How to get rid of cockroaches

Learn hacks of deletion of effective roach with this guide supported by experts.

Cockroaches are probably the Most hated bugs in the world and for a good reason. These dissected insects fly your snacks, make embarrassing appearances in front of the company and can even trigger Like asthma and rashes. Unfortunately, if you see one, he is sure to say that it has brought a few hundred of his friends.

Cockup infestation can disrupt the peace and comfort of your home, but fortunately, you can eliminate these frightening creatures with good tools and good advice. Without roach. Read more for their best Gardon elimination advice.

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What are the cockroaches?

how to get rid of cockroaches - cockroach on piece of wood outdoors
Shutterstock / Luis2499

At this stage of our lives, we have all seen at least one cockroach - and more likely several hundred. But what do we really know about these persistent pests? Here are several points that you should note.

Cockroaches can be dated to Carboniferous , 280 million years ago. They are generally identified by their flat and oval bodies, which have a fatty sensation. The cockroaches have six legs, two antennas and wings (although fortunately, they do not all fly). They can also vary in size of half a pump 3.5 inches long. Funny fact: one of the largest species and insects of cardion in the world is the giant excavator , which is roughly the size of a lawyer.

There are more than 4,000 different types of cockroaches and around 70 of them live in the United States. These insects like to hang out in hot spaces near food or water. However, cockroaches are more than parasites; They can also present serious health risks.

"The cockroaches are not only coarse; they are also dangerous for our health," says Ian Williams , a technology services manager and Certified council entomologist With Orkin. "They can spread E. coli And Salmonella in the houses. Exposure to cockroaches and thrown skins is known to trigger allergies and asthma. ""

Cockroaches also secrete pheromones and substances that not only feel bad, but can mark certain surfaces, including fabric.

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What are the common types of cockroaches?

One of the best ways to retaliate against these cockroaches is to learn to identify them.

"It is important to determine the type of cockroach you are dealing with," said Williams. "The places you may find and the ways you could deal with the problem can depend on the species."

If you are worried, the cockroaches have invaded your home, here are four common species to watch.

1. American cockroach

how to get rid of cockroaches - american cockroach
Guillermo Guerao Serra / Shutterstock

First of all: American cockroaches can fly . Once they reach maturity, these cockroaches get wings that cover their abdomen. American cockroaches generally measure 1 to 2 inches long and have reddish brown bodies.

Like most cockroaches, American cockroaches are not difficult and eat various things, including other insects and plants. The female roach can lay up to 10 eggs per case, which they generally hide in the cracks of the house. After about 45 days, these eggs hatch and 14 new cockroaches are born. It takes around 200 to 400 days for these nymphs (baby cockroaches) to ripen.

Erika Milenkovic , CEO of Pest , suggests that the best way to get rid of American cockroaches is through the treatment of the perimeter and bait in the outdoor area of the house. It is at this time that the chemicals killing the roach / tumoring of insects are sprayed outside the structure to prevent creatures from coming.

2. Brown strip cockroach

how to get rid of cockroaches - brown-banded cockroach
Liberty my wing / trigger

Brown tape cockroaches generally measure about half a long and long and enjoy very hot, dry and high areas. This species has a lifespan of five to six months and is often near refrigerators, televisions or other stationary devices which tend to warm up. AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

The male brown strip cockroach has a thin golden brown body, while the female has a construction in the shape of a dark brown tear. They generally hide their eggs in furniture and appreciate snacking on starch foods such as book binders, wallpaper paste and sometimes even nylon stockings.

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3. German cockroach

how to get rid of cockroaches - german cockroach
Erik Karits / Shutterstock

German cockroaches are the most common cockroaches in the United States, but can be found worldwide. These insects have a lifespan of around 100 to 200 days, and like most cockroaches, they like wet time. German cockroaches are generally found in groups inside the kitchens, bathrooms or anywhere near plumbing.

These insects measure about half a long and long and have narrow tanned bodies with two dark bands behind their heads. Female cockroaches can lay 30 to 50 eggs at a time and produce up to eight egg boxes throughout their lives. These pests like candies and pastries in particular, but can also hang some bites of non -food articles like books.

Milenkovic tells Better life that German cockroaches are "better combat with gel baits and Insect growth regulators "" Who does not necessarily kill them, but who have an impact on their growth. This affects their ability to mature in adulthood and reproduce.

