Find out what your zodiac sign reveals to your health, according to an astrologer
Gaye Nelson, a professional astrologer, reveals everything.

It is not a secret that astrology can reveal a lot about who you are. From personality traits to the compatibility of relations and to strengths and weaknesses, each sign of the zodiac gives a remarkable in -depth perspective in various aspects of your life, including health. "Different parts of the body would be governed by different signs and also by the planets that govern these signs", " Gaye Nelson , a professional astrologer, tells us. Astrology can be an invaluable tool to have an overview of your well-being, and we are looking more closely at the full relationship between health and astrology. Here's what your sign says about different diseases and the disease, according to Nelson.
In relation: What your zodiac sign says about your love life
1 Aries (March 21 to April 20)
Aries can be more subject to headaches, migraines, ear pain, sinus problems and bad view.
"Aries governs the head; consequently, the eyes, the nose, the mouth, the ears, the forehead and the brain and Mars, which governs the ram, governs blood muscles and the adrenal glands," explains Nelson.
She adds: "In addition, because Aries is a physical and athletic sign, and often they can be involved in athletics or adventurous activities or the application of the law or things involving tools or weapons. Often will have many scars and injuries, sometimes breaking the bones, and sometimes different types of body trauma linked to the risk -taking factor that ram loves so much.
2 Bull (April 20 to May 20)
Anyone who is a bull could fight more with diabetes, heart problems and more.
Nelson explains that the second sign of the zodiac governs "the throat, the neck, the lymphatic glands, the thyroid and the lymphatic system". Venus, its ruling planet, governs the eyes, skin and kidneys.
Consequently, "one of the problems that can occur is obesity because there is a love of good food, there is a love of sensuality, therefore bile calculations, sores of throat, lymphatic glands Inflated, thyroid irregularities, laryngitis, amygdal and rashes. "
Although these problems can affect the bull, staying active and not being sedentary can help. Another way to minimize health problems for this zodiac sign is to confront emotions and remain relaxed with physical touch, like massages and hold hands with loved ones, explains Nelson.
In addition, she says: "I think it is good for everyone to drink lemon juice with hot water and a little honey in the morning. He is a versatile healer and can really be good for Everyone for the throat;
3 Gemini (May 21 to June 21)
Everything concerning the lungs will be sensitive for Gemini, because the sign governs this area, as well as the upper body, such as shoulders, arms, hands and chest.
"Mercury, the sovereign of Gemini, governs nervous and respiratory systems, and because of this, Gemini can be subject to asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, respiratory problems, and sometimes on the shoulder , by arm or dysfunction of the hand, "explains Nelson.
She suggests learning to breathe deeply, meditating and "alternating the breathing of the nostrils, where you simply get a different energy through the different parts of your nose", to help reduce problems.
4 Cancer (June 21 to July 22)
Digestive problems and belly problems are common with cancers because the sign governs the chest, chest and stomach.
"The Moon is the management planet of cancer and governs mucous membranes and mammary glands; therefore, it is quite classic that cancers can be subject to stomach aches, stomach burns, indigestion, indigestion, indigestion, indigestion, indigestion, indigestion, indigestion, indigestion, indigestion, indigestion, Food allergies, lactose intolerance, in particular that relates in particular to stomachs ", Nelson remarks.
Cancers must remain aware of what they eat, food that feeds their energy and what does not agree with them.
"Cancer governs everyone's emotions, so anyway to express feelings in a healthy way will be useful for cancer," says Nelson. "Digestive aids, especially like fresh mint, peppermint, green mint or any type of mixture of tea based on plants, can be really, really useful and really comforting for cancer, soothing the stomach. ""
5 Leo (July 23 to August 22)
Beware of heart, spine and back diseases, powerful Leo.
"The sun governs general vitality and the circulatory system, therefore literally, the physical heart is really the main health problem for Leos," says Nelson. Watch out for heart disease, high blood pressure, water retention and chronic back pain.
Nelson suggests managing stress, avoiding smoking, staying physically active and cooking with certain seasonings other than salt.
