7 training sessions to sculpt your best swimsuit body

Make these super-rapid basic training for days when there is no time to train.

Starting a time exercise program for the swimsuit season is a bit like taking off a Jumbo park. It takes a huge amount of energy to get this wooden beast in the track and in the air, but once you advance with real speed, the real flight is not as difficult. But as with an airliner, once you stop, it is difficult to start again. And that's why so many exercise programs fail. You get a few weeks or months of solids working in your credit, and suddenly, children fall sick, or a working deadline is looming, or the successes of the Zombie Apocalypse, and Bam - you missed two, Four or six training sessions in a Row, and what is it for? You are back on the sofa with Ben & Jerry. And far from the beach.

This is where these training sessions, from my successful book Zero belly diet , Come in. Between training days or when you are on vacation, or when you simply cannot collect enough funds to return to your routine, you can always get into a training that will bring you closer to your zero objectives. Most of these training sessions require no equipment, so you can do it almost anywhere, the excuses are sacred. And adding strength to your heart, you will have even more impressive abs to show when your belly fat melts.

1. Strengthening of beginners

Young woman doing side plank exercise indoors

Make the board until you maintained it for 90 seconds in total - take as many sets as you have to get there. Between the sets, rest the duration for which you maintained the board. So if you held it for 30 seconds in your first set, rest 30 seconds after this set. Continue to do the same with the side board on both sides. As you become stronger, extend the duration, you hold each position.


Representatives: hold 90 seconds

REST: As long as you hold the board

Put yourself in the push-up position, then fold your elbows to 90 degrees so that your forearms are flat on the ground. Prepare your abs and keep your body in a straight line for as long as you can.

Side board (left)

Representatives: keep for 60 seconds in total

REST: As long as you keep the side board

Lie on your left side, resting your left forearm on the ground to support. Lift your hips so that your body forms a straight line and prepare your abs - your weight must be on your left forearm and the edge of your left foot.

Lateral board (right)

Representatives: keep for 60 seconds in total

REST: As long as you keep the side board

Perform the side board as described above, but on your right side.

2. The 360

Power training at home. Fit woman doing reverse crunches exercises to strengthen her abdomen and core body during a cardio workout

In this routine, you will turn 360 degrees on a side plan, starting with your back on the ground and ending in the same position. Along the way, you will move in the direction of the needles of a watch to quarters in quarters, performing seven exercises in total in a period of seven minutes. You will want to use an interval timer to alert you whenever you need to change positions. At the end of the seven minute, you should feel the burn throughout your median section, and you will have prepared the land for the killing abs. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

The exercises must be carried out in restless sequence between them. Make each for 60 seconds.

Reverse crunch

Lie on your back with your hands placed with palms next to you and your legs have been perpendicular to the ground. Pulling with your abs, push your basin to the ceiling and return to the starting position in a controlled manner to complete a representative.

Alternating crunch

Lie on your back with your joined fingers behind your head or hands put your ears, and with your folded knees so that the soles of your feet are placed firmly on the ground. Locked your chest up and turn at the waist, trying to touch your right knee with your left elbow followed by your left knee with your right elbow. Continue to alternate for the prescribed time.

Plate (right side)

Lie on the ground on your right side, then submit to your right elbow, ensuring that your body is perfectly straight. If the movement is too difficult at first, lower the right knee to the ground to obtain support.


Lie on the ground, then submit to the two elbows so that your arms form an angle at 90 degrees with your elbows directly under your shoulders. Keep your body directly on the shoulders. If the movement is too difficult at first, take breaks in which you lower your knees on the ground to support you.

Plate (left side)

Lie on the ground on your left side, then submit to your left elbow, making sure that your body is perfectly straight. If the movement is too difficult at first, lower the left knee to the ground to get support.


Lie on your back with your folded knees so that the plants of your feet are placed firmly on the ground. Hold your arms directly above you, so that they are perpendicular to the ground. Now reach as high as possible, imagining that you are trying to touch the sky, then let your chest withdraw in the lying position. Do not forget to roll and go back, rather than keep straight back.

Bike kick

Lie on your back with your joined fingers behind your head or hands shut up your ears, and with your hips and knees folded at 90 degrees so that your calves are parallel to the ground. Now pedal your feet in the air as if you pedal a bicycle, making small alternating circles.

3. The dynamic duo

Strong young woman in activewear jumping in a cardio workout at the gym. Beautiful latin woman doing burpees during a HIIT training

Because it anchors your chest to your legs, your median section receives a ton of work whenever you move dynamically. This is why track athletes and running backs have such impressive abs. They did not develop them by making cracks and leg increases. It is the action to run herself which makes the abdominal muscles contract forcefully because the legs and arms are pumped aggressively.

Next training uses movements similar to those made by track athletes, which leads to an ABS and ballistic routine that will strengthenly strengthen and develop your median section because it burns calories, helping to reveal the fruits of your work more . It consists of two active exercises - setting up with high knees for thirty seconds, then burpees for thirty seconds - followed by 30 seconds of active rest in the form of a board.

Make four cycles of the next circuit.

Exercise Time

Run in place (high knees) 30 dry

Burpee 30 dry

Plank 30 dry

Rest 20 sec

Run in place (high knees)

When you run in place, bring your knees at least at the hip. To make sure they are high enough, you can start by holding your hands in front of you at the hip. Take to slap each knee against his corresponding hand.


