The hidden costs of the possession of a house: 7 best budgeting ways for unexpected expenses
Sudden setbacks can cost you about $ 15,000 a year. Here are expert advice on how to prepare.

Have a House is an excellent investment, but it can have a high price. Daily expenses can add up, but the same goes for hidden costs (think: home repairs, property taxes, public services, repair of devices, etc.) that you may not have not taken into account in your budget. These sudden setbacks can reach almost $ 15,000 per year in additional costs for owners, according to a report Zillow and Thumbtack . H There are seven ways of budgeting the unexpected expenses of experts so that you can correctly afford the hidden costs of ownership.
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1. Create a domestic maintenance fund

Yawar Charlie , a principal real estate agent, director of Aaron Kirman Group Division of Domains, and a CNBC player Listing impossible , emphasizes the start of an "emergency shoot" for your home.
"Avail to save 1 to 3% of the value of your home per year," he suggests. "So, if your fabulous remains is worth $ 1,000,000, buy $ 10,000 to $ 30,000 each year for maintenance. This fund is your go-to for everything, repairing a tap that flees when replacing This old roof.
Shawn plummer , financial advisor and CEO of The rent expert , also advises to put money aside each month and suggests starting a damping fund.
"A damping fund involves saving a small amount each month for specific and planned expenses such as home repairs or devices," he said. "By booking $ 100 per month, the owners create a dedicated reserve over time. This method helps to avoid financial surprises by preparing possible costs gradually."
2. Plan the seasonal interview

Another cost that owners can ignore outdoor maintenance, says Charlie. It is important to follow regular cleaning and repair services such as cleaning gutters, CVC maintenance and lawn care. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"These may seem to be small expenses, but they add and prevent more important and more expensive problems on the whole line," he said. "In addition, who does not like a well maintained lawn?"
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3. Use a domestic warranty

The purchase of a domestic warranty is worth the price because it can cover the main systems and household appliances in your home, explains Plummer.
"This annual policy generally costs between $ 300 and $ 600 and can save thousands of repair or replacement costs. It is a proactive means of managing potential expenses with foreseeable annual payments."
Charlie agrees. "Owners' assurance is a must, but don't be satisfied with the basics," he said. "Make sure you are covered against common risks in your region, such as earthquakes, floods or hurricanes. This could cost a little more initial, but having the right coverage can avoid a financial disaster."
4. Build an emergency fund

Generate as many savings as possible guarantees that you are always covered for the unexpected.
"This fund should cover the subsistence costs of three to six months, including mortgage payments, public services and other essential elements," explains Charlie. "Life can launch curve balls, and this cushion will give you peace of mind when things become rocky."
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5. Budget of property taxes

Wait in your annual land taxes are due to recovering money is never a good idea. You must make sure to reserve money each month in preparation for these expenses, according to the experts.
"Depending on your location, land taxes can be quite substantial," said Charlie. "For example, if your annual property tax bill is $ 12,000, you should store $ 1,000 each month. It is to avoid this end of the end of the year."
6. Keep a budget for public service bills

You know how, in summer, your electricity bill increases because you use air conditioning more? And in winter, your gas bill can be higher to power your fireplace? Plan these changes.
"Budget a little more for your public service bills cover these points during burning summers or cold winters," explains Charlie. "And good, investing in energy -efficient household appliances and home improvements can help reduce your bills over time - save money and the planet? Earning a winner!"
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7. Change your state of mind

The purchase of a house is not only to pay a mortgage each month. There is much more to consider in all global expenses, so adjust your reflection to get used to regular and surprise costs.
"By booking funds for maintenance, emergencies, seasonal expenses, property taxes and adequate insurance, you can be better prepared for the unexpected and enjoy your home without financial stress," explains Charlie. "Plan in advance, stay wise and transform your home into a ultimate haven."

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