7 Trader Joe's Beauty Dupes for up to $ 55 cheaper, shopper actions

Save money and a trip to Sephora or Ulta.

Product recommendations in this article are recommendations from the writer and / or experts interviewed and do not contain affiliation links. Meaning: If you use these links to buy something, we will not win a commission.

While Trader Joe's is the ideal destination for all your niche grocery needs, the beauty of the retailer and skin care The aisle should not be overlooked. These stores have a wide variety of affordable products in aesthetically pleasant packaging - and a buyer says that many are in fact more expensive brands. Read the rest to find out which beauty dupids by Trader Joe, you can score up to $ 55 cheaper.

In relation: Dollar Tree Shopper finds dupes of Olay, Cetaphil and Glow for only $ 1.25 .

Moisturizing in ultra hydrating gel of trader Joe

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Copyright Talia Heskett / Tiktok

Tiktker Talia Heskett (@Traderjoestalia) Decomposes the essential dupes of your local Joe's merchant, starting hard with an alternative to an expensive clinical moisturizer.

"For only $ 8.99, you can pick up the ultra-hydrating gel moisturizer-and this compared to the rise in intense clinical humidity at $ 64," she reveals in a July 14 Tiktok .

They are even of the same size (2.5 fl. Oz.), Which means you really have more for your money. Who does not want to save $ 55 where they can these days?

Trader Joe's Watermelon Face Face Mask

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Copyright Talia Heskett / Tiktok

If you like to wear a facial mask in the evening, Trader Joe's has also covered you. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"For only $ 6.99, you pick up their watermelon watermelon facial mask," said Heskett. "This is a dupe for the recipe for radiance, night treatment Glow [AHA], and it is $ 40."

In relation: Buyers share 5 luxury dupes at Aldi for up to $ 90 cheaper .

Trader Joe's Vanilla Lip Mask

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Copyright Talia Heskett / Tiktok

Heskett praises the vanilla lip mask like that she "really likes" and often uses. According to her, it is a dupe for the Vanilla Laneige lip sleep mask.

The "real" will cost you about $ 24, while Trader Joe's option is only $ 3.99.

Trader Joe's Daily Suncreen facial

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Copyright Talia Heskett / Tiktok

SPF is important every season - not just summer. If you want to save a little on this part of your skin care routine, the daily facial sunscreen by Trader Joe could be useful.

"Here is another product that I use almost every day; it is the daily sunscreen, and it is a dupe for the invisible Supergoop sunscreen", shares Heskett.

The SuperGoop option will cost you about $ 38, compared to $ 8.99 for the version of Trader Joe.

In relation: I am an expert in makeup and I found 6 affordable dupes of beauty in Ulta .

Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle shampoo and condition

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Copyright Talia Heskett / Tiktok

The options at Trader Joe's are not exclusive to skin care and makeup - they also sell an assortment of hair care products.

"Trader Joe's also has a shampoo and a revitalizing Tingle Tingle," Heskett told viewers. "These are, of course, dupes for shampoo and revitalizing Giovanni Tea Tree [triple treat], but much cheaper."

Giovanni's options are generally $ 10 each, while Trader Joe charges less than half of it to $ 3.99 each.

Trader Joe's Brazil Nut Body Butter

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Copyright Talia Heskett / Tiktok

Heskett also reveals what she calls "the most popular dupe": Brazil's body butter from Trader Joe.

"Of course, this is a dupe for the very Popular [Janeiro soil] Brazilian Brazilian cream which generally costs $ 48, "said Heskett.

Trader Joe's option is "much cheaper", just $ 5.99 POP.

In relation: Shopper Share 13 Target Beauty Dupes "that you probably didn't know."

Trader Joe's Brazil Nut Body Scrub

<= "" SVG> "=" "Data-crc =" https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2024/07/screenshot-2024-07-26-at-11.54.15 Am-copy.png? Strip = all & w = 500 "alt =" trader joe's brazil nut body scoud "width =" 500 "height =" 723 "data-crcset =" https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3 /2024/07/screenshot-2024-07-26-at-11.54.15am-copy.png?strip=all 830W, https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2024/07/ Screenshot-2024-07-26-at-11.54.15am-copy.png? Résize = 500.723 & strip = All 500w, https://bestlifeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/ 2024/07/Capture- 2024-07-26-at-11.54.15am-copy.png? Résize = 768.1110 & strip = all 768W "Sizes =" (max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px ">
Copyright Talia Heskett / Tiktok

If you have coveted Janeiro Bum Bod Body Groth's soil, which is at $ 42, Heskett says that Trader Joe's also covered you.

The grocery store sells its Brazil body scrub for $ 5.99, offering about $ 36 in savings.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: News / / Shopping
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