≡ 7 problems that only girls with wide hips will understand》 Her Beauty

Why did Jennifer Lopez decided to insure her outfit?

In the form of their bodies, each type of bodies has its distinctive properties. One of the most important forms of bodies is the shape of pear, the shape of the hourglass, and the apple shape. The pear shape, which resembles a triangle, is considered one of the most feminine and attractive forms, as it is characterized by the presence of wide buttocks and hips, while the upper part of the body is thinner and smaller.

It is important to note that the physical composition of the pear form is greatly due to the genetic factors. However, girls who possess and honest are widely, to confront them with many problems because of their bodies. They wonder: Why did Jennifer Lopez decide to insure her back? That is why, dear girl, if you have a body as a wide and wide hips, then you have undoubtedly faced these problems.

Every girl has distinctive and unique features that make her stand out from the others, and the fact that girls not only disagree in their features but also in their body shapes, and each body has its unique properties. Among the most important forms of bodies is the shape of pear, the shape of the sand watch, and the shape of the apple. The pear shape, which resembles a triangle, is considered one of the most feminine shapes, where the weight is concentrated in the buttocks and wide hips while the upper part of the body is thinner and smaller.

It is worth noting that the physical composition of the pear form is often due to genetic factors. Nevertheless, girls with wide hips often face many challenges because of their bodies. He constantly wondering: Why did Jennifer Lopez decide to insure her back? So, dear girl, if you have a body as a wide and wide hips, then you have undoubtedly faced some of these problems:

Late arrive at the cinema hall

If you have a body as a scattered body, it is very embarrassing to get to the cinema late, because you will take a long time until you reach your chair, on the way there will face great difficulty while you are floundering in all the front seats because of your wide ass.

the shopping

The size of your waist may be 30 but thanks to your wide hips, you need the size of 34 jeans, not only that, you are facing a major problem with belts, and long dresses are not suitable for you also unless you detail it specifically for you, and the same applies to short dresses, There is a major problem that specifically concerns this topic, which is that fashion designers do not take into account the owners of the pear body because of the nature of their bodies that require major adjustments and specific designs.


Swimming clothes are not suitable for you either, so forgetting beach clothes before holidays, because you will feel embarrassed when you look at the mirror, and in this case you have to either forget the swimming completely or you have to lose weight from the hip area through exercise.

Bike riding

One of the girls with a pear body tells that she was going to school in the bike, until a friend told her how her ass was funny and huge, and since that time she is still ashamed to ride a bicycle, and what makes misery that even the bike seats do not fit the owners of the pear because it looks small Very and uncomfortable.


This is a problem facing most individuals, and the fact is that no one has not been bullied before, whether during the school period or in adolescence and adulthood, and when you have a different or distinctive form, your confrontation rate may rise, for example people who wear glasses that others can give them Four eyes, but bullying in the shape of a body or rear appears to be very painful and can leave a scar in the heart of one of them.

Sitting on plastic chairs: Have you ever tested the appearance of your ass from the sides of the school or kidney chairs, narrow seats, and plastic chairs, where the upper part of your body seems consistent but at the bottom you look and that you need two chairs or as if you were two people? This is exactly what the people of the pear body suffer from.

Bending down

Have you ever dropped something on the ground and you needed to pick it up? The truth is that this action seems very intuitive and can face an infinite number of times, and every time we pick up the purposes without facing any troubles or challenges, but those with a pear body, wide hips and huge rear are already facing a major problem while picking up a purpose of the ground and having to bend down Because it seems in this case as if they had set up a wall on the road, no one can cross and can be bullied by the passers -by because of the huge body of the lower body from their bodies.

Categories: beauty
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