What are stick-and-pile tattoos?
Find out how this unique non -electric tattoo technique works.

Think about getting new ink ? Getting a tattoo is something that people have done for centuries, and this remains a fun (although permanent) means of expressing your individuality. But there are options outside of the machine tattoos that you might be more familiar. The stick and point tattoos are a unique tattooing strain, rich in history which can be linked to several different cultures.
So, if you think about the idea of getting tattooed, explore why a stick and cutting -edge tattoo could be the right variety for you. Find out how it works, tracking tips and if it looks like a regular tattoo.
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What are Bâton-et-Piles tattoos?

Bâton-et-Poos tattoos, also known as tattoos with hand-to-hand, are the oldest tattoo form. While a regular tattoo uses an electric motor which quickly moves the needle from top to bottom on your skin, the strap and PO-Ci technique abandons the buzzing electrical device. By hand, artists apply the ink under your skin using a pencil type tool or a tattoo needle, stabbing the skin slightly to create the desired image. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
"A needle attached to a simple handle (like a pencil) is used to search the ink in the skin one point at a time," said Master Svietliy , a professor of philosophy and meditation and artist of sacred symbolism. "This technique requires regular hand and can create delicate and detailed conceptions. It is supposed to have roots in old practices in various cultures, although it has become very popular worldwide because of its simplicity and 'Minimum equipment required. "
The tattooing technique of sticks and tips can be traced Ancient Egypt , where evidence of this practice have been observed on mummified people. A woman buried over 3000 years ago was found with lotus flowers drawn on her hips, cows on her arms and baboons on her neck.
Despite being a current practice through history, the technique of sticks and tips has also made its mark in modern society. He has become popular in Punk culture , because tattoos were considered an anti-authority. Many tattoo artists always practice this delicate art, and stick and cutting -edge kits are also sold online .
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Are there different types of stick and point tattoo techniques?

The technique of sticks-andpotes is practiced in the world in many different cultures, but not everyone does it exactly in the same way.
Long rod tattoo and bamboo
This technique is native to Southeast Asia and uses a long bamboo stick with sharp edges or a metal rod.
"It is often used to carry out sacred Sak Yant tattoos, which are supposed to offer protection and blessings to the carrier," explains Svietliy. "The artist hits the end of the handle of the stem with a mallet to puncture the skin and insert the ink, a method that requires great skill and patience."
In this Japanese technique, artists use a nomi, which is like a chisel attached to a handful.
"The artist uses the movement of the hand to sculpt the ink in the skin, allowing nuanced gradients and subtle shadows which are often difficult to make with the machines," explains Svietliy. "Tebori tattoos are cherished for their artistic talent and the touch connection they promote between the artist and the customer."
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BATOK (ta-tau)
This technique comes from traditional Australasian Australas communities and the Pacific islanders. A tool -shaped tool in ink is exploited in the skin with an angle of 90 degrees, explains Svietliy.
"[This] requires rhythmic precision and results in distinctive models which are an integral part of cultural identity and rites of passage within these communities," explains Svietliy.
Machine tattoos compared to stick and point tattoos: what is the difference?

Machine and stick tattoos are permanent ways to mark your skin . However, if a stick and peak work is done, this tattoo can disappear considerably over time.
In terms of How fast each technique takes , the machine tattooing does a much faster job than the helping technique, because each brand is made individually by the artist.
And when it comes to pain, it is always subjective and depends on the person. The technique of sticks-andpots involves a series of pokes in the skin while an electric machine drags the needle and ink through your skin. In the end, this is what type of discomfort you prefer.
How long do stick and tip tattoos last?
Like regular tattoos, stick and point tattoos can last a lifetime when made properly. A false common idea on this technique is only because it is done by hand, these tattoos are less permanent, which is not necessarily true.
"When they are properly applied by a qualified artist, these tattoos often keep their precision and clarity longer than machine tattoos," explains Svietliy. "Indeed, a tattoo properly administered by hand minimizes skin trauma, avoiding the scars which can cause the propagation of ink and blur over time."
However, sticks in stick and tips tend to fade when they are poorly finished. They can still be visible, but become much lighter over time.
Like machine tattoos, if you are trying to get rid of a stick-and-Piole tattoo, laser removal is the most effective way to do so. According to Laser clinic of Medermis , "Elimination creams, dermabrasion, coconut oil, lemon and other internet myths will not exceed your ink. The only sure and effective way to remove your stick and cutting -edge tattoo is the Deletion of the laser. "
Keep in mind that there are some factors that can affect the speed with which laser elimination works, including the type of ink colors used or pre -existing skin conditions.
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Do stick tattoos and tips hurt?

