What is mulch and how can your garden transform into paradise?

The basic food of the courtyard has all kinds of advantages - if you use it correctly.

No matter the size of your courtyard, Your landscaping can have a major aesthetic impact. And beyond the flowers, plants, shrubs and trees you choose to plant, other elements come into play, including mulch. The widely used element can look like simple wood chips, but it is in fact a practical part of the management of your lawn, the removal of weeds and the protection of the roots of the soil and plants. But what exactly is the mulch and what is the best way to use it to help your garden prosper? Read the rest for all expert information on one of the most underestimated lawn documents.

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What is mulch?

A person spreading mulch beneath a plant

Whoever has put foot in a courtyard , the garden or the park have seen a type of mulch used as part of the landscaping design. But experts say that the term really applies more than wood chips.

"Quite simply, mulch is a layer of material that spreads on the ground surface," said Darren Muzzy , director of operations at Michigan tree experts . "Various organic and inorganic materials can be combined to create it."

What is the mulch made of?

You can assume that the mulch is always made of wood shavings or fries, thanks to the types often sold at home and the gardens. However, different types are available from which you can choose, depending on what you hope to do.

"There are technically two types: organic mulch and inorganic mulch," said Janet Loughrey of Garden . "Organic mulchs can include compost, manure, grated bark, wood chips, grass cuts, pine needles, straw, grass or leaves. Inorganic mulchs include gravel, stone, plastic sheets or landscape fabric. "

What is the mulch doing?

Anyone who has used mulch for garden purposes or lawn knows that it can be an easy way to make things more ordered and maintained. But novice gardeners who do not know what mulch is used may be surprised to learn that it also fulfills some vital functions that can help keep your courtyard healthy.

"The mulch can help the soil to better keep water, to remove the growth of weeds, to keep the roots of the plant cool in summer and to prevent them from harming frost in winter," said Petar Ivanov , gardening and plant expert with Fantastic gardeners .

According to Jane Dobbs , the gardening team leads to Allan's gardeners , Gardeners of all levels need mulch to keep their gardens healthy.

"He has tons of advantages for your ecosystem," she said Better life . "The mulch maintains the seeds of weeds from a distance and blocks sunlight, reducing the growth of weeds and the need to weed manually. A layer of mulch also helps keep moisture, to prevent the evaporation of the 'Water from the ground and keep the roots of the hydrated plants. "

She adds that over time, the biological mulch enriches the soil with essential nutrients, encouraging microbial activity and cultivating healthy plants. "In addition, it can reduce surface runoff and protect the bare soil from heavy rain and winds."

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Can I make my own mulch?

The packaged mulch is widely available for purchase in most stores at home and in garden centers. But if you want to use a lot, Dobbs says it could be advantageous to go a little DIY and make your own mulch.

"Collect grass cuts after muding your lawn and spread them around your garden beds like mulch," she suggests. "You can also shred the leaves that have fallen into a mulch for your garden in the fall to add nutrients, especially with deciduous leaves such as maple, oak and birch because they decompose slowly, adding organic matter over time. "

She adds that you can also compost vegetable peeles, fruit bark and coffee grounds and use them in your courtyard as mulch once they are broken down into rich and dark compost. The best part? This transforms kitchen waste into free fertilizers and nutrients for your court.

With the right equipment or the right services, you can also create many materials from your own backyard.

"If you have a shredder, you can do your own mulch with trees of trees," said Blake Watkins , Master arborist and operational partner at Monster .

How can I save money on mulch?

Gardening beginners could assume that mulch is only another element that will make a serious invoice work.

"Many local entrepreneurs in trees will offer free wooden shavings for arborisations," Allen Tate , a director of arborist operations and trees to trees Blooma tree experts . "It is essentially all the chipped trees and branches that they have generated by doing trees in your region."

"Some companies will even give you a discount on your work of trees if they can leave the fleas on site," explains Watkins.

Tate adds that, for the most part, the biodiversity resulting in the wooden shavings of the arbocats is actually better for your floor than the type of colored or unique mulch that you can buy in a garden store.

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How / where should I apply the mulch to my garden?

A man spreading mulch in his yard using a shovel and wheelbarrow
Georgepeters / Istock

The weather in which you live will obviously have an impact on your gardening schedule. However, experts say there are some essential tips to keep in mind when planning your calendar. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Generally, the ideal moment for applying mulch is in the spring when the weather has warmed up and remains regularly in this way," explains Ivanov. "It is also important not to apply it too early, because you can bury perennial plants that have not yet emerged."

But if you run out of time, you are not totally without luck. "Alternatively, you can also apply the mulch in autumn to help the soil better keep humidity during the winter months and protect the roots from plants from cold temperatures," he said.

Dobbs underlines that it is essential to identify the area of ​​weeds, debris and the old mulch before applying a new one or depositing any plastic sheet that you can use. You should also use a rake or a garden fork to loosen the floor and potentially dip it with water before spreading.

How many mulch should I use?

As with most things related to the garden, moderation is also essential here. This rule always applies when you try to understand the amount of mulch to be placed in your new layer.

"The mulch can be used in garden beds, trails or along slopes," explains Loughrey. "For coarse organic materials such as wood shavings or straw, apply mulch in a uniform layer up to four inches thick. For finer organic materials such as compost, two inches are sufficient, while Gravel or stone can be applied one by two inches thick. "

But again, it is important not to do too much. "Don't mulch too deep," warns Dobbs. "While mulch offers excellent deletion of weeds and humidity retention, too much mulch can stifle the roots."

