The best career for your zodiac sign, says an astrologer

Do you want job advice? The answer is in the stars.

Discovering your career journey is not always easy. Often, there can be many twists and turns, turns and false departures before winning the ideal work, but astrology can help unlock invaluable information on your personality traits and on the most suitable positions. Your zodiac sign can offer an overview of your career path and where you can find long -term development. Whether you are looking for advice to earn more money, climbing on the scale or changing career, the answers could be in your astrological sign. If you have already wondered what the stars have written about your professional success, we immerse ourselves how each sign influences professional aspirations with Gaye Nelson , an astrologer based in Los Angeles who shares his vast knowledge of the zodiac.

In relation: What your zodiac sign says about your love life

Aries (March 21 to April 20)

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Aries are gobblers who take control and are competitive.
"If you want something to start, if you want a startup, certainly hire a ram," says Nelson. "They can be authoritarian, but they also advance things very quickly. They hate losing. So, often, if you can give them clear goals, you cannot have a better person in your team because they are naturally athletic .
Since ram has a lot of physics, a sports career, modeling and police, such as the police or the army, are good choices. All that with a daring spirit, like an astronaut or an explorer, is also in their alley.
"They can also be excellent surgeons and surgical nurses due to the use of precision of tools, martial arts, races, fire fighting and construction work, all that has a daring and requires Courage, "explains Nelson. "These are things that will really keep the flame alive for a ram person."

Bull (April 21 to May 21)

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A bull believes in hard work and persistence. The determination, to be very motivated to succeed, and not to abandon are strong attributes of the bull, and their work motto consists in sticking, by Nelson.
"The bull governs money, so they always succeed in the bank or finance. They can also be good in agriculture, landscaping and construction, but in a different way, as with the bricks", explains- she.
The bull would be intrigued by several unique career paths. According to Nelson, any type of work that involves working with hands is a good adjustment for this sign. "With bricks or anything with sculptures, such as professions that involve minerals. I always think of textile visits. He could therefore be a career involving things like crafts of different kinds, in Particularly, for example, do things with precious stones or as precious stones, rocks, crystals, everything that involves physical senses, sensual pleasures and indulgences.
Other professional choices could include the possession of a craft, singing, performance, dance, cooking, being a food server, to be an agricultural engineer, to be a fabric designer, D 'Be a scientist of the soil or to work in agriculture.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21)

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Gemini are connected to communication and can be talkative, so everything related to public speaking, relationships, writing, teaching or hospitality is ideal for this zodiac sign.
But there is another side to a gemini that highlights different skills sets, according to Nelson.
"Although the analysis of numbers adapts a little better to Virgo, you will find geminis who are very good in accounting and books, simply treating figures and figures like this, a numerologist." She adds: "In addition, office practices such as working in a mail room or being a messenger or a runner of all kinds, such as food delivery. Admittedly, people who lead to Uber or Lyft or things like that must have Gemini in their graphics and everything that involves their hands.

Cancer (June 22 to July 22)

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Cancer has nourishing and benevolent qualities combined with a natural ambition and to succeed. The panel governs food and family, therefore working in a family business or as a chef is ideal.
"Everything that implies attentive instincts, the nature felt, take care of others, which could be in any field of health, but also things like the crèche or the high school teacher where you are a professional parent, a Owner of daycare, any type of advisor or nurse, "explains Nelson.
However, cancer also has a very creative side, and many poets, songwriters, playwrights, advertising and editors are associated with this sign. Other good career choices include home work, domestic services, housekeeping, real estate agent, home parents or house painter.

Leo (July 23 to August 23)

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The leos are inclined to lean towards drama, arts and performance. They need an audience, so everything that is exciting, daring and daring to which they will gravitate.
"Everything Leo will do must put them at the center of the scene. So the adaptation of an audience is really a force for Leo," explains Nelson.
Acting, singing, modeling, playing or teaching is a fun career path for leos. This sign is linked to good times, parties and holidays.
But Leos can also make a variety of jobs such as such a party planning, a camp advisor, a owner of an amusement park or work in an amusement park, VR sales, a card designer Wishes or work on a cruise ship.

