The surprising reason why you could have a stroke

See if you can be at risk and what you can do about it.

When Luke Perry - our favorite "Beverly Hills Hills 90210" deceased in 2019 of a stroke at the age of 52, the world was stunned. The messages of the hearts of the heart and celebrities flooded the Internet, with most of them saying that Luke was too young to die. Perry - who survived by two children, an ex-wife, a fiancée and his parents - was younger than many actors still in their immoorer. (Brad Pitt is 57!)

But the sad truth is a stroke - also known as a "brain attack" - at any age. In fact, 15% of ischemic blowsreach young adults and adolescents. If you think you or those close to you are not at risk, think about it again. Cerebral accident is theSecond cause of death in the world. Every year, about 800,000 Americans are experiencing a stroke of 185,000 dying.

That's not all:One in three AmericansAdults have raisedarterial pressure- The leading cause of race - and only about half have under control. With numbers this top, it is likely that you or your mother, brother or friend could have it too.

The good news is that the risk factors for strokes are oftenimitable Thanks to healthy lifestyle choices, such as the management of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and maintain a healthy weight. But recent studies have discovered a surprising risk factor for brain vascular accidents that you may not know. It's quite common and can shock you. Read our report and see what you can do about it. It could save your life.

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Remember me: What is a stroke?

CT scan of brain with red area for hemorrhagic stroke

Acerebral accident When your brain suddenly ceases to receive blood. In most cases (ischemic stroke), it is caused by obstruction of the arteries leading to your brain. When this happens, your brain cells are cut off from their oxygen diet and begin to die. With brain cells, you lose control over your memory and your muscles.

The times maybe be small (you can not feel your leg for a while) or big (you can be paralyzed on one side of your body or lose the ability to speak). Some stroke survivors could recover, but most will wear a kind of disability after the attack. Repeat us: it can happen to anyone and at any age.

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And what causes a cerebral accident once?

Normal blood pressure 120/80 on an LCD screen

There are many factors that could put you at risk of stroke, including hypertension, tobacco, heart disease and diabetes. You may be surprised to learn that this can also be a complication of influenza-related disease or influenza. Yes, you read it correctly: the flu can lead to a stroke. The researchers at Columbia University have found thatSymptoms of Grippes Graves or Influenza have resulted in an increase of 40% risk of strokeOver the next two weeks, as indicated in two preliminariesstudies.

Scientists in Scotland have uncovered similar links in a smallto studyWhere they found that people were more likely to undergo a stroke in the month following a respiratory virus. The studies investigated "influenza-type disease", rather than cases of confirmed influenza, as so many people who come down with influenza do not receive a confirmed diagnosis with a laboratory test.


Wait, do you mean a regular influenza?

woman covered with plaid checking her body temperature while sitting in bed at her apartment

Yeah. Whether it's fever, fatigue, chills, coughing or body pain, most of us have experienced a nasty influenza at some point in our lives. Each year, between 3% and 11% of the Americans will go down with influenza or flu, according to theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention. For this past influenza season, this number was between 37 and 43 million.

Most of us think of influenza as a slight or sometimes so dolled annoyance that tears off her painful head every autumn, but the flu can be a very dangerous disease. In the United States, more than 530,000 people have been hospitalized with complications related to influenza or influenza, according to the CDC. Of these, between 36,000 and 61,000 dead.


So why are it going?

At Columbia Universityto study, scientists analyzed data of nearly 31,000 hospitalized people due to sufferingIschemic stroke. Associating the history of patient diseases with patient traits dates, researchers discovered that those who had undergone influenza disease are facing an increased risk of 40% over the next 15 days after being sick. While the risk is the largest during these two weeks, some "risk of stroke remains high for ... 365 days," said Dr. Philip Gorelick, professor at the Department of Translational Science and the Molecular medicine of the University of Michigan, in avideo interview on studies.

We still do not know why this happens. Although there are many theories behind the anticipation liaison of influenza, no definitive justification has been found to completely explain the association. The researchers suspect that inflammation that accompanies the flu can play a role in the increased risk.

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What can I do?

Close up doctor's hand injecting for vaccination in the shoulder woman patient

The results highlight the importance of getting an influenza. "People should consider taking an influenza vaccine. It has been demonstrated in other studies than if you take the influenza vaccine, you are less likely to have a stroke," said Dr. Gorerick, making Reference to New England Journal of the conclusions of medicine that get a shot of influenza can help reduce your risk of stroke of about 20%.

Recommendation: Follow your doctor's advice and get the influenza vaccine. I do not know where to go? Click on this link to find a place near you! And if you recently had influenza, pay attention to symptoms such as difficulty talking, walking or seeing. Discover these current signs of the stroke to learn what to be looking for.And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss: This supplement can increase your risk of cancer, tell experts.

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