Dobbs suggests pillaging evenly around the plant base in garden beds, leaving a few centimeters between the stems to prevent humidity problems. "In addition, mulch between the rows of vegetables to prevent weeds, keep the water and keep the ground warm," she said.

Are there errors to avoid?

It is not only a question of applying too thick with a layer on your garden bed: Tate also warns that it is important to avoid mulching the volcano.

"This [term] refers to the moment when people set up a bunch of wood chips throughout the tree trunk, which looks a bit like a volcano," he explains. "You do not want humidity against the real bark of the tree trunk, which can cause fungal diseases or attract pests. You want humidity above the root zone, where the tree will really absorb the water."

Are there other places where I can use the mulch?

Of course, not just garden beds can use layers. Mulch can also benefit from other parts of your garden.

"You can cover the paths and bridges with mulch, offering a natural and low -maintenance surface that removes weeds," explains Dobbs. "It can also be applied to potted plants to keep them humid. You just have to spread the mulch finely on the ground surface, without covering the base or the foliage of the plant."

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Do I have to use plastic sheets?

A plastic sheet in a garden to help prevent weed growth
Christmas V. Baebler / Shutterstock

According to Dobbs, plastic sheets must be used with your mulch depends on various things, such as your gardening goals, the type of plants you grow and the weather.

"By blocking sunlight, plastic sheets block the growth of weeds and help prevent the seeds of weeds from germinating," she said. "Basically, this reduces the need for manual weeding and herbicides, saving time and efforts."

However, it warns that the biggest problem with plastic leaves is its impermeability. "It restricts the exchange of air and water between the ground and the atmosphere. If you have heavy clay soils, you could end up facing the compaction of the soil, a bad drainage and the suffocation of the roots ", she warns. "And although plastic leaves can help warm the soil in cooler climates, it can also cause excessive heat accumulation in warmer climates, causing overheating of the soil and plant stress."

4 mulch types that you will want to use

A lawn decorated with rocks and gravel in a garden bed

Organic mulch

The use of plants based on plants or decomposable for mulch is popular for a reason. In addition to being aesthetically pleasant, it also comes with many long -term advantages.

"Organic mulchs are made of natural materials, and their main advantage is that they add additional nutrients to the ground," explains Ivanov. "I would recommend the organic mulch, in particular that made from wood shavings or shreds, like the best and most beneficial because it decomposes naturally and adds additional nutrients on the ground. This type of mulch can also be used decorative If the aesthetics are what you are looking for. "The other types it recommends for gardens specifically include compost and manure.

But it should not be just reused plants or animal waste. "The newspaper or the shredded cardboard while the mulch works very well to stifle the weeds and keep the soil wet," explains Dobbs. "But do not use shiny or colorful paper because it can contain chemicals that are limited in the ground."

Keep in mind that there is a drawback to put it in your courtyard. "Because the organic mulch is made of organic matter, it decomposes naturally and needs a regular replacement," warns Ivanov. "But when it breaks down, the decomposed material enriches the ground below and improves its structure and drainage. And remember that the slower the material, the more it will take to decompose, and it will release less nutrients in the ground. "

Inorganic mulch

Unlike plant -based options, inorganic mulchs are made from synthetic materials, make the ground more retention and remove weeds. "And because [the inorganic mulch is] synthetic, it also lasts longer than the organic mulch - but that does not add additional nutrients to the ground," explains Ivanov.

There are also more inventive and interesting options available. "You can shred old rubber tires or carpet and use them as mulch in areas where you want to keep humidity," explains Dobbs. "It's durable and durable, and he keeps the roots warm."

She also suggests using pieces of terracotta pots around your garden beds like mulch, adding a rustic charm to your landscape while improving soil drainage. "And you can pair with decorative stones or gravel where low maintenance and water conservation are priorities. It is an excellent tip that looks elegant and removes weeds," explains Dobbs.

Pine needles

Although the wood chips can be part of the tree which is most often associated with snacking, they are far from the only thing that can be beneficial.

"As the pine needles are naturally acidic, they are perfect for plants that love acid, such as azaleas, rhododendrons and blueberries," explains Dobbs. "When the pine needles decompose, the acid is released in the ground, helping the plants to maintain the pH levels."

She adds that the slow decomposition of pine needles provides a sustainable badly suppression and helps keep moisture, unlike some other organic mulch. "You won't have to reconstruct it so often," she said.

Lawn mowing

Treating the remains of mowing the lawn is often a chore in itself. But experts say that when used appropriately, it can return directly to your courtyard for certain significant advantages.

"Grass cuts make an excellent mulch," says Dobbs Better life . "Just make sure to use them properly to avoid mats and nitrogen exhaustion."

She suggests having a thin layer of dried grasses on the prepared ground. "Make sure they are free from herbicides and pesticides, and do not use press clippings from a chemically treated lawn," said Dobbs.


wheelbarrow full of march in garden

What mulch can make in your yard? After reading this article, you know how much this article in the lawn and garden care is versatile. Whether made from organic materials such as wood shavings or inorganic materials such as stones, it can help remove weeds, keep humidity and protect the roots from the soil and plants. Just make sure you don't use too much and prepare your courtyard before spreading the diapers.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: Garden / Home
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