10 best ways to increase your credit scoring

Get this three -digit number where you need it.

Your credit rating is one of those things that requires a diligence to maintain - it is only the only increase. If you have been tilted in the past due to late payments or even identity theft, you know it can be intimidating to lift your score even a few points. But if you need a boost, there are active measures that you can take to get this very important number where it should be. Read the rest to discover the 10 best ways to increase your credit scoring.

In relation: 9 surprising things that can increase your credit scoring, say the experts in finance .

Pay in time.

man paying bills

Regarding the increase in your credit scoring, it is imperative that you make payments on time and establish a solid payment history.

"Not only can missing payments lead to penalties or interest, but they can also cause serious damage to your credit report. If you cannot afford to pay the balance on a credit card on the date of due date , you must plan at least the minimum payment, "said Jessica Wheaton , CPA, director of tax and accounting services at Fiske & Company .

Keep in mind that when you pay the minimum, you will always wrap interest in the total balance due. But you will at least keep your account in good standing, notes Wheaton.

A good way to stay informed is to configure automatic payments with your credit card company. Just make sure you also keep an eye on your bank account to make sure you have sufficient funds, according to Wheaton's advice.

Keep your use of low credit.

swiping credit card at store

The use of credit is also a key factor to increase your credit scoring.

"It is not because a credit card has a certain expenditure limit," warns Wheaton. "In fact, if you try to improve your credit scoring, you should only use a small part of this available credit."

She suggests staying less than 30% of use if you can.

"For example, if a credit card has a spending limit of $ 10,000, work to maintain the balance of your declaration below $ 3,000," says Wheaton. "You can request an increased expenditure limit, which can help or plan to reimburse the balance of your declaration early."

In relation: Never use your credit card for these 6 purchases, according to financial experts .

Correct all errors.

woman checking credit report
Fizkes / Shutterstock

If you see errors on your credit reports, contact the lender and the declaration agencies, dispute the accuracy of the incorrect data and obtain any resolution in writing, said John Ulzheimer, president of the Ulzheimer group and author of The smart consumer guide of good credit.

This is another excellent reason to start the months of the crusade of your credit scoring before a big purchase. Errors will take a while to resolve - although credit agencies are authorized Only 30 days To carry out their investigations.

Limit difficult requests.

credit check document
Rawpixel.com / shutterstock

You may think that checking your credit scoring is harmful, but it is actually a myth. When you check your score using an application like Credit Karma, this is called a gentle survey - and it's really a good way of Precision . But difficult requests are different, and they TO DO Strike your credit scoring. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"When you ask for a loan, whether for a car or mortgage, the bank checks your credit report. This is known as a difficult survey, and frequent requests can have a negative impact on your score," said Wheaton. "A difficult survey can remain on your credit report for a period of up to two years, but should only have an effect for about 12 months."

However, Wheaton concedes that the potential ramifications of a hard investigation are temporary and should not prevent you from asking for a necessary loan.

"After all, what is the interest of a well -deserved credit rating if you never really use it?" She notes.

In relation: 11 hidden things affecting your credit scoring, finance experts say .

Look for services that can increase your score.

older couple looking at computer

According to Just answer expert in finance Jeffrey Stouffer , some services can help make part of the legs to increase your credit scoring. The experian program is called conveniently Booster .

"What Boost does is to have access to all the not declared recurring invoices that you pay, then adds them to the credit office," said Stouffer. "This can recover public service invoices, mobile phone invoices or any other recurring invoice that has been paid on a monthly basis."

Transunion and Equifax have comparable programs, and if you rent, Stouffer suggests looking for a program called Return .

"Someone who has rented an apartment for two or three years will get another commercial line showing this history and payment model," he said Better life .

Consider the quick rescue.

be smarter with money in 2018

Some lenders, such as mortgage brokers, offer a "quick rescue", which can recalculate your credit scoring in days. It seems great, but it only helps in certain situations.

"It's really a" fast update of credit "", notes Ulzheimer.

If you opt for a mortgage and a high error its ugly head, a loan agent having access to quick rescue can resolve it within 24 to 72 hours.

"You must be able to prove that it is indeed an error," Liz Pulliam Weston, author of Your credit scoring , clarifies . "He cannot correct really negative information."

Consolidate your debt.

couple looking into consolidating debt
Zigic Drazen / Shutterstock

If you are looking to make a big purchase in the next nine months to a year and you have credit card sales between 30 and 90% of your limit, Stouffer says that you may want to examine a loan consolidation loan.

"The score Fair Isaac Corporation [Fico] is strongly biased for a renewable debt," he said. "The models of use and payment of these accounts will exert more influence than the model of payment of a fixed -term loan which has always been paid in time."

The advantage of this strategy is that it can considerably reduce your rate of use of rotating debt, which is likely to result in an increase in your global store. But be warned that this also means a new survey and a new account that will lower your score at that time, says Stouffer.

If you decide to go with a loan consolidation loan, Stouffer advises to make appropriate payments for even more a positive impact on your score.

In relation: 10 informed strategies to quickly repay the debt, according to financial experts .

Spread it.

Close up of an open wallet with credit cards with Chase,Chase Disney,Citi Simplicity and Master card logos (for editorial use only)

Another way to increase your credit scoring is to improve your credit ratio.

"It is better to have small sales on a bunch of cards than to have a big balance on a card," explains Pouliam Weston.

If you have more than one credit card account, the propagation of the sales between the cards could help your score slightly because you reduce your balance / credit limitation ratio on each card.

However - and it is a big "however" - does not go out and does not come out a few new credit card accounts to disseminate another balance, warns Barry Paperno ,, Expert credit scores and reports .

New accounts, and credit requests to open these accounts, could eat in any point of earnings that you could get the drop in sales. You could even hurt your score more than helping it.

Forget perfection.

couple looking at tax documents
Peopleimages.com - Yuri A / Shutterstock

We all like to be the best, but in the case of Fico scores, once you have reached 720, it's the median. Hit 780, and it's time to move on.

"Having a score of 780 against 820 will do absolutely nothing to get you better loan rates," explains Paperno. "There is very little difference in terms of risk because there are so few people who mark as high."

Be patient.

man disappointed looking at credit score on computer
Andrey_popov / Shutterstock

Finally, it is important to remember that it can take time to get your credit scoring where you want or need it.

"Rome was not built in one day, and no longer a perfect credit rating. A credit rating is not just a snapshot of time, but rather a reflection of your whole financial journey", shares Wheaton. "These tips can provide an immediate boost, but the most important results will take some time. Do not forget, it is a marathon, not a sprint, so do not discourage yourself by short -term fluctuations."

She adds: "Your future me will be grateful for the work you have devoted to making an excellent credit. Eat and spend responsiblely."

Best Life offers the most recent financial information of the best experts and the latest news and research, but our content is not supposed to replace professional advice. Regarding the money you spend, save or invest, always consult your financial advisor directly.

This story has been updated to include additional inputs, verification of facts and copying edition.

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