≡ Unexpected health benefits from rinse with salt water》 Her Beauty

For a long time, rinse with salt water has become a "remedy" that people spread each other whenever sore throat due to colds.

For a long time, rinse with salt water has become a "remedy" that people spread each other whenever sore throat due to colds. Besides, rinse with salt water can also bring many other health benefits.

Benefits from rinse with salt water

Reduce inflammation, sore throat

According to health experts, the salt concentration in the saline solution is higher than the salt concentration of the cell in the mouth and throat. When you rinse your mouth with salt water, the osmotic state due to the difference in concentration will help move the water from the swollen cells, thereby reducing inflammation and swelling in the throat.

Reduce allergic symptoms

Saltwine garment is not a method of preventing allergies but can help reduce unpleasant symptoms in the throat caused by allergies. Allergy caused by pollen, weather or pet hair can cause itching and swelling in the throat and nose. Salted mouthwash has the effect of dissolving mucus irritating the throat, while adding water and sodium to the dry throat of the "Master".

Reduce and prevent upper respiratory infections

Cold, flu and sinus infections are common diseases belonging to the upper respiratory infection group. Salt solution can help soluble mucus causing clogging in the nose and throat. As a result, patients experience sinus and respiratory symptoms that can reduce the feeling of shortness of breath, sore throat. A study published in the American Preventive Medical Journal shows that people rinse with salt water three times a day in the cold season that is less likely to have upper respiratory infections compared to those who do not rinse their mouths.

Prevention of gingivitis, periodontitis, tooth decay

Health experts said that mouthwashing with salt water is effective equivalent to disinfectant mouthwash in reducing dental plaque, colorless or yellow bacteria on the teeth. In addition, salt water also has an extremely effective effect in killing bacteria in the mouth, thereby helping to enhance the health of gums and teeth, prevent tooth decay.

Notably, the strong penetration state caused by the salt solution can help absorb excess liquid from the gums that are swollen, soothe gingivitis. Besides, warm salt water also promotes blood circulation in the gums, reduces discomfort and accelerates the healing process.

Cure mouth ulcers, mouth heat

A study in PLOS One magazine shows that gargling with salt water can accelerate the healing process in the oral mucosa. While warm salt water can help soothe the pain, the salt will kill bacteria in and around the ulcer, helping the wound dry and heal faster. Dental experts said, initially, rinse with salt can cause throbbing and burning around the wound. However, this is a very effective method to remove mouth ulcers faster.


Saline mouthwash solution is also considered a natural antibacterial solution for the mouth. With the presence of sodium chloride, salt acts as a natural disinfectant, breaks the bacterial cell membrane and inhibits the growth of harmful viruses or harmful bacteria. Another reason is that salt can change the pH in the mouth, making it more difficult to exist in the oral cavity.

You can easily mix the salt water mixture to rinse your mouth by dissolving half a teaspoon of salt with 1 cup of warm water to have a cup of light salt water equivalent to 0.9% salt. First, put a large sip in your mouth. Next, lean your head back and start the mixture around the position behind the throat for 15 seconds. In addition to the throat position, carefully pleasing the mouth, covering the solution on the teeth and gums. Then, you spit the solution and continue to repeat the movements with the remaining salt water. For maximum efficiency, you can rinse your mouth with salt water once or twice a day.

The unwanted effects of mouthwash with salt water

Excessive mouthwashing with salt water can reduce the amount of calcium needed to develop healthy teeth. Tooth enamel may also be damaged by long exposure to salt water. In addition, the consumption of large amounts of salt water due to accidentally swallowing mouthwash with salt can make your body fall into dehydration. Notably, the high amount of sodium in salt water can lead to more serious health problems such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, people who have related health problems should consult a doctor before starting to rinse their mouths with salt water.

Categories: Life style
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