We can all suit that having a needle enters your skin is not a very pleasant experience, but as regards your stick and advanced tattoo, different factors can have an impact on your level of comfort and Your global experience.
On the one hand, the level of pain depends on where you get your brand. According to Healthline , legs, feet, neck area and under the chest are the highest areas for men and women, while the arms are generally less painful. Your experience can also depend on the artist.
"The level of pain to obtain a tattoo can vary considerably depending on the artist's technique and the individual's pain threshold," explains Svietliy. "With more than 15 years of experience, I have refined a gentle and careful approach that reduces discomfort while maintaining the highest quality of art.
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How do you take care of a stick and bite tattoo?

When you get a stick and cutting -edge tattoo, your skin becomes a pin cushion which is repeatedly perforated to transmit the ink to your skin. This process can be slightly bloody and leave your skin raw and swollen, which is why the follow -up tattoo is essential.
"The crucial healing period lasts about two weeks, during which perspiration, submergence of water and vigorous activity should be avoided to prevent infection and ensure optimal healing", shares Svietliy. "The continuous use of lotions and sunscreen can help maintain the dynamism of the tattoo."
According to Ink nurse , Post tattoo in stick and punching make sure to:
- Cover your new tattoos as long as your artist recommends. This may vary depending on the bandage used.
- After removing your bandage, slowly wash your tattoos with lukewarm water.
- If your artist has given you an ointment or cleaners, use the suggested amount.
- Keep your tattoo out of the sun direct for the first week, because the skin will be very sensitive.
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Are the tattoos of sticks and spikes more expensive?

Generally, tattoos can be very expensive work. Eva Karabudak , A celebrity tattoo artist , who worked on Sam Smith ,, Sza And Joe Jonas , charges $ 600 per hour . Fortunately, not all artists are so expensive, but there are several factors that can increase these costs.
The complexity of the design and the time it takes to finish tattooing can have an impact on prices. A rear tattoo Can take 45 to 55 hours and a full round can cost between $ 2,000 and $ 6,000. Certain colors and the amount of shade used in your tattoo can also influence the cost, as well as the artist's expertise.
"The cost of stick and point tattoos varies according to the level of competence and the reputation of the artist," explains Svietliy. "You can pay more for high quality know-how, but it is an investment in sustainable art. It is crucial to remember that lower costs often reflect inexperience and can cause lower tattoos that do not don't get older. "
The Middle Load artist $ 150 per hour or more. You can also buy a stick and point tattoo kit for $ 6 and $ 100. But be careful, and do not be afraid to make follies on your tattoos: stick-and-poos tattoos in particular are something in which you want to invest, because the cost generally reflects the quality of the artist and their work.
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Are Stick and Poke tattoos?

Although stick and point tattoos are incredibly accessible and seem that something can do just anyone, it is better to leave professionals ... and not your boyfriend with a kit. Although a surface procedure, obtaining any type of tattoo requires a level of intrusion in the skin, so it must be manipulated with the greatest cleanliness.
"Safety is essential in tattooing, a practice that involves exposure to blood and bodily liquids and therefore carries inherent risks," explains Svietliy. "Throughout my years of global tattooing, I saw alarming security towers, informal circles to professional fairs where artists neglect critical security standards, leading to cross contamination. To mitigate these risks, it is Crucial to work with trained professionals who understand and implement rigorous security protocols.
Although stick and point tattoos are known for their DIY atmosphere, avoid leaving your boyfriend inexperienced but well intentioned to practice their technique on you. To avoid putting Yourself at risk To have an allergic reaction, an unpleasant skin infection or transmit pathogens of blood origin, you will probably want to work with a professional. And see immediate medical care if you notice pus, excessive redness, pain or swelling after a session.
Svietliy suggests choosing your tattoo artist according to their "skills, style and safety standards, not just accessibility".
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If the whirlwind of a tattoo needle freaks you off, the technique of sticks and friends could suit you. Obtaining a tattoo is exciting, and the Stick-and-Potta technique offers an even cooler means of obtaining one, because it is delivered with a rich cultural history and requires undeniable skills. So the next time you plan to get a tattoo, remember to try something a little more old -fashioned - but elegant at any time.

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