45 bizarre animal behavior during total solar eclipse

The total solar eclipse of April 8 will have wild animals and even pets behaving strangely.

At that time, you have probably heard many chatter on the April 8, 2024 Solar eclipse . What makes one special is that a total solar eclipse which can be seen by this large part of the United States is quite rare. According to NASA, Your next opportunity To see this celestial event in the contiguous United States will not be before August 23, 2044. It is true - unless you plan to make hunts on the eclipse, it is your last chance for 20 years.

Do not worry, however, because the show of April 8, during which the moon will move between the sun and the earth and will completely block the sun for several minutes, will be a big one. USA today note that the upcoming event will have a lot Wider pathway (which means that more Americans will be able to see it from their home) than the most recent total eclipse in 2017, and the next total eclipse in 2044.

There will be residents of the earth that will look ... including animals. In fact, it has been well documented that many animals - whether in nature or a pet at home - are not when a solar eclipse occurs and, therefore, have a rather special behavior. Here are 45 facts supported by science on how animals can react to the next total solar eclipse based on past events and how you can help scientists record these bizarre animal behavior for future research.

In relation: 25 solar eclipse facts that knead your mind .

Why do animals react to a solar eclipse?

solar eclipse in the sky

According to Nasa , a solar eclipse is a term for each time the sun, the moon and the earth line up, whether it is entirely or partially. What makes the next total solar eclipse is that the moon will completely block the sun for those who on all.

"People located in the center of the shadow of the moon when it strikes the earth is experiencing a total eclipse," explains NASA. "The sky will darken, as if it were dawn or twilight. Time allows, people on the way to a total solar eclipse can see the crown of the sun, the external atmosphere, which is otherwise obscured by the bright face of the sun. "

Wild animals and pets at home will probably notice the astronomical event due to changes in light and sound. Over the years, scientists, researchers and medium -sized people have experienced unusual animal behavior during anterior total solar eclipses, such as sleeping, more alert, fringent and even noisy.

You can help researchers record these strange animal behavior.

Silhouette back view of family sitting and relaxing together. Boy point to solar eclipse on gold sky background. Happy family spending time together. Outdoor.

There are still a lot that the scientific community does not know how these rare events affect our fur friends. This is why the same researchers who have documented many of these strange animal behaviors during solar eclipses now require your help Make your own observations In a few days, reports CNN.

Scientists encourage people in the United States to take note of the behavior of their pets during the total solar eclipse of April through a program called Solar Eclipse Safari .

"We want to know how species that have not been observed before behaving during an eclipse," said the program. "These are other types of zoo animals (you think something interesting), and it also includes wild animals, such as squirrels or deer, or Domesticated animals, like your pet cats and dogs (if they are outside during the eclipse!) And cows, or goats on a farm. "

If you don't have animals to observe, head to the zoo.


Researchers also invite public members to Fort Worth Zoo In Texas - which is on the way to the totality - to help document animal behavior during the big event.

"Animals can start to make a rhythm, look at the sky or make noises that they generally do not do," said the solar project Eclipse Safari. “Birds and insects can make more noise before the eclipse and less noise to the entire eclipse. Find out more broadly on how animals react to new and unique experiences. ""

Impossible to go to Texas but always curious to learn how the different species react when the sun disappears (temporarily)? Read the continuation for the 45 most strange animal behaviors that have already been reported during a total solar eclipse.

45 strange animal behavior during total solar eclipse

The bees no longer feel the buzz and do not take a break.

swarm of yellow bees in a green garden

The bees are generally frightening with the activity, but the effect of the eclipse on them is undoubtedly one of the most alarming. According to a 2019 study published in the Annals of the Entomological Society of America, THE The reaction of the bee to the eclipse is almost instantaneous because they stop all activity.

Principal researcher Candace Galen , PHD, reported ,, "We did not expect the change to be so steep that the bees would continue to fly to the whole and only then will stop completely. It was like" the lights "at the summer camp! surprised."


barn own sitting on a fence

Although the owls have not been studied in the measurement of bees, the National Society Audubon Said that these night owls of prey would have started to smell during a total eclipse - which makes sense, because it briefly resembles the night outside.

In relation: 81 strange animal facts that everyone should know .

The gorillas become monkey and become agitated.

Gorillas in Rwanda
Marian Galovic / Shutterstock

In a study in 2020 published in Animals ,, Adam Hartstone-Rose , PHD, professor of the State University of North Carolina, observed that Gorillas have shown high levels of anxiety During the event. Some loaded towards the glass, while others moved aggressively to the top of the eclipse.

