You can get these $ 15 beauty items for only $ 1.25 at Dollar Tree now

Tiktkers were delighted to spot these brand products in their local stores.

Product recommendations in this article are recommendations from the writer and / or experts interviewed and do not contain affiliation links. Meaning: If you use these links to buy something, we will not win a commission.

The beauty hunters on the market have delighted on incredible finds to Dollar tree lately. Many dupes of shared designers who give you access to products of similar quality, without the name brand. However, although many products you find at Dollar Tree are larger names of names that you will find in large retailers, buyers have recently found real brand products that generally cost $ 15. Read the rest to discover the beauty items they recommend to go to Dollar Tree to collect immediately.

In relation: 5 new dollar tree beauty items that are up to $ 20 cheaper than Walmart and Amazon .

Popsugar body oil

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Copyright Amanda Turinsky / Tiktok

In a August 4 video , Tiktker Amanda Turinsky (@Yourtiktoksister) shared her excitement when she found Popsugar body oil for $ 1.25 at Dollar Tree - which is usually about $ 10 In stores like Walmart.

"Have you ever seen this? Better to run!" Said Turinsky.

She notes that body oils are completely stored in its Dollar Tree store, and the scent of lavender and "feels incredible" vanilla.

"It is a body oil, which is ideal for winter when your skin begins to dry-you will all do its stocks," she suggests.

Maybelline lip lips

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Copyright Amanda Turinsky / Tiktok

You can also save Maybelline lipstick during your purchases in your local dollar.

"Maybelline lipstick is a matte color - they sell, at least according to my application - for $ 12."

Turinsky grabs the "carnal brown" shade, which she calls "absolutely beautiful".

In relation: Dollar Tree has just dropped its fall decoration and buyers love it .

Popsugar bath oil pearls

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Copyright Mary Wood / Tiktok

If you like the Popsugar brand, you should certainly stop soon at Dollar Tree. Another Tiktok user, Married Drink (@Marewood), found the brand Bath oil pearls In a variety of perfumes to a price fraction. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"These run for about $ 10 more in Walmart , and it was their bathing oil pearls that I found at Dollar Tree, "said Wood in a video on August 4." They had a pile and some different perfumes - I don't know if I just have the best dollar tree or if they get a bunch of overtock. ""

While she has only shown the scent of lavender and vanilla in video sequences, Popsugar also sells pearls in a scent of eucalyptus.

Revlon Foundation EmphipStick

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Copyright Mary Wood / Tiktok

Wood also spotted Revlon Eatchstick Foundation products in its local dollar tree.

According to an article by Vogue Business, Revlon made his debut Flesh line In 2018, marketing as an inclusive line intended to compete with Rihanna Fenty Beauty. However, the brand was removed from Ulta and abandoned.

Although products are no longer available on the Revlon website, individual sticks are priced at around $ 8 on eBay.

In relation: Dollar Tree Employee Share How to find Hidden Name Brand products for $ 1.25 .

Dr Bubbello's foaming bath

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Copyright Amanda Turinsky / Tiktok

If you like to deliver to a luxurious foaming bath from time to time, Dollar Tree should certainly be a stop when shopping this week.

Turinsky found the Moussant fragrant bath product from Dr Bubbello for only $ 1.25. Interestingly, it is sold for about 15 times this price in Walmart.

"It's a very good discovery - it's the 1 liter of Dr. Bubbello de Bulle à Bulles," explains Turinsky in a August 5 Tiktok Video . "He is currently on the Walmart website for $ 15 And is sold in a bunch of stores, but [Walmart was] the cheapest I have been able to find. ""

Categories: Beauty / Smarter Living
Tags: News / / Shopping
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