13 Tips for the inside plant care that gardeners swear

Whether your plants are dry, too interrupted or simply dull, these pro tips will animate them right away.

They clean the air and are aesthetically pleasant, but keeping indoor plants Living and prosperous can be difficult. Even if you are a diligent to water them and make sure they get the right amount of light, other things can go wrong that can leave your garden in the lameness - or worse. But before deciding to abandon your domestic greenery, try these useful hacks for your plants to flourish again. Read the rest for the care advice from the indoor plant that gardeners and other experts swear.

In relation: 12 easy interior plants that do not need sun .

Use a hydrogen peroxide spray if you have root rot.

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Floor image / trigger

Root rot is a condition that occurs when your plants have been too much water and the roots are attacked by mushrooms or bacteria. Maybe you thought The ground was dry by touching the upper layer, or maybe your pot has no drainage holes. Be that as it may, once the root rot is installed, it can cause yellow or brown leaves and even fully kill the plant.

Erinn Witz , an expert in garden and co-founder of Seeds and spades , recommends giving it a dose of diluted hydrogen peroxide if you think your plant is struggling with root rot.

"Mix a tablespoon of three percent hydrogen peroxide with a cup of filtered water and use the mixture to water your plant. Hydrogen peroxide breaks into the soil, adding a boost of oxygen Who can help kill harmful microbes that attack your plant roots, "she explains.

Witz says this hack can also be used on healthy plants to give them additional oxygen. "In this case, use a teaspoon of three percent hydrogen peroxide on a cup of filtered water and use it to water your plant as normal watering."

Although this does not invert the damage that has already been caused, this will prevent the rot of the roots from spreading. In addition to this hacking, you will want to contact the plant with fresh soil and avoid its invasion in the future.

Add coffee grounds or perlite to your soil.

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Fotohelin / Shutterstock

"Most of the repotting mixtures that we buy in stores keep too much water. Consequently, the plants remain wet for too long, leading to root rot," said Vladan Nikolic , founder of Interior board care blog Mr. HomePlant. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

As a simple solution, Nikolic recommends mixing the soil purchased in stores with Perlite (a cheap mineral rock that can be found in bags in most gardening centers or even in Amazon). The mixture must be two parts, part of perlite. "It will not keep as much water and will contain more oxygen, which is crucial to reduce the chances of root rot," he notes.

For a simple increase in nutrients, Jen Stark , founder of the blog Good DIY , suggests mixing the coffee grounds with your floor. "The coffee grounds contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are essential nutrients for plants. Mix the ground in your soil or sprinkle them around the base of the plant," she said.

"Background water" your plants.

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Welch / Shutterstock brothers

If you don't know how thirsty your plant, you may want "background water". Plant influencing @growwithjessie shared a video on Tiktok on the way she used this hacking with her planters that have drainage holes at the bottom.

Jessie simply filled a plastic tupperware with water and sat there so that the roots can absorb the liquid. "You know there is humidity reaching the bottom From your plants and in this way, the roots of your pot plants can become stronger because they develop directly towards humidity, "she said.

She then used a spraying bottle to vomit the upper floor and the leaves, so they also had humidity.

Avoid rigid watering hours.

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Zhuravlev Andrey / Shutterstock

It is easy to fall into pilot mode with watering tasks. However, this could be a serious mistake.

"The correct watering program for a specific plant may depend on many variable individual factors, such as temperature, amount of light, pot size, humidity or more," explains Vladan Nikolic , an expert in interior care and founder of Mr. Houseplant . "For example, this can take three days so that the upper thumb of the dry soil, and sometimes it can take seven days, based on environmental conditions."

Instead of maintaining a strict watering schedule, switching to soil moisture check with a finger.

"You can also stick a baguette or a bamboo stake in the floor and remove it to see if there is a damp soil stuck on it," he suggests. "This manual evaluation is a simple and reliable method to ensure adequate watering."

In relation: 17 easy interior plants for busy people .

Get a humidity counter.

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Cristina Nakamura / Shutterstock

If you cannot seem to understand all watering, get a cheap humidity counter, advises Lauren Caputo , founder and head of creation of Plntd in Jersey City .

"While the upper floor of your plant could look Dry on top, and of course, sticking your finger in a thumb or two can also be dry, what about the rest of the ground that you cannot reach? ", Said Caputo. This is where a moisture counter between: simply place it in the soil, and it will immediately read if the soil is dry, humid or humid.

Rebecca Sears , the CMO and resident green inch At Ferry-Morse, the longest seed company in the United States, also suggests a self-arrotic planter. These have integrated water meters to show you the amount of water in your factory today.

"Once the water meter is filled, all you have to do is check and fill in case of need," explains Sears.

Keep your egg water hard.

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Alexeysun / Shutterstock

Make hard eggs for breakfast? Hang on to the water that stays in your pot and use it to water your plants.

"When you boil eggs, calcium in egg shells escapes in the water," DIY garden blogger Emma Loker explained previously to Better life . "Egg shells are a Rich source of calcium , a mineral that helps maintain the pH of the soil between 6 and 6.5, the optimal conditions so that plants extract essential nutrients. ""

Calcium strengthens the cell walls of plants, which helps them to grow and remain healthy. You can also make an egg -shell fertilizer by crushing or grinding The shells, according to the master class. However, they note that "this can cause diseases in geraniums, violets, azaleas and other plants loving acid".

