The new law could prohibit self-treatment in Walmart and Target

Managers seek to prevent retailers from using these machines as a safety measure.

On time, Use of self-treatment was the only option that many of us had during shopping in certain stores. But recently, several retailers began to limit their dependence to these machines in the middle of the rise in flights and customer complaints. And now, a new law could force certain stores to completely prohibit self-checkout.

On February 16, the Senator of California Lola Smallwood-Cuevas presented a new bill to the state of the Senate targeting the "self-truth stations in department stores of grocery and drugs", according to Smallwood-Cuevas website . Referred to as a "self-dérification prohibition", Bill SB 1446 aims to impose new regulations on retailers such as Walmart and Target who use these machines.

In relation: Walmart Worker makes a warning to buyers of self-truth .

If the bill were to adopt, certain companies would be banned From the supply of self-truth options to California unless they meet five specific conditions, KTLA 5, based in Los Angeles reported. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

One of the most notable of these requirements is that buyers could only use self-treatment if they buy 10 articles or less. This is something that many retailers, including Target, have Already started to implement in most of their stores nationwide.

The new bill would also oblige that retailers prohibit customers from using self-checks to buy certain products. This includes articles that require an identity verification, such as alcohol and tobacco, as well as "articles subject to deterrent measures", such as "locked cabinets and monitoring labels for electronic articles, which require The intervention of an employee of the establishment so that the customer has access or bought the article.

SB 1146 also has certain conditions related to staff. To provide self-truth services, state retailers would need at least one manual payment station that has an employee available for customers at the same time.

Employees should also be present to monitor auto-checks. However, an employee was unable to monitor more than two auto-grenouet routes at the same time, and any employee monitoring a self-gray station could not supervise other tasks at the same time. In other words, an employee supervising self-suits cannot simultaneously use the manual payment station.

In relation: Fact verification: Walmart and Target Charging Buyers to use Auto-Checkout?

This new bill aims to protect employees, because Senator Smallwood-Cuevas and other work defenders supporting SB 1446 claim that "the proliferation of self-truth has caused a [increase] theft and violence "against grocery workers and retail stores in California, according to a May 6 press release .

"If it is crucial to adapt to new technologies, job protection and workers' safety must be prioritized in the process," Smallwood-Cuevas said in a press release. "SB 1446 will protect workers and the public by ensuring secure endowment levels in retail stores for grocery and medicines and regulating checks to check."

California Federation of Labor COO Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher Adding that "nobody wants to shop in stores with machines instead of workers, [like] replacing grocery workers with automated check machines made stores less safe for everyone."

"This bill guarantees the endowment and safe limitations of self-truth to protect the right jobs in the industry, restore security and reduce organized theft," noted Fletcher in his declaration.

Better life Contacted Walmart and Target to see if they have comments on the new California bill, and we will update this story with their response.

But it seems that the bill already has a certain opposition. California Retailers Association and California Chamber of Commerce sent a letter The Smallwood-Cuevas senator declaring that they "oppose" SB 1446 respectively.

According to the letter, organizations think that it would impose unnecessary restrictions on grocery stores and retail pharmacy implementing self-truth ", adding that the restrictions are" erroneous and unnecessary and will not train A reduction in retail flight in stores ".

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: News / / Shopping
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