Virgin (August 24 to September 22)

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Virgos are perfectionists, pay attention to details, such as making a difference, have excellent technological skills and work on bees.
"Virgo is a sign of what we call health work and services," explains Nelson. "All that is involved in the accumulation and distribution of facts or information" is good for Vigros.
The appropriate career choices for a virgin are nurses and health professionals, librarians, health inspectors, any type of technical, accounting, accounting, mathematicians and scientists. Nelson adds: "Certainly anything with office practices, who support another person like the secretary, the inventory of the mail room, the back clerk have their roots."
She notes that virgos are also very linked to agriculture and ecology, therefore "working in fields to help prevent climate change or anything with culture sciences, agricultural sciences of all kinds, Certainly a farmer "is ideal. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Balance (September 23 to October 23)

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Ferranttraite / Istock

Libras thrive in a partnership and a team work environment, therefore working with their spouse calls them.
"Libra is a sign of cooperation and negotiation," said Nelson. They can be very diplomatic and charming, so therapists or advisers of any kind are a good decision for them. In addition, balances can be excellent sellers, recruiters or human resources.
But, there is a very creative and artistic side of the balances, which draws them towards careers such as wedding planning, florists or architects.
Libras like Flair and Pizazz, therefore public relations or something in the hotel industry, like a hotel director, are good for them because these jobs have an element of refinement that attracts this sign of the zodiac.

Scorpion (October 24 to November 22)

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Scorpions are one of the most intense zodiac signs, so it is not surprising that they govern politics and power. They have a feeling of increased intuition, an intense survey, a determination to achieve solid truth, commitment and loyalty, and are always willing to lend a hand if necessary, which makes them excel in a large range of careers.
This sign is capable of everything they aimed to accomplish and are perfect for politics, mining engineering, FBI, CIA, detectives, therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists and television commentators,
On the other hand, the rules of Scorpion decompose, therefore sewer workers, waste collectors and people who run sewer factories are ideal. "Everything concerning death and also birth. So wisdoms, obstetricians, nurses in the delivery room, nurses in the emergency room, everything that involves situations of life and death and these deep transitions of life", explains Nelson.

Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21)

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Free and adventurous sagittarius, Sagittarius likes to take risks and likes to travel for work. The pilots, working in an embassy and cruise director are exciting jobs, this sign finds attractive. But there is also a serious tone in Sagittarius. "Many do well in financial investments. Actions purchase options and raw material traders are notable careers for this sign," says Nelson.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 20)

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Capricorns have tenacity and determination which often lead to success, which makes sense because, according to Nelson, they govern professionalism.
"We really find that Capricorns tend to like to be in charge. They like to be the boss. They like to be at the top of the scale as quickly as possible. So become an expert in everything, an authority on something, the Business administration, all kinds of very high skills that requires great respect.
Other career choices in teachers, bankers, accountants and any career that deals with prestige and money. "Capricorns tend to earn a living, are ambitious and they can work well under pressure," explains Nelson.

Aquarius (January 21 to February 19)

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Aquarians tend to be a bit offbeat and bizarre eccentric which are shiny, very intelligent and which push the limits of what is expected.
"Aquarius governs computers, technology and everything in the electronics industry," said Nelson. Aquariums often succeed very well with independent work or part -time employment because it is a sign of freedom, and they really do not want to be linked, while a virgin or a capricorn may not worry about nine to five or a more traditional structure. ""
Science, computers, radio and television and writing are solid career paths because this sign rules them all.

Fish (February 20 to March 20)

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The fish are incredibly sensitive, the great dreamers and have an attitude that will best suited to art, music and dance. However, this zodiac sign also represents forgiveness and compassion, therefore working with children and the elderly is very rewarding.
"Fish are also linked to the unconscious," said Nelson. "Thus, hypnosis, dream analysis, regression of past life and for example, teaching meditation. Generally, people of fish want to cure or inspiration in one form or another."

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Career
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