"Danger!" Field admits that the rival player had "a deeply unhappy disadvantage"

Fans call for a second chance competition.

Danger! has a weekly audience of More than 27 million viewers and continues to be one of the most Talked about game games Online, depending on the camera of the camera. However, with so many eyeballs, there is a lot of additional pressure to play well and win the price in cash - just ask the competitor Elly Trickett , whose nerves recently cost him the winning title.

In relation: "Danger!" Slammed for the "shameful" response to power: "one of the worst mistakes I saw."

During the episode on Monday, the fans watched Trickett, a blog and a Podcast editor in Connecticut, compete against the professor of mathematics and twice Danger! champion Marko Saric and playwright Nam Nguyen . Saric had a little hand, having just won consecutive matches.

Halfway, Trickett was $ 8,000 behind Saric first place. She could have caught up and even exceed Nguyen, who was stable in second place at $ 2,4000. But as Nguyen explained later on social networks, the Trickett gameplay was sabotaged by acute stress. While the quiz advanced, Trickett continued to respond incorrectly and his income slowly went from $ 1,000 to - $ 400 to - $ 800, TV initiate reports .

The negative partition of Trickett disqualified her from the competition in the final round - but viewers seemed more interested in resolving the case of the missing glasses of Trickett than watching Nguyen and Saric undress for first place. Many quickly pointed out that Trickett's fashionable glasses were literally nowhere where half of the competition.

And viewers were not the only ones to notice the change in the appearance of Trickett. Nguyen released Saric out of first place and left with $ 26,299. Subsequently, he joined a Reddit thread About the episode of April 22 in which he shared "important things for everyone to know" on his rival.

"Elly forgot to put her glasses because of stress at the top of the game, which was a deeply unhappy drawback for her," alerted Nguyen fans. "I was really sad to learn [that] at the break."

The news hit certain fans laterally. "Why couldn't she have put them? I am confused," said a person.

Another wrote: "The shame of Elly's glasses is so unhappy."

Meanwhile, others hope that Trickett will soon obtain a do-over. "I loved Elly and I am so sad that she could not see the board. I hope they will be returned for the second chance!" reads another comment. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Elly was such a sweet and wonderful person, with a delicious sense of humor to start. She was excellent in the practice of buzzer, and hearing that she had forgotten her glasses was heartbreaking because she could certainly have been the Third pistol in this shooting, "said someone who was in the green room with Trickett and Nguyen. "Nothing but wonderful things to say about it during the day and in our interactions since."

Categories: Entertainment
Tags: News / TV
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