The report also said that the female gorillas engaged in behavior that they only presented in the evening just before bed, which was attributed to the darkness caused by the event. After the eclipse, the gorillas resumed their daytime grooming and food grooming activities.

The bats take advantage of the darkness.

bat flying through the night air
Rudmer Zwerver / Shutterstock

When bats do not eat mosquitoes or do not use echolocation to sail in the world around them, these night creatures spend the day sleeping. But during an eclipse, darkness encourages them to think that it is at night, that's why they wake up.

According to Bat Observations during a total solar eclipse in Mexico , Published in The Naturalist of the Southwest In 1999, a researcher observed flying bats of their caves and engaging in daily night activities during a total solar eclipse.

The elephants are preparing for the bed.

herd of elephants

Elephants can have the largest brain of any terrestrial animal, but they are also duped by the dark caused by the eclipse. According to the study led by Hartstone-Rose, the elephants moved to their sleep zones in preparation for their night routines.

Siamang Gibbons shouts and swings to express their discomfort.

Siamang gibbons in a tree
Mas Jono / Shutterstock

Siamang Gibbons is a unique species of monkey from the malaise peninsula in Southeast Asia. They are best known for their pinkish throat bag and their distinct calls.

When the eclipse reaches complete darkness, also known as totality, the monkeys produce strong noise and swing aggressively from one branch to the other, according to the Animals study. The researchers noticed that compared to their usual cries, the calls that the Siamang Gibbons make during the event are incoherent and lack sequence.

Galapagos turtles are becoming a little darying.

Galapagos Tortoise
Fotogrine / Shutterstock

It is sure to say that the long -life galapagos turtle has more than one solar eclipse to its credit. But decades of experience do not prevent these reptiles from reacting to the event.

Researchers from Animals The study observed these gentle giants gathering together, while some have even started mating. Turtles have become more active, exploring their environment at a significant speed. When the moon completely blocked the sun, the animals raised their eyes to the sky and at the end of the event, the energy of the turtles decreased.

Turtles are looking for dry land.

turtle on a log

Unlike the typical turtle behavior, these reptiles become quite active during cosmic events.

According to a 2018 study in The Inspire Journal , a lot Turtles have come out of the water And sat on the bank of the pond. After the end, they returned to the water and resumed normal activities, such as the range for food and nesting.

The giraffes are going through their eclipse anxiety.

two giraffes in love who are nuzzling each other's necks in the safari

Giraffes tend to feel uncomfortable about solar eclipses and show signs of anxiety. Like turtles, giraffes are known to snuggle together during the event. According to the study led by Hartstone-Rose, they also ran and frantically swing the neck and bodies.

Overall, giraffes are much more active than their reference behavior, which, according to scientists, is proof of stress.

Orangutans "verbalize" their concerns.

orangutans sitting on a tree in the forest
Tristan Tan / Shutterstock

The time of an orangutan has often passed to build nests of trees and nibble exotic fruits such as lychea and figs. But when they are faced with a total solar eclipse, orangutans have been reported show signs of discomfort , according to a 2021 study in the Journal of Tropical Biodiversity .

These monkeys showed their discomfort by hitting objects and making sounds with short and abrupt resonance mixed with high squelle noises. And when the eclipse has reached the whole, orangutans have become silent.

In relation: Here are how much the total solar eclipse you can see in your region .

Orb-Weaver spiders take a snack of their paintings.

spider web
Eriks Z / Shutterstock

Orb-Weaver spiders are interesting arachnids, because after having built their paintings, they dismantle them by eating them. They do it towards the end of the day to ingest the dew that clings to their silk and prevents larger animals from getting tangled.

The researchers reported that these Spiders have started to eliminate their networks Once the eclipse has reached the whole, probably thinking it was the night. Then, after the sun reappeared, they rebuilt them.

The squirrels go absolutely crazy.

squirrel climbing on electrical cables
Shutterstock / Noom HH

If you think the squirrels are filled with energy, wait until they see them during an eclipse. If you can believe it, squirrels become more active And run even more than usual. They engage mainly in all their Daily activities in a hyperspeed , by a 1973 article in the journal Bolletino di Zologa .

The deer are perplexed by the faux twilight.

Multiple Deer Eating Plants in Yard
Lux Blue / Shutterstock

Like most animals, deer confuse the entire eclipse for twilight. As they are twilight creatures, deer are mainly active at dawn and towards the end of the day.