6 Virgin (August 23 to September 22)
Virgos can be known to have intestinal problems, which can cause major health problems if they are ignored.
"The classic thing for the virgin is that the intestines are the place where the body sorts what poison and nutrient, what do we digest and that let's ourselves. So, when you have a virgin who does not Not well, they will sometimes have ulcers, which can also afflict cancer, intestinal disorders, digestive problems and broken spleen, "explains Nelson.
She explains that Virgos can live panic attacks to focus too much on perfection and be hard with themselves.
"It is essential for Virgos to learn to relax and calm down," says Nelson. "They must find a healthy routine and the right diet."
7 Balance (September 23 to October 22)
Libras are plagued by problems with the kidneys and the stomach, according to Nelson.
"The balance governs the kidneys, the diaphragm, the pancreas, the abdomen and the lower back. The ruling planet is venous, which governs the eyes and the skin," she said.
8 Scorpion (October 23 to November 21)
Scorpions can be vulnerable to a variety of serious diseases, including bladder and stomach problems, as well as sexually transmitted diseases.
"The Scorpion governs the colon, the bladder, the gland of the prostate, all the reproductive organs, the genitals and the rectum, and Pluto, the ruling planet of the Scorpion, governs the endocrine system", explains Nelson. Thus, when things go wrong for scorpios, they tend to obtain sexually transmitted diseases, cystitis, bladder infections, intestinal disorders, hernia, hemorrhoids and constipation. ""
Nelson's advice for this zodiac sign are to have a healthy diet rich in fiber and remain hydrated. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
9 Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)
According to Nelson, sagittarius can encounter problems with "main organs" because the sign "governs hips, hamstrings, thighs, pelvis, liver, gallbladder and sciatic nerve. And the liver. ""
Anyone with this zodiac sign can face challenges with obesity, lower back, liver problems, jaundice and bile calculations. But don't worry too much. Nelson says: "Generally, Sagittarius, if it is well lived, is an athletic sign. These are only things that happen when things go wrong."
She recommends to anyone with this sign has a lot of water, thistle-marie and turmeric, which can heal for the liver. Nelson also suggests pool leaves, which is a cleaning tea for the liver.
10 Capricorn (December 21 to January 20)
Beware of broken bones, Capricornes! The sign governs bones, knees, skin, gums, teeth, nails and hair, by Nelson. She says: "The evils that can offer Capricorn are arthritis, fibromyalgia, rheumatism, osteoporosis, neuralgia, knee problems and sometimes dental diseases or gums."
Dental health is particularly important for this zodiac sign and taking very well care of your joints, knee injuries and bones that Nelson advises. She says: "Massages can be excellent for the spine, certain herbs for joint problems, and Capricorns may sometimes need a sports splint if they have pain in a certain joint."
11 Aquarius (January 21 to February 18)
Aquarius can suffer from a series of problems, such as hormonal imbalances, cramps, varicose veins, nervous disorders, etc.
"The Aquarius governs the ankles, the tibias, the veins and the circulatory system," explains Nelson. "And Uranus, its ruling planet, governs the nervous system and the endocrine system. Thus, the Aquarius is associated with electricity." Nelson suggests "to guard against" insomnia and panic attacks due to the vulnerable nervous system. She also says that this sign is sensitive to the diversions of the ankle and the leg cramps, so it is important to stay active in "jogging, hiking, running, cycling, aerobic, fast walking or something similar".
12 Fish (February 19 to March 20)
People who are fish tend to be sensitive and can worry about themselves, which can be a drawback because the sign governs the lymph nodes, the pituitary gland and the pineal glands, while Neptune governs the lymphatic system .
Fish also govern toes and feet, according to Nelson, so only things like yoga, swimming and ballet lessons can be healthy and useful to challenge problems.
However, fish can also be affected by dependence. "Probably one of the most difficult things for fish is that it is very classic for fishing fish or addicted to a kind of drugs, even prescription drugs, perhaps even legal drugs." said Nelson.
It is important for a fish to have a creative outlet for their sensitivity such as writing or reading poetry, painting or writing songs, explains Nelson.