Sprinkle with cinnamon on sowing.

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Amphaiwan / Shutterstock

Another "switches" plant killer, a common disease in sowing that occurs when mushrooms or mold are starting to grow. As the extension of the University of Minnesota explains, plants with mature leaves and root systems can generally fight the fungus, but "young leaves, roots and newly emerging sowing stems are Very sensitive to infection . ""

A pathogen can enter your planter by soil, garden tools, insects or even your own hands. Since it is so difficult to detect, a simple way for pros prevents having fun is to sprinkle with cinnamon over the soil of the plant.

Lindsey Hall ,, horticultural and co-founder positive flowering, previously told Better life that the spice works by " Kill the fungus and ensure the healthy growth of sowing. "It turns out that cinnamon has antifungal properties. And a bonus: many current insects and pests are pushed by its perfume.

Dust your plants.

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Yurii_yarema / Shutterstock

It is obvious that plants need sunlight, but according to Sears, dust on your plants can have an impact on the quantity of light that they are dilapidated and, therefore, strengthen their growth.

Therefore, Sears recommends giving weekly cleaning to your babies to your plants: "For plants with smooth leaves ... You can give them quick wash with water at room temperature or gently wipe the dust with a cloth. If your plant has hairy leaves, take a soft brush to easily brush dust and other debris.

Fertilize only when the plant actively grows.

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Pollyana Ventura / Istock

There is an easy way to make sure you get on the right cycle of fertilizer to your pots in pots.

"People often make the mistake of thinking that more fertilizer is always better. However, if the plant is dormant, it cannot absorb additional nutrients," said Nikolic. "These nutrients accumulate in the soil and can cause root burn."

To avoid this, he says to fertilize the plant only when it is actively developing, which means germinating new leaves and developing more widely or more.

"This guarantees that the plant will absorb nutrients optimally and use them to support new healthy growth," he explains.

In relation: The 5 best potted plants for your porch, gardening experts say .

Use a humidifier.

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Yury Stroykin / Shutterstock

Many popular interior plants are from tropical climates and prefer a wet environment. This list includes philodendrons, monsters and Pothos plants, according to Jennifer Green , a botanist and writer at Positive Bloom . "Therefore, you should find a way to increase humidity," she said, adding that a humidifier is an easy way to do so.

Alfred Palomares , vice-president of merchandising at 1-800-Flowers.com , suggests a timing humidifier. "This will also help hydrate your plants according to a defined schedule, especially once you know how often they must be watered," he notes.

Palomares adds that humidifiers are particularly useful in winter, when "heating systems remove the humidity from the air". For this reason, Green also says to "keep your plant away from cold currents, vents and air conditioners, but also sources of heat such as radiators or chimneys. Most plants do not like them sudden temperature changes and cannot tolerate temperatures.

You can also make a DIY humidity tray, as Stark explains. "Fill a shallow tray with pebbles, then put the pot of your plant on the tray. Then fill the tray with water until it touches the bottom of the pot - this will increase the humidity around of the plant.

Get a larger or smaller pot.

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Bogdan Sonjachnyj / Shutterstock

Sometimes everything you have to do to revive an indoor plant is reactive.

It is common for plants to exceed them Jeremy Yamaguchi , CEO of Love of lawn . "Repot the plant in a larger pot will give more space to the roots, and this will also help you see if there is a root rot," he said.

It can sometimes also be a problem with the ground. "Over time, the ground in compact pots and nutrients are exhausted much more quickly in a small amount of soil than in a large outdoor garden," says Nikolic Better life . "A compact and dense soil hinders both water and the absorption of nutrients. Give your plants a fresh and ventilated soil wrapped with all the essential nutrients keep them happy and healthy." He adds that this repotage also gives you the opportunity to examine the roots and cut any dead or sick fabric.

Conversely, sometimes your pot can be too large, according to Pat May , CEO and founder of The PROPA application , which helps people share cuttings of indoor plants. "When a pot is too large, the plant will spend more from its energy growth roots instead of foliage," shares May. "Although your plant can be healthy, it will not seem to grow ... In addition, some species prefer to be linked to the root. Finally, having a pot that is too large can affect the distribution of water and fertilizers."

Spread a dying plant.

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Angieyeoh / Shutterstock

"If you feel that you have done everything correctly and your plant always looks sad, it could be worth spreading the healthy parts of your plant and trying to grow it again," suggests Caputo.

"Depending on the type of plant, a cutting of rod or a cut near a visible node is everything you need," she explains. "Once you have your cuttings, put them in fresh filtered water and place them in a shiny space. Change the water about once a week. In a few weeks (if it was about A fairly healthy plant), you will start to see the roots develop!

In relation: The 4 worst indoor plants if you have allergies .

Choose suitable plants.

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Anna Frank / Istock

To prepare for success, Consider your level of competence And your space when you buy plants, instead of buying everything that attracts your attention.

"Choose the plants according to the level of care that you are arranged and capable of providing," suggests Nikolic. "If you are a beginner, it's a good idea to start with low -maintenance factories.

You should also think about the amount of space that the mature plant needs and if you can provide it with enough light. "It is easy to get carried away when buying plants, but meticulous planning prevents stress and potential problems along the road," he adds.

This story has been updated to include additional inputs, verification of facts and copying edition.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Garden / Home / plants
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