The most funny zodiac sign, according to astrologers
You will never be bored or you will feel blah when these people are there.

We all have this friend who can take a dull meeting and make it a roaring celebration just by presenting each other. That they direct a karaoke Or simply tell stories that have everyone in the stitches, they could never be considered boring - and their horoscope can be behind their contagious energy. In front, hear astrologers from the most fun signs of the zodiac, pleasant extroverts to exuberant festive animals.
In relation: The sign of the zodiac with the greatest personality, according to astrologers .
6 Scorpio

If we had to compare the scorpion to a television series, it would be The white lotus - Not a show that will make you double with laughter but rather laugh at his dark comedy.
"Scorpion has a very sarcastic and dark humor," notes Author and astrologer Lisa Barretta . "You always have to ask yourself if they are serious or about to tell you where the bodies are buried."
Charlotte Kirsten , founder of the astrology blog Generally relevant , add that the scorpion famous intensity Also lends itself to their unexpected fun nature: "Everything that interests a scorpion, you can be sure they do it with enthusiasm, passion and intensity, which makes them uber."
5 Aquarius

Aquarians are often in their own little world. But once they let you enter, you will be hung on their Original and eccentric spirit .
"They generally have the most unique and descriptive way to tell a story that is dotted with sound effects, imitated voice and complete descriptions of characters", shares Barretta.
This free -minded panel is not the type to get out of town often, but when they do it, they are broken for anything. "The adventurous water carrier represents the revelers of all night, those who do not stop as long as the sun does not go on the horizon," explains Kirsten.
In relation: The most lonely zodiac sign, according to astrologers .
4 Ram

Aries is the first of the three fire signs to be made on this list. "Their fiery and passionate nature makes them impatient to try new experiences and live life at its full potential," explains Bella Nguen , astrology columnist at Indielogy magazine , trio.
According to Kirsten, ram is "known for their clumsy and light nature" and their ability to bring a little lightness to difficult situations. They like to tell stories and can do any event, even a happy hour after work, feel like a real party.
However, be warned that this often is constantly equivalent want the spotlight . But as long as you let the ram in your life make the decisions about what to do and where to go, they will remain in a good mood.
3 Gemini

Is it surprising that the The sign of the social zodiac Is also one of the most fun? Due to the duality of Geminis, they find it easy to integrate into any social framework and are not afraid to make conversations with new people.
"Directed by Mercure, the planet of communication, Gemini is proud of its ability to connect with people and transform the most commonplace conversation into something of spirit and memorable," explains Kirsten.
The only problem you might have is to pin your gemini friend. This same zest for life means that they are easily bored and, in turn, notoriously unreliable. But put them in a room and you don't stop laughing.
In relation: The most reliable zodiac sign, according to astrologers .
2 Leo

Like ram, Leo is a sign of fire that wants all eyes on them - but as long as you don't want the projector yourself, you will love to have them around.
"The Léos are natural artists," notes Barretta. "Their love for spots puts them in the spotlight and they will make you laugh because of their over-dramatization when they tell a story."
Although they like a happy birthday, the leos are just as good in more intimate contexts. "Their natural charisma Attracts people to them, allowing the leos to effortlessly create excitement, "said Nguen." Their warmth and generosity also loved them to others. "" AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
1 Sagittarius

I want a parachuting partner or A Road Trip friend ? "The fun sign and motivated by the Zodiac ruffles, Sagittarius can say" yes "to the adventure and excitement," explains Kirsten.
She adds that this sign is led by Jupiter, the planet of exploration, so they are constantly looking for "the next great thing that will make their lives more interesting and more pleasant".
Barretta also notes that the Sagittarius "knows how to laugh at themselves and has no problem making a joke, even in the most serious situations". They are a little clumsy and silly, but that's the reason why you have fun when they are there.

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