Even drink this a lot every day can harm your health, the study says

According to new research, moderate consumption is not as harmless as experts would have thought once.

You know that drinking excess alcohol is something that puts you biggerrisk of developing serious health problems-Stroke, heart disease and cancer, to name a few. But you also probably learned that moderation consumption is a relatively harmless habit. Some studies have even suggested that people who engage in a mild consumption of moderate alcohol consumption are at aLower risk of things like heart disease and cerebral vascular accident compared to those who abstain entirely from alcohol. According to new research, however, it might not be as accurate as medical experts.

In a June 2020 study published in theLiquor and Drug Studies Journal, the researchers found thatPeople who drink in government directivesExperienced more dead and cancers that those who abstain from alcohol. And according to the US Department of AgricultureDietary Directives for Americans 2015-2020,moderate drink Is considered a glass a day for women and two drinks a day for men.

To reach their conclusion, the authors of the study brought together the registers of all stays at the Night Hospital in British Columbia in 2014, analyzing deaths, diseases and hospitalizations attributed to consumption of consumption. alcohol. In addition, they used the exposure database for the use of Canadian substances to help estimate the levels and schemes of alcohol consumption by age and sex, and divided individuals into four groups: abstentions. For life, people who used to drink but did not have alcohol at least a year, people who drink in low risk guidelines and people who drink above the guidelines.

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What they found was that38% of 2,000 alcohol-related deaths were held in people who have abandoned alcohol or drank into government guidelines. In addition, almost a third of alcohol hospitalizations also came from these two groups, as well as more than half of the cancer deaths of the researchers attributed to alcohol consumption.

Some doctors, it should be noted, the validity of the results of the study should be noted, as researchers have not taken into account the use of smoking and tend to consolidate old drinkers (which would have Used years of heavy drinks before quitting) with low risk. drinkers in their conclusions.

"What has disturbed me most about this study, it was the conclusion of cancer ... because no other confusion factor has been taken into account"Tiffany Sizemore-Ruiz, MD, a cardiologist and a certified medical advisor to the Board of Directors of the Distilled Council of Spirits, saidSatellite.

"Between 80 and 90% of alcoholics are also smokers," she said. "How do we know that alcohol has caused a given cancer and non-smoking, genetics, family history, etc. If you look at all cancers, researchers attribute to alcohol, they are also attributable to smoking."

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However, this is not the only recent proof that even suggests a moderate alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. A 2018 study published inThe lancetfound that "the risk of mortality all causes and cancers specifically, increases withIncreased levels of consumption [of alcohol]And the level of consumption that minimizes the loss of health is zero. "

A separate study of 2019, also published inThe lancet, who examined 500,000 men and women over 10 years have found that "apparently protectiveEffects of moderate alcohol admission Against cerebral strokes are largely non-causal. Alcohol consumption increases the blood pressure and the risk of stroke, and appears in this study to have little net effect on the risk of myocardial infarction. "And for more unhealthy habits to hit, discover40 small health adjustments that can change your life after 40.

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