Biologist Nicole Baker of The wild center explained that because of this, the deer are inclined to become more active During this solar event, although he is sleeping before him.

The outbreaks unite to keep their babies.

couple feeding flamingos at the zoo
Olesia Bilkei / Shutterstock

When the flamingoes experience a solar eclipse, their attention turns to their babies. They usually leave water and snuggle around their young people , associated reports of the press.

Flamingoes also tend to present signs of anxiety and to walk nervously.

Babouin can move from active prudence to silent concern.

baboon monkey with colorful face and butt in forest

When the day of a baboon is not interrupted by a total solar eclipse, it can generally be found in rest in the shade or grooming. Speak Animals Study, research shows that baboons become very vigilant and focus more on their environment during an eclipse.

They are also known to move quickly in their environment or walk around in circles. However, during the whole, baboons were reported to minimize movements and make steep sounds.

Pelicans pack him and return home.

four pelicans sitting in the middle of a river
Calin Stan / Shutterstock

The Pelicans are just as affected by the eclipse as the Flamant. However, instead of becoming restless, they withdraw to their perches. Sudden darkness interrupts their diurnal routine and gives them the impression that it is at night.

Studies like those led by Hartstone-Rose have shown that the Pelicans have returned to their bay after the event and have continued their daily activities.

Dogs are big fans of solar phenomena.

Bernese Mountain Dog
Oleg Mitkevych / Shutterstock

This one is for dog lovers. The reports of dog reactions to the eclipse are varied. While many puppies may not have a significant response, some dogs have been reported Show signs of stress and anxiety , according to Erica Cartmill , PHD, professor at Indiana University.

As she said People , dogs are known to pass anxiously, howl in the dark sky and, in some cases, prepare for the bed during the total solar eclipse.

Cats can be frightening ... or completely panicked.

Ginger tabby young cat sitting on a wooden floor looks up and meowing
Savitskaya Iryna / Shutterstock

Like Cat (read: Unbotrered), your feline friend will probably not even notice that there is an eclipse. However, Mr. Leanne Lilly , DVM, a veterinary behaviorist At the Ohio State veterinary center, explains to People That the light offset, if it is noticed, could return your baby to anxious fur.

It is common for them to engage in nervous habits, such as hiding or sticky behavior.

In relation: 29 facts of fun cats that you never knew about your friend in fur .

The crickets respond with a symphony of chirping.

This wooden floor insect is a type of cricket.

If you like it Sound of Cirping Crickets , the total solar eclipse is the ideal moment to listen. The crickets generally sing their songs with twilight to attract a companion, so when an eclipse occurs, they think it's night and start their software.

The chickens are confused and come home to perch.


Like most animals, chickens are duped by darkness The solar eclipse creates, and therefore return to their cooperatives to perch. And as with other similar animals, when the sun returns, they believe that it is again in the morning and resumes their daytime behavior.

Pigeons also think it's asleep.

Pigeons chilling in an urban area

Like their avian peers, pigeons are confused by the darkness that the whole creates, says the National Audubon Society. Thus, when the moon covers sunlight, the pigeons return to their perches to sleep.

Turkey vultures have reactions similar to pigeons and chickens.

close up of turkey vulture face
Gary L. Miller / Shutterstock

Turns of turkey Also be a victim of the false night solar eclipses created by Birdcast. Like pigeons and chickens, they withdraw to their perches.

During all, Turkey’s vultures also interpret darkness as a sign to stay close to the ground, because they count on the The thermal of the sun to fly , according to the Hickory Knolls Discovery Center.

The ducks could look at the sun.

Mallard Ducks Swimming in a Pond {How Do Animals Stay Warm}

Ducks may not be the most intelligent creatures, so there is a chance that they are Look directly in the sun And injure themselves, the blog's fresh eggs warn daily.

The ducks "turn an eye to the sky whenever they see everything that flies above the head, and we do not know how wild birds will react (I read that darkness could even pull bald -Souris), which could make our ducks turn upwards, so I think it's not a bad idea to keep your ducks inside during the eclipse, "said the site.

Tawny Frogmouths acts very out of character.

tawny frogmouth in a tree
Feathercollector / Shutterstock

If you have never heard of this unusual animal, you are not alone. Unlike its deceptive name, a Fauve Fauve is a bird with a stocky construction and a large head. Due to its color and nocturnal habits, people often confuse it with an owl.

