10 reasons to avoid CICO, the new ADF regime

Pondere experts on the new diet that allows you to engage in fast food and dessert every day and lose weight.

Have you heard about Atkins, Paleo, South Beach and even the cookie plan - so what's new in the ADF regime sphere? It is Cico and it means "calories in calories". The craze of the diet is based on the principle that you can eat what you want (like potato chips, ice cream and burgers) and lose weight as long as you spend more calories than you Do not take it.

Too good to be true? "The CICO goes against everything we know nutrients in the food and how they benefit from health," says Diedigger in NYC, Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD. "Do not focus on the density of nutrients with nutrient foods and calories will result in sleep, energy and overall health problems. In the long run, you risk losing weight, but it's not a healthy way to live. "

Need more convincing than this FAD is not for you? We have compiled 10 reasons to dissuade you from this diet as well as30 reasons your belly fat does not go away For when you need durable solutions.


The deficiencies of vitamins and nutrients can strike


"All calories are not created equal," Lisa Davis, PhD, Director of Nutrition toTerra cuisinesays, adding that nutrients are essential too. "So while eating that two orresines are technically equal in calories to eat an apple, the apple contains fibers, water, vitamins and minerals that will facilitate digestion and prevent insulin spikes; Oreos provide empty calories. "


You can not have enough protein


Store your freezer with ice cream and your pantry with potato chips and your body will miss protein. Remember why we all need this muscle building macro: in addition to helping tissue repair, protein helps absorption of certain nutrients, strengthens your metabolism and fighting hunger.


You can not have enough good fats

Avocado toast

"Healthy fats facilitate cognition and cardiac health and fiber contributes to weight management," says Rizzo. "With regard to calories in and calories, many people tend to fear healthy foods in fat, like lawyers. They think I would prefer to eat something like ice cream a lawyer. 'But In doing so, they lack all fools, fibers, potassium, good fats, antioxidants that this creamy fruit provides. "


You probably overload on carbohydrates

white bread

If you fill your domestic carbivore and pack your plate with sweet desserts, fries and bread, you may overload on empty carbohydrates that are invalidly of sound fibers. Not to mention, devouring added sugars and a refined flour can contribute to weight gain and energy dip.


You will miss energy

woman tired

Take this diet and you may not notice fill your Joe cup too often. Subscribe in refined carbohydrates that lack fibers and are filled with added sugars can cause insulin spikes, which are seriously out of bad news for your energy levels. Maintain the energy all day and avoid 3 p. Salad, choose these25 best carbohydrates that will discover your abdominals instead of.


It is not maintained

Woman craving food

To let go of the mein instead of making grilled chicken and vegetables ring attractive; But even if your daily calorie consumption remains weak, you will still not see the results you want. "In the long run, you risk losing weight, but it's not a healthy way to live. And it's certainly not lasting, "says Rizzo.


You will be hungry

hungry woman

"Foods that lack protein, fiber and healthy fat do not keep you complete and thus makes it very difficult to stick to a number of calories," says Rizzo. "In the long run, you will probably feel happier and eat more than you have intended."


Your digestive system will take a shot

Stomach pain

The insufficient intake of whole dishes, especially fibers, means that you can spend more time in the bathroom as usual. On ato studyCarried out by the technical university of Denmark, "you can help the food to cross the food through the colon by eating a diet rich in fiber and drinking a lot of water", in other words, not eating a diet Full of fast food.


Your metabolism will become lazy

Belly fat

Spyygy far from a balanced diet overflowing with lean protein, healthy carbohydrates and healthy greases can wreak havoc on your burning oven. Ato study in theSearch for food and nutrition Journal found that participants who ate whole grain bread sandwich and real cheddar burned twice as many calories that participants who ate a refined grain sandwich and processed cheese.


This can cause inflammation

Ill woman

"Plans should not be concentrated on calories; Nutrients also count. Eating a high diet in processed foods can cause crampons in insulin and provoke systemic inflammation over time, "says Dr. Davis. "This chronic inflammation can lead to health problems and diseases." Fight with these powerful 30 best anti-inflammatory foods .

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: diet
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