≡ The ironing trick is razing on the networks》 Her Beauty

I iron is possibly the most unpopular home task, although a minority says they find it relaxing.

I iron is possibly the most unpopular home task, although a minority says they find it relaxing. The fact is that we invest a lot of time and effort in this task, but that will end the trick that we tell you today.

Summer is already here and ironing can become a nightmare if you don't have an air conditioning at your disposal. Therefore, all tricks and tips to reduce the time we spend the iron are really welcome.

The advice of an expert.

In the account of the influencer @laordenatriz we have been able to see a iron trick that has become a viral phenomenon both for the practical and the simple that will result to thousands of people carrying it out.

And we do not need more than a few ingredients that we all have at home to save a valuable time and a lot of effort when leaving our impeccable clothes.

What is needed.

The base of this trick is half a liter of cold water and a spoonful of cornstarch, something that is usually present in almost all Spanish households due to its cooking versatility. First the two ingredients are mixed and then they heat up without boiling.

To apply the mixture you need to use a sprayer, but it is very important to use it in very small doses until you are accustomed to using the product, since, if you apply too much, the clothes can be very caked.

Once done, the mixture lasts several weeks, you just have to stir it well before using it and it will seem as newly elaborated.

What type of clothing is it for?

This trick can be applied in all types of garments and tissues, but it is especially useful in those that we need to remain with more body, such as shirts, dress pants or dresses.

The essential thing is to spray a few drops of the mixture on the garment just before ironing it. You will see how the iron slides much more smoothly, in addition to the effect will last longer.

It is also very important to take out the washing machine's clothes as soon as the washing cycle ends, with this we will be preventing the garments from leaving even more wrinkled. And all effort is little if we can avoid a good iron time, especially in the hottest months of the year.

Other tips to reduce the use of the iron.

Thanks to this trick based on water and cornstarch we can not only save time and effort, but we can also see the reduction of electricity consumption, some vital importance in the times.

As we have already mentioned, it is important to take out the washing machine's clothes as soon as possible and stretch the clothes to prevent it from wrinkling more. You also have to be very careful when it comes to tending, always trying to place the clothes well extended and carefully when placing the tweezers. Try to always put them in the areas of the seams to prevent them from leaving marks.

It is also important to collect clothes as soon as possible once it has dried since, the more time passed, the more it will be caked. Above all, if the sun gives it or it is very hot. Regarding the shirts and t -shirts, another option that avoids having to iron them is to place them directly on hangers when leaving the washing machine.

There are people who place the hangers in the bathroom to take advantage of the steam that is generated with the shower to remove wrinkles, another very good option, but more appropriate of the cold months, which is when we normally shower with hotter water.

Always listen to labels.

The labels that carry the garments give us very valuable information about the tissues and the way of ironing them and conserving them. For example, if we are facing delicate garments, it is recommended to iron them upside down to avoid damage and glitters on embroidery or adhesives, if the garment carries them.

Adapting the iron at the recommended temperature on the label will make the ironing more effective, in addition to protecting the tissue for a longer time. And always remember how useful steam is. If your iron does not have that option, you can always spray the fabric with water, since moisture turns the gesture of ironing into something infinitely easier.

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