The record number of snake bites invites new advice on staying safe
It is important to treat each bite as if it was poisonous, the serpent experts advise.

In anticipation of a hot summer, health officials have issued several warnings About a potential increase in snake activity. Well, they were not mistaken! Since March, there have been multiple relationships of home owners identifying giant snakes in their lessons and drivers finding snakes with bells Live in their cars .
We are only a few months after the snake season, and already North Carolina should break the record for most of the snake bites in the history of the state. Reptile experts now share new security guidelines in the middle of the constant rise in snake invasions.
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North Carolina is only one of the many American states which is witnessing a surprising increase in snake bites this year. During the first six months of 2024, the state count was 257 cases. However, experts say that this number will be at least triple by the end of the year. A spokesperson for the North Carolina Poison Control (NCPC) predicted that the state would far exceed the 2020s' record of 733 snake bites.
"Our volume of" snake bites "cases is even more than that, because we receive calls on unknown snakes - both those who are not known if they are poisonous and those who are known to be poisonous" , said the spokesperson Local wral affiliated with NBC .
Raleigh metropolitan hospital, Wakemed, treated nine patients for snake bites in June only, according to Wral. Among these victims of snake bites, six required anti-venom treatment.
Snakes have become significantly more curious in recent years. The giant reptiles have made their way in cars, gardens, toilets, hotel rooms and other contexts populated by man.
According to Scouts of America Volunteer and Snake Educator Scott Fedorchak , their invasion in human territory is due to the increase in temperatures and the lack of resources.
"Snakes go to the place where their sources of food and water are located, and with the rain, or its absence here in recent months, they now travel to places where they can find food and Water, "Fedorchak told Wral. "Right now, it is the people who water their yards, their gardens, the edge of their property, and you bring them closer to the proximity of each other, you now have more chances of interaction between the serpent and the man."
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But North Carolina is not the only state to report the observations of wild snakes. In March, four people in Georgia were attacked by snakes, including a two -year -old child. All were transported urgently to the hospital for evaluation and treatment. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"One involved a two-year-old child who was in their courtyard, played and needed anti-venomo. It was a fairly serious case", " Gaylord Lopez , MD, from Georgia Poison Control Center (GPCC), said WSB-TV Atlanta . The GPCC plans to receive more than 3,000 snake bite calls this year.
Medical officials from Santa Barbara, California, have also Given an increase in patients With bell snake bites. Meanwhile, the Florida Poison Control Center in Jacksonville, Florida, received a record number of calls concerning snake bites in 2024, in accordance First Coast News .
Fedorchak said the best way to keep yourself and your loved ones safe this season of snakes is to "be aware of your environment".
"These snakes are the most active at sunset because that is when the prey becomes active," he said. If you think that a snake can be nearby, "scratch your feet, it turns off a vibration to alert you," he added.
As a precaution, Fedorchak advised to treat each snake bite as if it were venomous. "Take a marker and surround the bite," he said. "What they are looking for is if there is swelling [and] there is a possible envenue."

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