Energy drinks could contain the key to the new anti-aging research
Some animals are already harvesting the advantages.

In the anti -aging world, there are many known ways to go back - eating High content nutrients , using specially formulated facial serums and sleeping and doing a lot of exercise. But you probably didn't expect to drink energy drinks on this list too.
According to a study in 2023 published in the journal Science , energy drinks contain taurine, an amino acid and "a semi-semi-sisters" micronutrient which has recently been attributed to a Leave the lifetime longer and healthier with the animals. Although research is limited to mice, worms and monkeys so far, experts are convinced that taurine could also give similar results in humans.
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Traitment found in dark chicken, meat, dairy products and fish, taurine allows our cells produce energy . Aminine acid can help "the body to treat bile acid and balance liquids, salts and minerals, among other actions", by Clinique Mayo. Taurine is also a common supplement in energy drinks like Red Bull and Monster Energy.
In mice, monkeys and humans, researchers have discovered a significant deficiency in taurine levels - up to 80% - with age. Vijay Yadav , assistant professor at Vacelos College of Physicians and Surgeons of the University of Columbia who co-wrote the study, said that researchers were still trying to determine the cause behind the sharp drop in older species.
That said, research shows that the distribution of Taurine supplements with mouse and middle age monkeys can improve their health - or, in other words, helping anti -aging.
The advantages have had a greater impact on mice than monkeys, which have experienced an improvement in blood sugar, bone density and the function of the immune system. In mice, an increase in taurine has resulted in an improvement in bone density, muscle endurance and the function of the immune system.
The mice also reached a healthier weight and experienced a lifespan of 10% longer. Researchers believe that they could equip seven or eight years in humans.
While anti-aging remedies like chemical peels and laser treatments can leave your skin younger, taurine does not work exactly the same way. "He strikes the brakes on aging, not putting things back," said Yadav previously during a press briefing, as reported NBC News .
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It is important to reiterate that the health benefits of taurine supplements are specific to animals alone, at least for the moment. If you want to integrate more taurine into your diet, there are healthier and more natural ways to do so than using energy drinks, which are violently rich in caffeine, sugar and other not so large ingredients.
Mayo Clinic warns that energy drinks can lead to dehydration, nervousness and tension and that some people may experience difficulty falling asleep. Heart complications, including heart failure and anxiety, are also Possible side effects , According to centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Instead, try to cook with more crustaceans, such as scallops or molds and dark meat to improve your taurine levels.
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