4. Oriental cockroach

how to get rid of cockroaches - oriental cockroach
Liz Weber / Shutterstock

Despite what their namesake suggests, the eastern cockroaches come from Africa. They usually find their way in your home using sewer pipes and drains, and prefer the much cooler temperatures compared to other cockroaches. Eastern cockroaches tend to sneak into a house when it is too cold outside, or after strong rain showers.

You can generally find their dark and narrow body in a lot of leaves or on the ground floor of a building, and their favorite meal is garbage. Eastern cockroaches measure approximately 1 to 1 1/4 inches long and are also known to release spicy odors, so you will likely feel them before seeing them.

Milenkovic suggests using gel baits to fight them because its "delayed effect works well because [oriental cockroaches] like to share frost between them". This helps accelerate the elimination process.

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What attracts cockroaches to you?

how to get rid of cockroaches - A cockroach sitting near a sink drain in a bathroom

Unfortunately, many houses have all the advantages that draw cockroaches. Any location with heat and humidity, such as kitchens and bathrooms, is a happy place for a cockroach, according to Scott Svenheim , a certified entomologist with Really Nolen Pest Control .

Williams warns the owners of the house to take care of the fleeing pipes and explains: "Most cockroaches need and are looking for high humidity and humidity."

The dark and crowded places with a minimum of pedestrian traffic are also perfect establishments for cockroaches to hide and multiply.

And, of course, food is a great attraction for these tiny critters, especially if the items are not sealed and the crumbs are excluded. It is important to throw the garbage often and eliminate standing sources, such as your pet's food and water bowl.

"The diet of an animal and how its food is stored can inadvertently attract pests to the house," said Kathryn Dench , My vetmb, chief veterinary advisor at Patte origins . "The appropriate storage of pet food in sealed containers and maintaining a clean power area are simple but effective strategies to reduce the probability of attracting cockroaches."

Cockroaches also love easy access to your home, so search for tiny cracks and holes on which they can travel.

How to prevent cockroaches from infesting your home

how to get rid of cockroaches - Cockroach on Bottom of SInk
Siriphiron / Shutterstock poravute

Learning the prevention methods of cockroaches before a problem arises is an excellent first step to keep your roach at home without. Here are some hacks to help you stay prepared.

1. Search warning panels.

Be careful so you can catch your Gardon problem early. Although small, the cockroaches leave behind a path you can follow if you pay attention:

  • The cockroaches leave excrement that very much look like pieces of ground coffee.
  • The egg liners or the Gardon exoskeletons are often left in the corners and crevices around the house.
  • Cockroaches emit pheromones, which can cause an odor in the spaces they inhabit.
  • The cockroaches chew tiny holes in food packages, wallpaper, paint and sometimes even clothes.

2. Move with caution.

When you move in a new space, pay particular attention to the packaging materials you use.

"Be careful to monitor what is brought home and from where," explains Svenheim. "Infestations are most often introduced from other places."

Sometimes the cockroach egg capsules can stop in furniture or boxes. So keep your materials in dry, high spaces and without cockroach before using them to pack.

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3. Sell the entry points.

Williams suggests "[Seal] cracks and crevices with caulking or sealing. Backsplash.

4. Do not leave food.

One of the best ways to anticipate a Gardon infestation is to maintain a clean house and properly store food.

"Sanitation is important in any cockroach infestation," explains Svenheim. "The more food sources can be kept away from the cockroaches, the more the debris [which] can be cleaned carefully, the more they will have to try stronger to find a food source."

Metal or plastic containers are strong storage options to keep these bugs away.

Wash and store your dishes after each meal and rinse your recyclables. Williams warns that even the "Gunk that accumulates next to your oven or behind the coffee maker" can attract cockroaches. Often, scanning and cleaning your floors are also excellent ways to eliminate persistent crumbs.

"A vacuum can also eliminate cockroaches," says Williams. "Just make sure to empty the vacuum cleaner in case there are survivors and place them in bags in bag outside your home. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter, if possible, to avoid Aerosolize any skin or cockroach excrement. "

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How to get rid of cockroaches

how to get rid of cockroaches - dead roach on concrete floor
Shutterstock / Take Photo

Discovering that you have cockroaches is always deeply unpleasant, but there are several ways to rid your home of this infestation. However, Williams warns people who use any form of chemicals for eliminating the bar - in particular over -the -counter treatments - to be careful.