Stay with the width of the shoulders on foot. In a fluid movement, squat first and place your hands on the ground in front of you, then push your straight feet until you are in a push-up position. Bring your feet back to their original position, then jump straight, reaching the ceiling to the ceiling to complete a representative.


Lie on the ground, then submit to the two elbows so that your arms form an angle at 90 degrees with your elbows directly under your shoulders. Keep your body directly on the shoulders. If the movement is too difficult at first, take breaks in which you lower your knees on the ground to support you.

4. The Time Warp

Abs workout.

Adjust a timer for seven minutes. Perform as many representatives as possible for the first exercise, then rest if necessary. Go to the following exercise and repeat. In the case of the board, keep it as long as possible (instead of making rehearsals). Repeat the exercises in order until seven minutes have passed. Count the rehearsals you finish with each movement and note your total at the end. Whenever you repeat training, try to finish more total representatives at the same time.

Reverse crunch

Lie on the ground on your back, with arms on your sides, palms oriented downwards. Fold your hips and knees at 90 degrees, so your calves are parallel to the ground. Prepare your abs and turn your hips back to you so that they can get on the floor and your knees are at your chest. Return your hips to the ground.


Lie on the floor on your back and fold your knees to 90 degrees so that your feet are flat on the ground. Cross your arms on your chest. To grove your chest on the ground, coming only until your shoulder blades are out of the ground.


Put yourself in the push-up position, then fold your elbows to 90 degrees so that your forearms are flat on the ground. Prepare your abs and keep your body in a straight line for as long as you can.

5. Seven minutes in devil

Strong beautiful woman doing flutter kicks in the gym. Caucasian young women in sporty clothing training with a cardio workout and HIIT routine

Use a timer and spend a minute to perform each exercise. Make as many representatives as possible during this time, resting if necessary. Each time a minute is in place, go to the next exercise, regardless of the little rest you have had. For the board and the side boards, keep the positions for a minute each, or as long as you can. Whenever you repeat training, try to perform more representatives for each exercise.

Push-up procader

Enter the push-up position, storing your abs and holding your right body. From there, walk forward until you feel the lower back is about to sag. Walk your hands back and repeat.

Raise the leg

Lie on the floor on your back and donate your back to catch a chair, bench or partner legs to get support. Keep your legs straight, lift your legs in the air until they are vertical. Low it downwards but stop a thumb above the ground.


Lie on the floor on your back and fold your knees to 90 degrees so that your feet are flat on the ground. Reach your arms above. Lift your chest until your shoulder blades are out of the ground.


Lie on the floor on your back with your straight legs and arms by your sides. Contract your abs and lift your legs from the ground with a few centimeters. Buy your legs quickly from top to bottom in a movement similar to scissors. =


Put yourself in the push-up position, then fold your elbows to 90 degrees so that your forearms are flat on the ground. Prepare your abs and keep your body in a straight line for as long as you can.

Side board (left)

Lie on your left side, resting your left forearm on the ground to support. Lift your hips so that your body forms a straight line and prepare your abs - your weight must be on your left forearm and the edge of your left foot. Hold the position as long as you can.

Lateral board (right)

Perform the side board as described above, but on your right side.

6. From top to bottom, from one side to the other

Bodycare, sports and workout concept. Motivated sportswoman working hard on getting abs, muscles fit, lying black rubber mat gym floor, warm-up training session, doing fitness bicycle crunches

Alternative sets of the body saw and the wiper, resting 30 seconds after the body saw and 60 seconds after the wiper. Perform 3 sets for each. Resist the urge to sing "wax, wax!"

Body sawyer

Sets: 3 repetitions 10 to 15 Rest: 30 sec

Enter the push-up position and fold your elbows to 90 degrees so that your forearms are flat on the ground. Rest on your feet on furniture sliders (available in any renovation store at home), a towel (if you are on a waxed or smooth tiled floor) or paper plates. Keeping your abs, slide your body back by pushing your forearms into the ground. Go as far as you can without your hips sagging. Then get forward as far as possible. He is a representative.


Sets: 3 repetitions: 8–10 Rest: 60 sec

Lie on your back on the floor with 90-degree arms on your sides. Lift your legs so that they are straight and vertical. Turn your hips and lower your legs on your left side, but do not touch the floor. Repeat the right side. He is a representative.

7. Unstable land

Woman doing russian twists with a medicine ball

Perform the exercises as a circuit. Complete as many representatives as possible for a movement in thirty seconds, then go to the following exercise. Rest from forty-five to sixty seconds after the circuit and repeat for three circuits in total.

Ballon with one leg

Hold on a leg holding a medicine ball, a football ball or another light ball above your hand on the opposite side. Reach your abs. Lightly throw the ball into the air and catch it with the other hand while maintaining your balance. Make it back. Each throw is a representative. Continue to balance the same leg until they are tired, then change your legs if necessary.


Enter a staggered position and bend forward at the hips, holding a medicine ball outside your front knee. Explore the ball back and on the opposite shoulder (but don't let go). Your abs will have to work to slow down your arms. Repeat for 15 seconds on one side, then change your legs and do 15 seconds on the other side.

Russian torsion

Sit on the floor with folded knees and flat feet on the floor in front of you. Extend your arms, holding the ball in front of your chest. Turn your body explosively on one side as far as you can, then turn on the other side.

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