cheese and processed meats. So if you care about cholesterol, balance egg consumption with fiber -rich foods and change the butter for an oil wire when preparing.

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