When the Fauve de Frogmouth knows the entire eclipse, it becomes vigilant and super active, according to the Animals study. He also completely opens his eyes and moves along the branches, which is considered a rare and rare behavior.

Cows are confused.

funny cow in a pasture
Olha Rohulya / Shutterstock

Like chickens, cows are confused by sudden darkness.

"If you are on a farm that day, you can see, during this maximum darkness, you can see Cows returning to the barns , " Holly Schreiber , PHD, chief scientist of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, told WKBW.

Zooplankton rushes to the surface of the ocean.

Rattiya Thongdumhyu / Shutterstock

Zooplankton looks as funny as they sound it. These tiny translucent microorganisms are based on water currents to move, but during an eclipse, they go to the surface of the ocean Almost as if it were called, sometimes at a depth of more than 200 feet.

Red lemurs with ruffles are ruffled.

The red-fronted lemur (Eulemur rufifrons, also known as the red-fronted brown lemur or southern red-fronted brown lemur) with baby, in Andasibe national park, Madagascar
Dennis Van de Water / Shutterstock

In 2017, the Nashville Zoo developed an article of post-eclipse observations entitled " How our animals reacted to the solar eclipse . ""

The zoo wrote that the red lemurs who rested before the eclipse became more active: "They all went up and seemed a little confused as to the reason they were exposed in the dark. But did not seem to be affected Once once there was light again. "

The light sensitivity of small penguins is triggered by the eclipse.

Little Penguins in Featherdale Wildlife Park in Australia
Natalia Pushchina / Shutterstock

Andre Chiariadia , PHD, explained to Oceana that Small penguins are sensitive to light And are only nocturnal when they are on earth, it is therefore likely that they are affected by the sudden darkness of the total solar eclipse.

At the same time, Chiariadia clarified that an eclipse would have an impact on the behavior of little penguin if it happened "at sunset when they return to the house or at sunrise when they leave the colony".

In relation: Which really happens to you if you directly look a solar eclipse .

Chimpanzees are impatient to take a look.

Old Chimpanzee pose for a portrait

Like many of their primate cousins, the chimpanzees react to a solar eclipse with great interest. Curious is the best way to describe their behavior, as the chimpanzees were reported to watch To the sky, even climb trees to better look.

In a 1986 study published in the American Journal of Primatology , a researcher noted: "A juvenile stood up straight and signaled in the sense of the sun and the moon."

The hippopotams stop their rest by the river.

Hippo head in the blue water, African Hippopotamus, Hippopotamus amphibius capensis, with evening sun, animal in the nature water habitat, Mana Pools NP, Zimbabwe, Africa. Wildlife scene from nature.

Hippopotams generally spend their time sleeping under the sun in the river. But when an eclipse occurs, they Row of their sleep and head for the river bank.

"The decreasing light and heat obviously recalled the hippopotams of the sunset, when they normally disperse from the sandbank in the middle of the road and go to the river along the bottom of the river (they are too heavy for swimming) ", astronomer Paul Murdin written in Astronomy and geophysics (via Mongabay).

Mosquitoes are attracted to the entire eclipse.

mosquitoes swaming
Tunatura / Istock

Be sure to take out the insect spray if you are outside during a solar eclipse, because mosquitoes will join you. According to Murdin's report in 2001, " Mosquitoes and flies immediately appeared to the whole. ""

When mosquitoes see this false twilight, they come out in force, you will want to protect your skin.

The whales organize a surveillance party.

grey whale while spy hopping outside the blue sea at sunset
Andrea Izzotti / Shutterstock

Funny fact: whales are just as interested in looking at the eclipse as humans. By Time ,, Douglas Duncan , the director of Planetarium Fiske At the University of Colorado, observed strange behavior of whales and dolphins during a total solar eclipse of 1998.

While in the Galapagos Islands, he looked at around 20 mammals swimming silently in and out of the waters. The whales "surfaced, stopping in and out of the water in full silence".

The Lorikeets move nervously like a herd.

two lorikeets pressing their heads together
Nick Fox / Shutterstock

Lorikeets are known to become agitated during the whole, and at the top of the eclipse, the herd becomes very active, as indicated in the Animals study. They also fly and move together in a synchronized way, and at the end of the eclipse, the birds become quieter and begin to straighten.

Horses have a range of emotions.

three horses

Horses are known to have various answers to solar eclipses. Sometimes they display a nervous behavior, like shaking the head and tail.

Research published in the Animals Journal suggests that they can snuggle up together, start their routines at bedtime and head for their stables.