"Depending on the cardion species, different types of treatments can potentially worsen the problem or more difficult to solve," he said. "All the products labeled" for cockroaches "are not the best product for them. And always follow all the safety instructions for the label. Finally, no more product is not better."

1. Traps

Turn off the sticky traps near the wall or where the cockroaches frequent the most. These traps also work better in difficult to access crevices, as under the stove or behind the refrigerator.

2. Liquid detergent

This common household article can be diluted with water and used to wipe the counters and the ground floor to dissuade the cockroaches from coming. The soapy solution disturbs Their breathing and stubes them.

3. Insecticides perimeter

Although the perimeter insecticides are effective, they are also toxic to humans, so be sure to use them with caution. This treatment can be used inside cracks or areas where cockroaches frequent the most. It can also be placed outside as a barrier to prevent insects from entering the house.

4. Chemical bait

Chemical baits can help you control your quick problem. They come in the form of gel, dough or foam, and are easy to distribute whenever necessary. Although they are very effective, they are also toxic to humans and pets. When you turn off the bait, avoid putting it near insecticides, as this can dissuade the cockroaches from eating bait.

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What quickly gets rid of cockroaches?

how to get rid of cockroaches - dead cockroach on the floor
Anan Kaewkhammul / Shutterstock

If you want to cope with your roach problem as soon as possible, the options below can provide effective front treatments.

1. Boric acid

Boric acid , which is in the form of powder or frost, is considered one of the most effective means of eliminating cockroaches. It sticks to the body of the insect and, when ingested, boric acid causes serious damage to its nervous system.

2. Borax

This product works well to attract cockroaches, especially when mixed with sugar. Borax dehydrates cockroaches and destroys their intestinal lining, which leads to famine.

How to get rid of cockroaches naturally

how to get rid of cockroaches - lemon oil next to lemons
Amylv / Shutterstock

Getting rid of cockroaches does not mean that you should turn off your home with chemicals. Although this route can be more effective, these natural solutions can also dissuade cockroaches and minimize your infestation.

1. Citrus

Cockroaches may not be picky, but they don't like citrus fruits. Place lemon oil in your cleaning solutions or use it to wipe your meters is a great way to keep the cockroaches remotely. He will not eliminate them like boric acid, but it is an excellent deterrence.

2. Essential oils

If you are looking for an effect similar to that of citrus fruits, add essential oils of lime, rosemary or oregano to your arsenal. A drop of these oils mixed with water in breathtaking places will also distance them.

3. Baking soda

Mix baking soda and sugar and sprinkle in places where you have seen cockroaches. When eaten, baking soda creates gases in the cockroach, finally killing it. You can also create the same treatment with onions by covering them with baking soda.

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What do professional antiparasitic control services offer?

pest control worker lying on floor and spraying pesticides under cabinet in kitchen

If you are not a kind of person to do yourself, no worries. There are always professionals ready to take care of your pest problem for you. Depending on the size of your caretaker problem, this could be an option that deserves to be continued. Each antiparasitic control service has a different approach, but everyone can offer you quality advice and solve your problems with their expertise.

For example, "Orkin can create a tailor -made approach by inspecting your home, treating the perimeter with preventive materials and strengthening the structure by sealing gaps and holes", explains Williams. "Other recommendations often include cleaning gutters, maintaining an appropriate landscaping and maintaining properly stored pet food."

Professional antiparasitic control services are more able to find the root of the problem, which can lead to better results. In addition to having an eye formed, they offer quality treatments, such as insecticide dust or gels that they can plant safely in and around your home. Keep in mind that the hiring of a professional service could cost you $ 100 at $ 500 , by Homeadvisor.

How to get rid of cockroaches permanently

person wearing gloves cleaning kitchen counter
Shutterstock / Professional ESB

That you can definitively and permanently eliminate the cockroaches in your home is questionable. However, you can considerably reduce your pest problem, and with the right help and good treatments, you may never see it again.

"Getting rid of cockroaches and keeping them out of your home is a continuous process that will not be resolved with unique treatment," says Williams. "It is best to call your local antiparasitic control business whose precision treatments are effective while being a safe method available for your family."

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Whether you have cockroaches in your home or not, it always helps to be prepared and armed with advice for eliminating parasites. Continue to turn with us for more advice to keep your spaces without insects and rodents.

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