≡ 13 phrases, after which men stop communicating with women》 Her Beauty

The first date is an important event. I want it to go flawlessly. To avoid awkward situations, it is important to know about the main taboos.

The first date is an important event. I want it to go flawlessly. To avoid awkward situations, it is important to know about the main taboos. Here are 13 phrases that will push the majority of men on the first date.

1. "How much do you earn?"

Yes, this topic is absolutely not suitable for the first date. Men can perceive this as an exceptional interest in their wallet. The only acceptable option is an account in a cafe that can be offered to be divided.

2. "A real man must ...".

You can continue in different ways. In any case, such statements may seem sexist and outdated. This phrase also speaks of women's infantilism. It may also be the impression that a woman just wants to shift responsibility for her life to male shoulders.

3. "I need to achieve me."

The phrase: “I need to achieve me” contradicts the idea of ​​mutual interest and respect. Men are looking for an equal interlocutor and ally in a partner, and not someone who needs to be conquered.

4. "I am the first to call."

Such old -fashioned ideas about what the role of a woman in relationships should be, are often perceived as outdated and not corresponding to the spirit of the times. There is nothing wrong with both partners to take the initiative.

5. "I dream of a child."

Plans for the future are certainly important and must be discussed. However, the mention of this in the early stages can scare a man.

6. "Let's just be friends."

This phrase often implies that a woman does not see a potential partner in a man and does not consider further romantic relationships.

7. "I am married, but this will not hurt us."

For most men, this phrase will become a serious obstacle. Contrary to stereotypes, not all men are concerned exclusively by sex.

8. "I like to go to clubs."

Men who are interested in serious relationships are very careful. And they are unlikely to like such a revelation. They will perceive this information as a sign of inconstancy and instability.

9. "Sex only after the wedding."

This can be your personal belief, but for many men it is important to check physical compatibility before marriage. A man is unlikely to want to wait for so long.

10. "My ex was ...".

Talk about the former potential partner on the first date? This is a real disaster! Even worse - actively criticize him. Such revelations will definitely push fans from you.

11. "Who do you see yourself in 5 years?"

Questions like "Who do you see yourself in 5 years?" Suitable for discussion with candidates for work, but not on a first date. Even if you are interested in knowing how serious your new acquaintance is, it is better to give yourself time to not rush events.

12. "And you are a believer and how much?"

From the point of view of etiquette, it is advisable not to discuss this topic with few familiar people. Give a man time if you do not want to get into an awkward situation.

13. Politics

Pass the policy to avoid a loud “explosion” right in the cafe. If this topic is critical for you, analyze its social networks: a fluent viewing of the tape of posts and the list of communities to which your counterpart is signed, enough to understand how similar your interests are.

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