Ants take a little time and do not light up work.

pavement ants in sidewalk cracks
SAVELOV MAKSIM / Shutterstock

Ants are some of the most workers on the planet, but during an eclipse, They stop , by a 1937 study published in Acts of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences .

Like many animals, ants also settle in their sleep positions because they confuse darkness with twilight.

The crops stop their buzzing.

Emerged 17 year Brood X periodical cicadas. Every 17 years they tunnel up from the ground and molt into their adult form and mate. Newly hatched cicada nymphs fall from trees and burrow into dirt.

Cicadas are known to fill the hottest months with a buzzing drone, and this year brings double broods. But during a solar eclipse, these noisy insects are hooked.

In an article in 1992 published in Florida's entomologist The researchers explained: "The decrease in radiative heat gain during the eclipse seems to be responsible for the Inhibition of the call in cicadas . Without the normal degree of radiant energy present in their environment, the cicadas may not have been able to maintain the high body temperature which is necessary for the activity. ""

Grizzlis wake up.

Grizzly Bear in Yellowstone National Park
Nagel / Shutterstock photograph

Not a lot of waking up a sleeping grizzlyman ... but a solar eclipse could do it. Reports cited in the Animals The study showed that during the whole, these bears are known to wake up and wander. As soon as it's over, however, they find another shaded place to fall asleep. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Cacatoos fall in love.

two cockatoos in a tree
Martin Pelanek / Shutterstock

A cosmic event brings together creatures, such as cockatoos. During the eclipse, the male cockatoos engage with female cockatoes by leaning over each other and making their spins grazed, according to the Animals study.

Cacatoes also smoothed and also raise their ridges, but after the event, the birds separate.

Lapwings panic.

river lawping
Senkethya Sar / Shutterstock

This elegant bird does not behave very elegantly when it experiences an eclipse. He panics by quickly defeating his wings and making strong and strident noises, according to the study conducted by Hartstone-Rose.

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The owl monkeys make a beat and show caution.

owl monkey sitting in a tree at night
Edwin Butter / Shutterstock

The owl monkeys are a nocturnal species that freezes during an eclipse. According to a 2010 study in Plos a , these Primates will stop moving About and look for food when it is dark.

Researchers think they are doing it because owl monkeys have trouble seeing what they take for food and that trees want to avoid falling.

The big Blue Turaco goes bankrupt his tail feathers of fear.

Great blue turaco bird sitting in a tree
Sergei Koultchitskii / Shutterstock

The Grand Turaco Bleu is a striking bird that also bows to astronomical wonders. This bird was observed in the Nashville zoo during an eclipse, during which it became more vigilant and looked at the sky.

The turaco became more nervous and fought brutally while the sky darkens. Its feathers have stressed anxiety and tail feathers have turned off. The bird remained anxious throughout the eclipse, but returned to normal once it was finished.

The sheep greet the dark to come with a "baa".


The sheep of the Nashville zoo were mainly not mistreated during the last eclipse, although also "BAA" while the eclipse slowly darkens the day and gave the impression that the night was approaching.

The goats are on high alert (and ready for the bed).


Also at the Nashville zoo, some goat ears turned "to an alert" during the eclipse. A goat was so bearded by the darkness of the whole that she moved to the zoo area of the zoo.

Calalais Rhinoceros sing.

rhinoceros hornbills in a tree
Feathercollector / Shutterstock

Rhinoceros calaos are another kind of birds that likes to be strong during a total solar eclipse. The Nashville zoo observers spotted these creatures moving at the top of their enclosure immediately after all, then vocalizing.

Humans have an existential crisis.

Three happy female friends looking at a solar eclipse, as one woman removes her eclipse glasses
Leopatrizi / Istock

Ok, not all humans. Many of us just like to watch the show! But throughout history, cultures have had fairly extreme reactions to solar eclipses, many considering that these special celestial events are bad omens.

As the exploretorium notes, humanity having a strong emotional reaction For the eclipse is a well documented phenomenon. You might feel frightened, sad or otherwise moved, and that is completely normal. Just feel what comes to you naturally-and be sure not to look at it directly, except for the brief period of totality, so tempting it can be.

Who is imperturbable? Bear.


Leave to our hibernation friends to stay completely cold during a total solar eclipse. According to New York Post , Observers of the Zoo & Garden Riverbanks in Columbia, SC, during the 2017 eclipse noted that the The bears did not have a reaction . Visitors to the zoo will probably evaluate if it remains the same this year.

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