≡ Prolonged pain in these 6 parts of the body can be a symptom of cancer! 》 Her Beauty

Prolonged pain in these 6 parts of the body has the potential to be a symptom of cancer you know! Which body parts are they?

Did you know that cancer is the number two cause of death in the world? According to WHO data, this disease is the cause of 9.7 million deaths each year. In the Ministry of Health's data, the incidence of cancer in Indonesia reaches 136 people per 100,000 population and ranks 8th in Southeast Asia. This makes it very important for us to realize the dangers of cancer that seems to always haunt our lives.

This time we will discuss prolonged pain in 6 parts of the body that have the potential to be a symptom of cancer. Which body parts are they? Instead of curious, just refer to the list below.

1. Breast

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that is often found in women around the world you know! Based on data quoted from the WHO official page, in 2023 there were already more than 2.3 million cases. Even the death rate from breast cancer is relatively high. This fact is very unfortunate, the article many people who do not understand the importance of routine examinations to detect cancer earlier.

Then besides prolonged pain, symptoms especially in the breast area that can be a sign of breast cancer? The first is the emergence of changes and retraction on the nipples. This happens if the nipple is attracted to the inside or changes shape. In addition, pain or sensation of pain in the breast.

Secondly, changes in shape or size in the breast become unusual. It could be that the size of one breast looks bigger or smaller than usual. In addition, there can also be changes in forms classified as abnormal. Third, lumps appear under the armpits or breasts. Although lumps are not necessarily symptoms of breast cancer, but this is the most common sign of early stage breast cancer.

2. Vital tools

Vital tools are divided into two, which are owned by men and women. For male genitals, in addition to prolonged pain, other signs that may arise are thickening of the skin, changes in skin color, changes in skin structure, lumps, bleeding in the head of the genitals, swelling and vital tools secrete non-pleasant fluids.

The signs above may be a symptom of penile cancer. Worse yet, if the cancer cells have spread to other body parts, there will be swelling in the lymph nodes, especially in the groin area.

Then what about the female genitals? Let's peel it thoroughly! Symptoms of cancer in this section usually starts from prolonged pain around the vagina, the appearance of lumps, itching in the vagina that does not go away, pain during urination, pelvic pain, constipation and abnormal bleeding. This vaginal cancer is different from cervical cancer, but the symptoms are similar. This makes us need to be vigilant if the symptoms appear as above. Don't be afraid to see a doctor!

3. Brain

Next is prolonged pain in the brain. If this happens, it could be an early symptom of brain cancer. Other common symptoms that are often felt by brain cancer patients are continuous headaches, difficulty speaking, nausea accompanied by vomiting, experiencing disorders of thinking or remembering, the body experiences numbness, spasms, body balance decreases and is often tired for no apparent reason.

The above symptoms may be different in each person, depending on the severity and location of the tumor. But what you need to pay attention to the risk of brain cancer can increase due to several factors, such as ever exposed to radiation, age, exposure to chemicals such as cigarettes, weak immune systems, and genetic disorders.

4. Heart

In the fourth list there is liver cancer that can be dangerous, because the liver plays a very important role for our body. The liver functions to cleanse the blood of toxins or harmful substances, produce bile which helps digestion of nutrients, and control blood clots. There are several types of liver cancer, primary and secondary liver cancer.

Liver cancer is usually characterized by frequent emergence of prolonged pain around the liver area. Examples such as pain or pain in the right abdomen, nausea accompanied by vomiting, skin and eyes are yellow and decreased weight without clear cause.

But you need to know that these symptoms are not specific symptoms for liver cancer. So that if these symptoms appear, you still have to check your health thoroughly and do not immediately make your own diagnosis!

5. stomach

Stomach cancer or often called gastric cancer is a disease that occurs due to the development of abnormal cells that form tumors and can develop into malignant cancer cells.

There are several types of gastric cancer such as adenocarcinoma, carcinoid tumors, gastrointestinal stroma tumors, gastric lymphoma, and squamous cell carcinoma.

In connection with gastric cancer, you need to be aware of prolonged pain in the abdominal area, chronic abdominal pain, loss of appetite, shrinking weight without clear cause, bloating accompanied by spheres, quickly full and tired, to pain in the breastbone. Gastric cancer that has entered an advanced stage is also often accompanied by vomiting blood, black chapters, swelling in the stomach, and anemia.

6. Lung

The last list is prolonged pain around the lungs. This can be accompanied by other symptoms such as headaches, decreased body weight, loss of appetite, hoarseness, the tips of convex fingers, sustainable coughing to coughing up blood. These symptoms are a sign of lung cancer.

Lung cancer often occurs in people who are often exposed to cigarette smoke, both passive and active smokers. In addition, lung cancer is also easy to attack those who work with asbestos, arsenic, chromate, nickel, and charcoal oven.

By knowing more about the prolonged pain above, you can take preventive steps by undergoing examination at the nearest health facility. This is so that you can be given treatment as early as possible by health workers, so that the symptoms of cancer do not get worse.

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